Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Israeli Terrorism (11)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками


(conclusions from the previous chapter - and new materials)

From the first chapter of this part ("Israeli Medical Terrorism") of our work we can see that the medicine and medical help, medical institutions and medical personnel are used by the Israeli regime as tools for killing and discriminate people. Medicine is used by Israeli government for humiliation, racism purposes, and artificial augmentation of mortality rate within particular ethnic groups (Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants from ex-USSR in particular).

International community, United Nations, Amnesty International kept silence about "medical" violations, committed by Israeli government against Russian-speaking immigrants in Israel. They did not want "to intervene in a conflict between Jews - and Jews" (as one of AI employee told me in 1996). This is why all further horrible events happened. If the state of Israel was made accountable for the "small Russian genocide" and crimes against new Russian-speaking immigrants, it could prevent the beginning of Israeli worldwide tyranny.

Israelis will be known forever for their exceptional cruelty. Using medical help as an arm to kill people Israelis has removed the last barrier between human behavior - and behavior of wild savage beasts.

Let's systermaticize (classify) the most astonishing crimes, in which medicine is used by Israelis as a tool to intimidate and torture people.  

1. Denial of medical help: in both Russian and Palestinian cases.

2. Participation of Israeli medical practitioners in tortures and inhuman treatment of detainees.
Explanation: according to Israeli Landau law, which made tortures legal in Israeli and occupied territories, a medical doctor must examine a prisoner - and give permission for tortures. We have innumerous examples, when Israeli medical practitioners have participated in tortures and inhuman treatment. In the case of Russian women, kidnapped or taken to Israel by deception, and then turned to sex slaves (the case was described by Amnesty International - and can be found in this work) - we have an example of inhuman treatment of unlawfully detained women by Israeli prison medical staff. A wide database on crimes against humanity, committed by Israeli medical staff in Israeli prisons.

3. Humiliation and mockery on new immigrants, foreign workers, Arabs (Palestinians), tourists, and other categories of patients-non-Israelis.

4. Denial of medical attestation (evaluation) for foreign workers, Arabs (Palestinians), and new Russian Immigrants, injured at work.

5. Participation of Israelis with medical diplomas in murdering people for organ transplants or / and in taking out organs from the dead bodies without authorization in victim's testament or victim's family's authorization.

6. Participation in inhuman exploitation of Arabs / Palestinians, new immigrants from ex-USSR and Ethiopia, children, women (sex-slaves), and foreign workers.

7.  Exploitation of medicine for persecution of dissidents in Israel and world-wide.

Let's concentrate on the last point.

Israeli government - and its affiliative Jewish organizations all over the world - are using Israeli-Jewish influence in many countries, Israeli embassies, and global Israeli terrorist infrastructure to target dissidents by medical means.

This policy first of all has reflected in Israeli war on "fugitive" Russian slaves: Russian-speaking refugees from Israel, who became refugee claimants in Europe and Canada. The level of Russian-speaking new immigrants' exodus from Israel (hundreds of thousands) and diplomatic-ideological repercussions, underlining that Israel is the most brutal racist state, - have provoked Israeli government to undertake whatever was possible to punish Russian refugee claimants, and prevent their admission by host countries. For this purpose Israel has placed Israeli or Jewish origins on top positions in Immigration Ministries of several countries, where most of Russian-speaking refugees from Israel went. For example, in Canada Israelis put two "their own" federal Ministers of Immigration - Lucienne Robillard and Elinor Kaplan, - immigration (refugee) judges (like J. LaSalle, Dorion, B. Berger, etc.), immigration officers (J. Malka, S. Kaplan, etc.): to organize mass rejection of the refugee claims and - consequently - mass deportation back to Israel.

For some reasons it did not work as Israelis have planned. Israelis never expected that Russian speaking refugees from Israel would rather die then go back to "Zionist heaven". Suicides (or attempts to kill themselves) of Russian-speaking refugees from Israel, their desperate appeals to the Federal Court, their interviews for newspapers and the media involvement in general, and other similar actions have put the state of Israel - and her racist practices - into the spotlight more then if all refugee claimants from Israel would be quietly admitted.

More and more refugee claimants from Israel were admitted in Europe and Canada (if not as refugees - then under humanitarian and compassionate grounds, etc.).

