Anywhere happines hid from the deep fogs,
I walk along the blue lake to listent to the frogs.
In the shadow of the trees hides heartbreaking tune. [twin]
I walk along 'raynybow towards to my dream. (Англичане очень часто пишу о мечте)
Simple forest of the leaves sweeps me anything
Simple forest has e messege for me and my sweet dream.
I'm 'knight of forlorn trees and 'death of anygreefs
I'm 'knight of broken hearth and and my low-down tune.
Lonely mericle sneaks out of the silent swamps,
I see the awful hands and yeys of any wily hags
Anywhere happines hid from the deep fogs,
I walk along the blue lake to listent to the frogs.
Илья Железовский