Зеличенко Александр Леонидович : другие произведения.

Gai: to be or not to be

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   GAI: to be or not to be
   By Alexander Zelichenko,
   TCA contributor
   BISHKEK (TCA). Following Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, Kyrgyzstan is
   currently hashing out the issue of the GAI's (State Auto Inspectorate)
   Tbilisi was the first to replace the GAI, an out and out corrupt class,
   with several hundred officers to form a totally new traffic enforcement
   unit in line with Kosovo Police Service's training practices.
   So, is Georgia now reaping the benefits? And what's the crux of the
   Kosovo approach? Well-versed instructors from 24 countries arrived there
   to train local policemen according to a specially designed three-month
   program. Many of their trainees, especially from the early enrollments,
   had long served with the militia in the former Yugoslavia. Under the
   then system, 15-year-old boys and girls used to be sent to close boarding
   schools for 4 years to turn into professional traffic patrolmen of the
   level roughly comparable to that of our average militia school.
   Furthermore, after finishing the Kosovo Police Academy (a westernesque
   term for a 3-month course), the students worked for another half a year
   under the supervision of a UN-arranged international team of police
   from 55 countries. For all that, nevertheless, "even a top-flight cook
   will fail to make a delicious salad from poor-quality ingredients", said
   the Director of the Academy Steven Bennet, commenting on the students'
   mix, their learning skills, their psychophysical test results, etc.
   The Georgian version selects candidates, after having taken a slightly
   reality-appropriate adjusted course, who then become eligible for a
   high (locally speaking) monthly pay of up to $250. They then go, by
   state-owned snazzy BMWs, "to the field", to patrol certain districts of the
   city. Their duties include being on the beat, traffic control, and all
   kinds of other daily routines.
   As I was told, corruption in Georgia quickly disapeered. Patrolmen are
   always nice, polite and friendly. Today no one is going to stop you
   'just because'. But if you did break the rule, you will not escape the
   consequences. This is a big plus.
   At the same time, prior to the US president Bush's visit to Tbilisi in
   April, the main streets were repeatedly been blocked off for
   restoration. Such disruptions thoroughly confused the car-heavy city. At that
   point, the shortage of patrolmen became evident. It's not easy to be a
   good traffic controller in a large metropolis.
   I joined my colleague from Kyrgyzstan for an evening stroll along
   Rustaveli Avenue streaming through the heart of Georgia's capital. Having
   apparently mistaken a Kyrgyz man for Japanese, a flock of aggressive
   beggars closed in on us out of nowhere. They simply ignored the polices'
   timid attempts to help us...
   In Moldova, the traffic police have been cut by half, restaffed and
   restructured. From now on, only those qualified in law, physically trained
   and speaking foreign languages may be hired by the GAI. If a policeman
   stops a car for no good reason, the driver has the right to immediately
   make a telephone call to the generally publicized numbers. Nationwide,
   there are only two stationary posts left functioning as field offices.
   Yet, Moldova's authorities didn't go as far in uprooting the whole
   traffic enforcement service.
   The voices both for and against the GAI could be heard in Ukraine,
   which also got rid of this agency. However, even drivers don't see the
   innovation eye to eye.
   Although there is no doubt about overdue reforms in the Kyrgyz state
   traffic control system, there is no need to hurry either. Better safe
   than sorry...
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