This triggered a shift in Israeli methods. While still maintaining the pressure to stop admission of refugee claimants from Israel, and lobbying anti-refugees' laws and policy in Canadian and other parliaments, Israelis had concentrated more on medical departments of Immigration - and their power to make independent immigrants and refugees from Israel inadmissible. Starting from 1996-97 literary all of refugee claimants from Israel were "accused" of having tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases. Hundreds and thousands of former Russian speaking new immigrants from Israel had began to receive Immigration's orders to undergo a compulsive medical treatment "from tuberculosis" or a skin test (or were considered as inadmissible). In the most of such cases a flurography or an x-ray results were deliberately wrongly interpreted - or (in some other cases) false x-ray results were fabricated.

Boris K. - a hokey player and businessman, a former refugee claimant - was "diagnosed" as "infected by tuberculosis" by Immigration Canada, and was ordered to appear at the clinics of infectious diseases "for treatment". Prior to this (weeks before) he did x-rays in Moscow and Minsk - for his independent immigration file, and there were no signs of any suspicious abnormalities. He immediately did another x-ray at a private clinics - which has shown no abnormalities. However, it was still very hard, and took him unbelievably intensive efforts to reject Immigration's "diagnosis".

Victor G. - a technician, a former refugee claimant. Was "diagnosed" by Immigration in 1996. Did 3 independent x-rays, which totally rejected Immigration's "diagnosis". However, Immigration did not want to take additional tests (and non-Immigration MDs opinions) into consideration, and ordered Victor to departure from Canada. Since 1997 he stays in a limbo.

Georgy H. - an engineer, a refugee claimant. His refugee claim was rejected under the most outraged and unfair excuses. He was very smart and well-informed, and did an x-ray test day before - and day after an x-ray for Immigration (it wasn't too good for his health, but the responsibility for this is a burden on Immigration Canada - and the Canadian Jewish Congress). As he expected, Immigration told that he has a tuberculosis, and (in spite of the clear evidences that Immigration's diagnosis was a false one) Immigration's medical department still insisted that he must undergo a compulsory treatment.   

Fima G. - a famous jazz musician, who lived more in Europe, then in Israel, before coming to Canada as a refugee claimant. His fluorography, and then an x-ray - were falsified by Immigration. He immediately (following my own recommendation) did another x-ray at a regular laboratory, and then did a copy of this last x-ray at the Jewish General Hospital. This last ("non-immigration") x-ray did not show any abnormalities. However, due to his grave depression he could not conclude his struggle with Immigration's medical department, and has obeyed Immigration's order to undergo a compulsive medical treatment.

Dima V. - a computer engineer from Moscow (and a former refugee claimant from Israel), one of the most healthy people, who ever existed, an athlete. Never had any lung problems. By coincident, he was x-rayed the same day (his work required this), when he went also to Montreal Chest Institute - and had a flurography there (for Immigration). His flurography for Immigration was evidently fabricated or deliberately misinterpreted, and he still had to hire an immigration lawyer to prove it!

However, the most outraged and wild was my own case.

My own case:

In 1991 I was deported from my native Belarus to Warsaw (with my family). In Warsaw we were surrounded by Israelis - and taken to Israel against our will, by force.

After 3,5 years of persecution and nightmare in Israel we have managed (with Amnesty International's indirect help) to arrive to Canada as refugee claimants. After 3 hearings our refugee claim was dismissed (March, 1997; Immigration's refugee board has concluded that people from Russia (ex-USSR) were taken to Israel for Jewish-Israeli money - and therefore have no rights to claim a refugee status; that Russians in Israel are property of Israeli government; that we provoked persecution by our refusal to change our views: which irritated Israelis!..... and so on). Israeli embassy has directly intervened in our refugee case. Our appeal to the Federal court was at first considered as justified, and later - after Israeli embassy and Jewish lobby's intervention - was just stopped (October 1998), almost administratively, with no real decision. We then appealed for humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

Israeli consulate has intervened not only into our refugee procedure, but also into the procedure of granting us the permanent residents' status. In their letter to Immigration Canada, Israeli consulate's representatives had insisted that in order to receive all required by immigration procedure documents, we must to go to Israel. For me - a cancellation of my Israeli citizenship was a matter of principles. My first request to terminate my Israeli citizenship (which I was forced to except in 1991) was submitted to Israeli Foreign Affairs and Interior in 1994, back in Israel. In 1996 I have submitted the same request to Israeli Foreign Affairs - and Israeli embassy. They have responded by explaining the Israeli law. I found out (from this explanation) that the Israeli citizenship virtually could not be cancelled at all - which is a violation of all international judicial norms and human rights. To be in accordance with the immigration procedure requirements, we had to obtain a confirmation of our Israeli citizenship termination, - or extend our Israeli passports (expired by then).

