What amazes me most and is alarming in today's pandemic?
It is not impotent that the United States dealt a bacteriological attack on China but did not take into consideration possible consequences and failed to cope with them.
The war is going. The third world War. This War is following-up several decades now.
This war has not been declared?
Well, this is such a century - it is customary to hit in the back, stealthily, and then appoint the injured party as guilty.
What about such fact that the aggressor and his satellites suffered most?
And so it happens in a war - tactical mistake and as result of that they came under friendly fire.
It amazes me how many own players, stakeholders and devil's advocates this pandemic have.
What struck me, not less, that it was the stupidity and complete passivity of the medical community.
People who took the Hippocratic Oath and which studied medicine for years, went to infectious centers like rams intended at slaughter - with their heads bowed and their brains switched off.
It was extremely necessary to turn on the brains - from the very beginning of the pandemic statistics gave enough clues on the specific features of the infection and protection against the virus.
About the position of officials - this position is quite understandable.
To recognize that thousands of people died as a result of refusal of this bureaucrat of carrying out of a mandatory hepatitis B vaccination - bureaucrat will never make such a confession in principle.
Therefore, the topic of hepatitis vaccination and its relationship with the development of the coronavirus epidemic is a big taboo at all official lavels.
Discussion of physical methods of pandemic control is also under taboo as too big financial and political advantages are expected by vaccine developers and too many actors are interested in redistribution of spheres of influence under the guise of a pandemic.
A completely unique position has been taken by WHO.
In fact, it was "de facto" the position of "devil's advocate".
As an example: WHO actually banned the pathologic examination of people who was died from coronavirus.
As a result - data of the most important features of inner pathology of died patients who were infected by the virus became known only now, four months after the begining of the epidemic.
What happened as a result of such attitudes, and others recommendations of WHO?
On conscience of the WHO officials death of thousands of people who die from complications after exposure of the virus despite the fact that its direct exposure at person, in fact, is not so great and not so lethal.
People were dying from the "cytokine storm"; from impaired microcirculation in lungs; from thrombosis as a result of hemodialysis usage for treatment, on the WHO recommendation.
Why did doctors find out about this just now?
It's very simple - WHO, as I said, banned dissection of bodies for epidemiological reasons.
The ban on of bodies' dissection in laboratories of the 4th degree of protection under epidemiological reasons - for me such reasons are difficult understand.
It's even more difficult for me to understanding the WHO requirement to test vaccines and drugs that are supposedly capable to confronting the epidemic only in WHO previously approved guidelines. It means that testing should last for months and years.
Apparently testing and related cliquish interests are on their own, and the epidemic is on its own.
Why not use for such testing traditional contingent in such critical situations as volunteers and prisoners which are going under heavy articles of law?
Oh! This is not ethical!
In other word, watching as hundreds of thousands of people die - is completely ethical! But to put at risk 50/50 several hundred criminals to save these people - it is not ethical?
It is impossible!
It is not humanely!
It's hard to understand for me.
More precise, I do not understand - who benefits from such a stupid and immoral position.
We see that there are four main ways of attitude to the epidemic:
а. Chinese has most severe quarantine, the highest discipline and suppression of the nidus of epidemic of the virus by means of a lots money;
б. Swedish and Belarusian: to do nothing;
в. Russian and Quebecer: to loudly declare the Chinese way; implement the Swedish way and to steal difference;
с. The way of the United States of America - it is to scream loudly about its greatness and exclusivity and after that to find itself in a position of an innocent girl who was so carried away to making extra money by the sex servicing on street that she not only had enough contraceptives, but she also failed to have abortion in time.
Д. For the rest of the world - how a curve will take it out to somewhere.
Chinese way
No one excepted China could carry it out.
Other countries have neither necessary financial reserve, nor people who are so conscious and trust their government.
Swedish and Belarusian way:
This method causes minimal damage to the economy, but if they do not use physical methods to suppress the virus, the associated human losses will be quite large.
Although, it seems to me, related human losses from the collapse of the economy because of quarantine institution will be even greater for them.
Russian and Quebecer way:
Well, this is a mixture of something with anything - something that is Beyond of Reason, Morality, and Logic.
