Жуков Дмитрий Николаевич : другие произведения.

Grace of Density

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Density of silence is a grace of hope.
It is a treasure only few may realize.
So many pleasures you will find,
Just listen to that stillness deep inside.
No need to worry. Just calmly search, 
And you will see the speed of light.
Enjoy the music of the universe,
Those sacred prayers of the stars.

Imagine every distance as illusions,
Desires pure as the tears of saints,
Ideas that will stand above the skies,
Your will"s a fortress without walls.

The time has come to take the right,
To overcome suspicions of your mind,
That constantly deceives and ruins life.
Embrace the truth that sleeps so tight.

There is so much within your heart,
That may restore you part by part.
The light of supernova treads the path.
It is unclear and quite often so hard.

The time has come to make it right,
Embrace the light; enjoy the fight.
The path becomes the sense of life.
Through pain you"ll crush the pride.

Behold the sacred grace of choice.
The line of wisdom humans cherish.
The silent voice restrains the violence.
Profound thought shall stop the gore. 

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