The most intensive correspondence took place between me - from one side, and the Israeli consulate - from the other side - in summer, 1998. This time Israeli embassy fully cooperated in finalising my immigration case - and eventual termination of my Israeli citizenship. They confirmed that our Israeli passports could not be extended, which was enough to please Canadian Immigration. However, on the other hand, Jewish extremists in Israel and in Canada had intensified their pressure on me (and my family), including accusation, threats, and other terrorist methods.

There were no doubts at all that assigned to our case IRB (Immigration and Refugee board) and the Immigration officer were hired by Israeli government, maintained close contacts with the Israeli embassy, and in their judgement expressed Israeli extremists' attitude towards me and my ideological views. IRB's Conclusive Decision was not a document of a definition of justification of our refugee claim, but a political verdict, issued by the state of Israel (through manipulated by Israelis Canadian institutions - like IRB). By tone and content it was not a humanitarian-related issue, but a conviction of a political opponent, which style reminds open political processes in fascist Germany and stalinist Russia: "In result we were convinced that the demanders are [dangerous for their state] exaggerators who painted a picture of their state as a state of slavery, injustice, where Russians are bitten if they do not work quickly enough, where Russian children are victims of mockery committing by theirs classmates and teachers, and where Russian women are victims of sexual harassment. And that all is going on without any possibility to obtain a protection from the state."

It was clear that our case was viewed not through an independent, and not even through a Canadian body's perspective, but was openly "evaluated" from Israeli extremists' point of view.  

In one of her letters, composed for the humanitarian immigration officer, one of my representatives, Mrs. A. -M. Augestad, wrote:

"In her speech in the Federal Court (1998), Mrs. Murphy, the Minister's of Immigration legal representative, confirmed the IRB members' negative attitude towards human rights, and also widened personal accusations against Mr. Lev GUNIN, turning the question of GUNINS refugee status into the question of his "inadmissible" (by whom?) ideological views. As IRB did before, Mrs. Murphy refused even to mention members of Lev's family: his wife, Alla Gunin, his mother, Elisabeth Epstein (Gunin), and the children.

The Federal Judge, Mr. Dube, just copied Mrs. Murphy's and the IRB statements, refusing to evaluate arguments of the TWO sides. (.....) Actually family Gunin's case in the Federal Court was "stopped" (closed) not by Mr. Dube, but by an intervention of Mr. Rosenberg, a famous Zionist and curator of the Federal Court. The closure the case was more an administrative, then a judicial measure. (......) Someone, whose name was also Dube, was involved (by time of Gunins' refugee hearings - 1996-97) into negotiations between the immigration officer, Mrs. Malka, and the General Consul of Israel, in Gunins' case. We could not find this person among IRB headquarters' staff, or among other immigration divisions.

All (above mentioned) faxes were submitted to Israeli consulate from (and by) Mrs. Malka, without mentioning any other name (s). However, all responses from the consulate were submitted directly to Mr. Dube. We feel that this mysterious Mr. Dube has something to do with the Federal Judge Mr. Dube.

IRB and Mrs. Murphy's accusations against family Gunin - were such, which are a prerogative of the criminal court. They accused Gunins so sharply as if Gunins were murderers or terrorists. In reality they are innocent people, never accused in a criminal offence, defamation, or fraud. In the same time, the way their accusers acted - might be easily considered as a criminal offence."

This tone of an aggressive accusation, which sounded in IRB's and the Federal Court's premises, was a predicate for a severe punishment. However, a decision to punish us was probably taken years ago in Israel - and was already in motion since our arrival to Montreal. First of all, the punishment was delivered by medical tools.

Back in 1994 (we have learned this later, only in 2001), Immigration's medical department (Immigration Medical Services, or IMS) made a brief medical conclusion: tuberculosis. There were no indication in my immigration case - on what ground this conclusion was made, or why. Just so. It reflects pro-Israeli people's in Immigration tactical plan to backup their efforts to ruin my life in case if another party in Immigration will say "yes" to our humanitarian case.

Writing: "tuberculosis" - in my immigration case, Immigration's medical division did not inform me about this (in writing or through their Immigration MD, Wanda Brzezinska, who was my family doctor till 1999). They kept their "diagnosis" in secret.

However, it was used later as an excuse to deny employment (and student - for children) authorisations for me, as well as for my family members. Immigration was justifying decisions to refuse us employment authorisation by the "medical concerns". Each refusal was actually a fine: because we had to pay for each application, and the fee was never reimbursed to us. For us it was a considerable amount of money.