In Quebec, to the accompaniment of abstruse chatter and ungifted outward show, everything do to infect the maximum number of people.
In result of such demonstrative activity most powerless and defenseless are simply left to die.
(С) "... in Lassalle Montreal district. Press describes the situation in the CHSLD Herron nursing home. Elderly and disabled people who lived here was left without unattended and without assistance for a long time. As a result of that out of 137 people living there, OVER 30 people died....."
What is the reaction of Quebec officials from medicine to the pandemic?
Very indicative - when I turned to them with a proposal for physical protection against coronavirus infection, they answered me in such manner - (С) "Weunfortunatelycannotreplytoyourrequest, becauseitpertainstoamatternotwithinthejurisdictionoftheRИgiedel'assurancemaladieduQuИbec.Instead, we suggest that you contact the Public Health Agency of Canda, at the following Internet address:"
I reached out the address indicated. They did not answer to me. It seems, to deal with the epidemic in practice is not a part of functions of this ministry and out of its interest.
And, I think, from level of their erudition, they clearly do not quite understand what it is a bactericidal lamp and why it is needed for.
Therefore, they prefer not to risk to its sway and political image.
In Putin's Russia they managed to make restarting of the epidemic into the second round, by rehearsing the parade and demonstratively infecting people in the metro.
The economy is already completely collapsed and the population is on the verge of starvation.
Despite everything, there is one plus in this epidemic - and the Russian army as well as the American army as result of pandemic are rapidly losing its own battle capability. This reduces the opportunity of these countries to try to solve their internal problems through outboard military provocation.
But, no matter what, the full potential of the epidemic is used by them in full to suppress opposition and redistribute political spheres of influence.
And what about people?
As the Russian bureaucratic wisdom says: (C) "women will give birth to enough scums"
British way:
There, officials drove themselves into a trap.
For many years Britain was "ahead of the rest" in denying mandatory vaccinations.
As a result, the majority of the population is not vaccinated and no one of officials wants to answer for it.
Covering their own ass, medical bureaucrats took an unequivocal position: "we are dependent people. We do what wise WHO decides".
But in WHO do not work doctors, but same stupid politicians.
Yes, and in Britain, in Canada, and in the United States too was quickly forgotten for what reason there was a "legionnaires" disease and what it was.
In Britain, Canada and the United States, stores and offices have a predominantly overhead artificial climate system, for which no one performs bactericidal handling.
I look in Canada at the dirt-covered air intake grilles above people representing the quarantine order, and my hair stand up as bristle.
The theme "Coronavirus in the USA" is a special topic.
What is going on in the USA is the very probable future for everything "...." of humanity.
The word "civilized" cannot be added to this phrase because in the context with the word "USA" it sounds like fake.
In the context with the word "humanity" it looks most likely, too as a fraud.
So, the coronavirus epidemic in the USA
There are so many features that it's difficult to break them into serial numbers.
I'll start with the most important ones.
ALL medical service in the USA is medical service by insurance. This is means that if any one can't pay - it has all right to dead; if you ask for medical service without insurance; or in cases not covered by medical insurance - you get into debt and in a worst case, you will pay off debts for the rest of life.
Therefore, no one will do the hepatitis vaccination that is not indicated in the insurance policy. Yes, and about 30% of the population does not have this medical insurance.
An addition to that significant part of the US population has very vague ideas about the meaning of such words as hepatitis and vaccination according to their low level of erudition.
Most of this unvaccinated US population is African-Americans.
There is another problem with them: because of low sexual culture of many generations mast of them are carriers of hepatitis D.
Hepatitis D, in the context of coronavirus, is not just scary, it is very scary.
Coronavirus updated by Hepatitis D is able not only to form many subspecies, but also it can be transmitted vertically among the population, that is, from mother to fetus.
In addition, most of this contingent uses either light or hard drugs - and both of them blunt immunity.
What will to do this contingent when it realizes that it has no future?
I think that broken shop windows, upturned and burning cars on the streets of American cities, will not be the biggest problems.
Thereby I think, the US needs to prepare for a long social and economic crisis.
To be continued
Part six - "according to what scenario will further events develop"