Years later, when I spoke with one of my legal advisers - someone with good connections in Immigration, he told me that probably my suspicion about "Zionist connection" in my mother's, and mine, "medical case" are applicable. He told me that a special "personal curator" had a controlling authority over my (my mother's) medical case in IMS, and others have subordinated her. He told me that her name was Elinor Morgan. "But who is Elinor Morgan?" - I asked him.
- You don't know? - he said in response.
- No.
- Her relative, Mr. Morgan, is the most important figure in Ontario's Jewish Zionist Administration.
- You mean - JIAS, Jewish Congress?
- You'll know less - you'll sleep better.
- Why then you said "A"? Well, but tell me - what relative: a husband? a brother?
-  If you'll not have a complete information, you'll speak less.

I did not know by then that after 8-10 months I could see Elinor Morgan's name in writing, in the crucial documents in my mother's Immigration file.

Mr. Chiu, an immigration officer, assigned to my mother's file in 2000, has wrote in one of his aggressive letters that my mother poses a threat to Canadian public security!

Administrative repression, involving medical issues (false health concerns), have been practising against us since March 1998: which corresponds to the Federal Court's case's termination.

When a final procedure to grant us permanent resident's status was initiated by Immigration's humanitarian officer, Immigration's medical department has begun to sabotage this procedure. To ruin our financial and social situation, and to sabotage our permanent resident's papers issuing, the pro-Israeli staff in Immigration Canada did the next. Application forms for immigration medical exams were submitted to us from Immigration Canada not all in the same time, but for each family member separately, with a gap of more then 6 months. When the next family member would then undergo the medical exams, the validity of the previously done medical exams would expire. Using this trick, Immigration could keep us in a limbo forever. Only an intervention from Prime Minister's office has stopped this tactics.

I personally and my legal representatives - we have described these events in a letter to Prime Minister of Canada, Honourable Jean Chretien, and in letters to human rights organizations:

"1. (...) In spite of the human approach of Quebec's Immigration (Gunins were already given Quebec's Certificat de selection du Quebec) Federal Immigration didn't stop humiliations yet. On April 19 2001 Leo GUNIN called Federal Immigration because the Immigration has never transferred the amount of money, which GUNINS ordered for the landed immigrants' status.

He was told that the procedure of the landed immigrants status for GUNINS was frozen and in doubt because of Leo GUNIN's mother's situation. It was clear now that Leo's suggestions about Immigration's attempts to destroy his old mother's health and - probably - life - were correct (see the page about this and other outraged developments on Internet:

http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo_updte01.html )

They developments were obviously generated to punishment him. In reality his mother's immigration file (she's a spouse of a Canadian citizen - and she was also granted a landed immigrant status and was already given the Certificat de selection du Quebec) has nothing to do with Leo and his family's file; they were granted the status in humanitarian appeal. The pretended dependence between Elisabeth Epstein's (her maiden name) - and Leon Gunin's - files could sound as an April's joke: if a joke could be compatible with the gravity of Immigration's actions. In reality the duty immigration officer was given (on the phone) the number of only Leo's file; and if through his file he could access his mother's situation - it means that the two files were really combined together. If so, this is a violation of the procedural, juridical, immigration and human rights laws and regulation. In Gunins case Immigration already violated all the most basic Canadian and international rules. Their whole immigration history sounds as an Israeli and Jewish-Canadian (Federal Immigration's) official's vendetta. But even on top of all: THESE violations and persecutions - this sabotage of their landed immigrants status through medical tools (even after they were given a green light to receive the status in Canada) look more sinister and outraged. To know what views and opinions Lev GUNIN is suffering for, go to

http://www.total.net/~leog/ - and there choose Human Rights.

2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecution on family's social, financial, health, and legal situation.

Content in brief:

A. Artificial obstacles - to prevent employment. Social and professional tragedy

B. Financial disaster

C. Health declining

D. Children's suffering

A. There are both objective and subjective reasons why both Leo Gunin and his wife are employed in minimum wages works with no perspective and no chances to recover from their poverty.


Subjective reasons are: 1) Some suggestions could tell that Immigration intervenes in Leo's attempts to find a better work, not recommending his potential employers to hire him 2) Without the status Leo can not get the license to teach music, can not run his small busyness, can not be employed in his profession 3) When he once received a request to compose music for a performance - and did it, - he was then rejected because "it was not possible to have the name of somebody who's not accepted by the state on public place" 4) He once was admitted to a Jewish choral, but was immediately refused "because if he could be a claimant of a refugee status from Israel, then he's an enemy of Israel"! 5) When Russian school "Fillipok" (now renamed and called "Gramota") was in a desperate need of a Russian speaking music teacher - even then Leo was refused on political ground 6) Russian newspapers in Montreal refuse to publish not just his articles but even his adds; for example, Info-Bulletin's editor/publisher told him that she lived many years in Israel, and Leo's articles published in ex-USSR and in Israel with the criticism of Israeli human rights situation abused her patriotism: that's why she refused to place his adds! 7) All potential employers, who could hire him as a musician, used to say that they knew or heard about his "anarchism" - and did not want to employ him because of that. When he responded that he's not an anarchist or terrorist but a human rights activist they said that for them it sounds the same 8) Leo (Lev) are refused even a voluntary performances, even without being paid. Rozhinsky, an organiser of the "Russian Winter" musical festival, is permanently restricting Leo from the festival because of the political reasons 9) Leo completed a course of security agents but was refused a license because of his immigration situation 10) Lev was many times refused employment in computer technology, HTML programming, computer networks or computer rooms maintenance, programs installation or software testing because he's "a kind of a hacker or terrorist". Nobody ever told him where he or she obtained that referral (from who). Even such enterprises as Copie Express refused to employ him! 11) Leo did thousands attempts to find a full time and above minimum wage work - and was never hired. When he appealed to company "Berlitz" for translator's position, he was openly told that they will never hire him "because having such controversial political views" – he could not translate objectively. When Lev asked, how they found out, what are his "views", they told that "occasionally" found his "Anti-Semite" site on Internet. An employment company "Quantum" used to send Leo to various places, but when he came to work his first working day – he was suddenly told to go home. He believes that all such persecutions are somehow conducted from Immigration and from Jewish environment 12) From all newspapers, where Leo turned to as a journalist (such as Globe and Mail - for example), he never received any answer or opinion about submitted by him articles; they just ignored him! Even when he tried to reach a newspaper by telephone, he used to be disconnected! 13) Leo is one of the most important Russian vanguard poets. However, an attempt to publish his book (for his own money!) of poetry was turned away by a Russian publishing house. In the same time the above mentioned Rozhinsky, who's not even a poet, rather an amateur on a primitively and law scale, published a book of his "poetry" without any problem!"

(When a Russian person, Tatiana, became a principal of Russian school "Gramota", she has employed me. In summer, 2001, I worked at this school, teaching music very successfully. However, after Tatiana was replaced by another person, a Jewish origin, my contract was cancelled. I was told by someone from the school's managing board that "JIAS" ("Jewish Congress) has sent another teacher instead of me. Indeed, a woman, who came to my place, was teaching music at the local Jewish center.)

Confronting my employment efforts, Jewish extremists have shown (indirectly) again - who was eventually standing behind the medical repression.

My legal advisers were also writing about the health declining: both mine and members' of my family. Our heath situation was definitely damaged by Immigration's actions. The most damaging impact on our health Immigration has provoked by causing depression in my wife, my mother, and me.  

However, soon the manipulated by Israelis Immigration has started direct medical repression. Medical terrorist methods were well described in the next letter to Human rights organizations (copy - to Federal Immigration):

To Human Rights Organizations
(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)
December, 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC

(copy - to Canadian Federal Immigration -

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Citoyennete et Immigration Canada
JETS-14th. FL/TJES-14e365 Lurier Ave. West (quest)
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1      

            From Mrs. Elisabeth EPSTEIN's son

[and from Mrs. Elisabetha EPSTEIN (GUNIN)


From Lev GUNIN
former refugee claimant

Full immigration story:


(address, tel.)

December 6 2000

Dear Sir or Lady!

The most unpleasant thing is that in a country where they're no concentration camps and common tortures nobody believes you. Nobody believes that what happens to you – sometimes happens. That's why it's even harder to stand our troubles.

1.Let me mention briefly the source of our problems: I was a human-rights activist, former Soviet dissident (which led to deportation from my native Belarus to Poland). From there my family and I were taken against our will to Israel. In Canada we filed a refugee claim.

Since 1994 we do not have normal life. We have problems. Usage (against us) of contrived medical data to manipulate and prolong our vulnerable situation is one of them. Theoretically falsification and manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which we do not have (it could be lethal).

2.Now we are more then 6 years in a limbo, administrative mayhem and ultra-vulnerable state.

However, in spite of human rights deniers in IRB and other departments, in spite of the pro-Israeli lobby's (with their people in Immigration) outrage, in spite of personal contribution of Immigration officer Mrs. Udith Malka in damaging our situation, we received a positive decision. (In response to our humanitarian appeal 1+ (one+) year ago). Since then opponents to this decision made many attempts to reverse it and make our life unbearable. We are still without any status, facing excessive hardship.

(a). We are a target of mockery, stalling tactics and humiliation even at routine immigration procedures (see Document 8).

(b). Unnecessary (personal) expensive medical exams and blatant manipulation of medical data (Doc. 1-23), delays in issuing and short terms of validity of employment and student authorisations, punitive and threatening anonymous calls and letters (Doc. 1-6, specifically - 16). Excessive "totalitarian" secrecy and anonymity when Immigration is dealing with us (Doc. 10a, 13a, 1, 14, 15, etc.)

(c). After two (2) years we have no clear answer about our police certificate clearance in spite of confirmation from the Israeli Consulate.

(d). More than half a year ago IMS officials refused us ruling and forms for medical examination for all family members assuring us that only my wife must do them. Now in contradiction they ordered them for my younger daughter and me (omitting my older daughter). When the last medical exams must finish, the validity of my wife's exams will expire (Doc. 2, 19, 20). Also my mother's file was illegally attached to ours to put us in dependence of her situation (Doc. 1, 4, 6).

(e). My mother's case. 1994: W. Brzezinska, M.D. for Immigration, makes an incorrect report (Doc. 7a, 4b, 7b) about my mother's health (eventual (!) development of cardiac and kidney insufficiency). (My mother told her that she was born with heart augmentation). Nov. 1999: an immigration officer (M-me Roy), not a M.D. illegally intervenes in evaluation of the medical matters, makes a decision based on it (Doc. 7a,7b). However, she quickly replaces that decision – recognising my mother's marriage. In violation of the marriage interview stage requirements IMS releases a negative decision before med. exams (Doc. 7a). 2000: an entire year of mockery, ungrounded orders for innumerable additional tests and exams, punitive threatening letters and calls. Goals: a) to damage my mother's heath, b) clear dr. Brzezinska and M-me Roy (Doc. 14 -17).

For two months after her "medical saga's" short time-out Immigration is refusing to give any answer/ explanation. Now (Dec.) IMS made a final negative ruling, based on Mrs. Bezezinska's insinuation: in spite of all new contradicting to it results and medical opinions (anatomy, not pathology). (Also dr. Brzezinska never in 5 years sent my mother for cardiac or kidney tests, or to cardiologist/ urologist, and never prescribed her any medication for heart/ kidney problems). It is outraged that the whole entire year IMS was evaluating not actual but eventual health problems – and confirmed initial inhuman decision! (Doc. 25). If the horrible diagnosis (Doc. 25a), with which they crucified my mother, were correct, how could she live a normal life all 6 years without medications and cardiologist?

If my mother's heath declined after one year of humiliations – Immigration officials must be fully responsible for that. This is what they did to punish me!

Actions to influence or even administratively invade medical institutions and personnel for extorting false medical reports, creation of false medical documents were committed in both my mother's and my cases. Tricks with my x-ray, delivery of receipts or calls for tests I've never done, other manipulations are a threat to my own heath or even life! (Doc. 1-7, 9-25). Our children are tremendously suffering from that situation as well as from artificial delays in extension of their student authorisations and other essential papers. My wife and my mother became almost suicidal, nervous and suffering from depression.

I never received any answer to my letter to the Minister of Immigration (Nov. 1-6 2000) and to Immigration Complain Board (Nov. 30).

4. (........) We hope that this unacceptable situation will find a human solution.

              Yours truly,
              Lev GUNIN

   December 8 2000 (Montreal, Quebec)


From Lev GUNIN

Full immigration story: {www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/indexX.htm}

former refugee claimant

December 02 - 2000

1. Let's get it straight: the source of my (my family's) problems were my human rights' activism (.....)

[Here I wrote about my mother's relative's (who was in my age) involvement in actions against me, committed by the local communist authorities in Bobruisk, and her links with criminal circles, as well as with the Jewish pro-Israeli Mafia, when I was in conflict with the pro-Israeli activists' leadership]

2. In Israel she contacted my wife – and took advantage of my wife's sincerity, openness and good soul. She started to manipulate her in damaging my life direction. My wife did not believe anything that I told her about my relative. She did everything my relative has suggested.

There were whispers that my relative was an informant for Israeli authorities.

In Montreal my wife continued to be completely under my relative's control. In spite of my protests she turned with our refugee claim to my relative's lawyer, M-e Le Brune, and took us all – my mother included – to her medical doctor, Mrs. Wanda BRZEZINSKA, Immigration M.D. I could do nothing – because did not want to break my family.

3. My relative's closest friend and M-e Le BRUNE's secretary-translator, Mrs. Eleonor BRODER, an Israeli citizen, actually sabotaged our refugee case on purpose or because of her stupidity (in her translation trying to modify our testimony so that all unpleasant for Israeli government details would disappear). You can read more on Internet (see the address at the top of the page) - or in my file handed over to Mrs. Mancini a couple of years ago). Mrs. BRODER had "exterior contacts" with IRB's commissioners and with Mrs. Malka, and partially the demolition of our refugee claim was besed on what Mrs. BRODER did.

4. Mrs. Brzezinska's direct or indirect involvement in Immigration's games with our medical data has started since our first visit to her back in 1994. According Immigration's file, she made in 1994 a devastative for my mom rapport to Immigration, and also did everything to cause speculations that my wife and me might be infected by TB. Reporting to Immigration, she in the same time said nothing to my mother, my wife, and me. When – for example – she reported to Immigration that my mother has a grave kidney problem, she said nothing to my mom and never sent her to any urologist, never prescribed her any medication for kidney stabilisation. She might be afraid that a specialist could reject her insinuations. The same applies for Mrs. Brzezinska's insinuations about my mother's cardiac problems. When she sent me to do an x-ray for Immigration, she used to send an additional note to radiologist like "check the recent pulmonary infiltrate". No infiltrate was found - but - in response to Mrs. Brzezinska's note - the answer was "no recent infiltrate". It was double-meaning. One could ask: then what about non-recent infiltrate? In 1999 Mrs. Brzezinska (according to Madame Roy's writing) made another false report to Immigration against my mother, and me. This will help to understand better the mechanism behind the outraged assault on us by the Federal Immigration. One will ask: "Why then you did not quit Brzezinska and went to another physician?" Yes, I could suspect that she might be a medical provocateur and also an informant for Immigration. When I used to come, she spoke with me for 30-40 minutes not about my health but about my affairs. And I have used her for sending through her misinformation for some people at Immigration, who wanted to do damage to my situation, and me. However, we will never find out the truth about Brzezinska's real role (contribution) in our "medical case" - and about the level of her guilt. She was definitely a part of the "medical conspiracy" by her position already, and by keeping from us Immigration's illegal plan in secret, she was already involved.

5. Political forces from two countries might be well behind all these events: the forces of Lukashenko's and Israeli regimes. [ (.........) ]

6. From mid-1970-s governments started - instead of putting dissidents into prisons and concentration camps - practising other methods: devastation of victim's financial and social situation, ostracism and isolation, batteries, dirty rumours, administrative pressure through ordinary governmental institutions (tax agency, telecom, post, etc.). They also began practising deportation and persecutions of their victims by other governments' hands, as well as assassination, disappearances, short arrests with police brutality, insinuated criminal cases. That's why an old classical model of a prisoner of conscience as a detained person - and humanitarian help to get him out of a prison - does not work for approximately 80% of victims. The modern classical "prisoner of conscience" in many cases is a person without any passport, a refugee claimant or a refugee without any status. Thousands and thousands of not just political but other dissidents are persecuted because of their dispute with employer, landlord, corporate world, school, police, vendor, etc. More and more often contrived medical diagnosis and falsified medical data are used against them. As a rule, it is always very difficult to prove something, so delicately everything is made up. My case is one of these unique cases when evidences are so manifestly. It is a rare opportunity to show what is really going on in the modern world.

7. If people like me will not be defended – then comes mayhem and dictatorship. Legislation to give access to personal medical files to all governmental institutions and even (!) employers have already been prepared in a number of countries, including Canadian province Ontario.

Where it leads - you could see in my files.

               Yours truly,
               Lev GUNIN





   Manipulation of medical data for political
   persecutions is the end of the civilised society

              - December 2000 -

       C O N T E N T

1. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#1 -
List of documents

2. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#2
Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions

3. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#3
Complaint against refusal to allow medical examinations.

4. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#4
Disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.

5. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#5
Copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.

6. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update2.htm#1
Short descriptions of events - end of 1999 - beginning of 2000

7. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update2.htm#2
Lev GUNIN - "The Source Of Our Problems"

8. http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html
Wider detailed description of events before December (Sept. - Nov. 2000)

9. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/update3.htm#5
Resume of the visit to MCI December 4 2000.

10. http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/appealX.htm
The whole immigration story

11. http://www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/update2.htm#3
Other English publications on Internet about persecution of family GUNIN

To Human Rights Organizations

(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)

December 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC

- Introductory Document -

From Lev GUNIN Full immigration story:

former refugee claimant

(tel. ) December 2 2000

Introductory Note

1. Because violations and injustice are so outraged and unbelievable that it is difficult to speak about them without emotions, I decided not to write a special description of events. Instead I am handing you over a number of documents, which will speak for themselves.

2. Below I am listing these documents with comments and explanations about each. Manipulation and falsification of medical data is the most dangerous and tremendous violation of human rights. Most letters from Immigration were anonymous, but only few marked here on that regard as examples.


    Document 1:

Complaint on Immigration actions and decisions submitted to Immigration Complain Board (like attempts to cause damage to victim's heath).

Theoretically falsification and blatant manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which one do not have (it could be lethal).


    Document 2:

Complaint against refusal to allow all my family members medical examinations.


    Document 3:

My disagreement with the decision of Imm.Med.Serv. from November 23, 2000.


    Document 4-a:

A shortened description of events, which manifested abuse of power, ungrounded secrecy, misconduct and criminal manipulation of medical data.


    Document 4-b is a supplementary description about the source of my problems. It is crucial for understanding the mechanism behind the persecutions.


    Document 5:

Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.


    Document 6:

A wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details. This document is not enclosed but available on Internet:


    Document 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d:

M-me Roy's rulings: illegal intervention into medical matters by non-medic, violation of the procedural requirements of the marriage interview stage, prejudicial ruling of IMS before my mother's medical exams for the landed immigrant status.

    Document 8:

Complaint to Immigration about extension's of employment authorisation sabotage from May 15 2000.


    Document 9:

Resume of my visit to MCI December 4 2000.

    Document 10-a

An anonymous letter from MCI mentioned in Documents 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

    Document 10-b: another letter (one page) demanding a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included in the same envelope as the "TB letter".

    Document 11

An order-receipt (payment) to pay for the blood test for syphilis, which was never done. Another document (Document 12) shows that dr. Giannalis uses this laboratory to evaluate test samples, taken at his office. The blood test for syphilis was not required by Immigration in my case. It was also mentioned that a patient must only appear for this test in the CDL Laboratories, in other words samples taken outside CDL Lab are not admitting for evaluation for syphilis.

    Document 12

Strum creatinine test's form from CDL Lab form for my mother. The test was ordered by dr. Giannakis on Immigration's request and the result was: in norm.

    Document 13-a

Front page of the IMS ruling from November 23 letter (received on November 28). Corresponds to Document 3. Also was mentioned in Documents 1, 4, 6. Document 13-b is the text of the internal part of the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

    Document 14-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from January 17 2000. This document is anonymous, no names, telephone numbers.

    Document 14-b is the text of the internal part of the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

    Document 15-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from June 30 2000. This document is anonymous, no names, telephone numbers.

    Document 15-b is the text of the internal part of the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

    Document 15 plus
September 2000 - letter from IMS ordering another urine test and then a visit to an urologist.

    Document 16

An offensive letter from my mother's new immigration officer from September 18 2000.

    Document 17

My mother's, Elisabetha Epstein, response (September 20 2000) to an offensive letter from Immigration (see Document 16).

    Document 18

Copy of the positive response to our humanitarian appeal

    Document 19

An order from January 11 2000 to my wife, Alla, to undergo the medical examination. Only my wife's name mentioned in this letter. This letter is a proof that refusing to include all family members Immigration stalling the completion of our file almost one year now.

    Document 20

An order from October 26 2000 to me and my daughter Marta to undergo medical examination. Was submitted in contradiction with the previous Immigration's assurance that only my wife has to undergo medical examination.

    Document 21-a

X-ray result from Le Centre Radiologique Clarke from November 14 2000, which tremendously contradict the Immigration's x-ray from November 01 2000 evaluation. In response to TB double-check request (see Document 21-b) it said "NIL ACTIVE". The film was evaluated by 3 medical doctors, which came to the same "nil active" conclusion. I was seen and evaluated by 2 medical doctors since October 29, who found the TB suspicion ridiculous.

    Document 22

X-ray result from November 22 1994 from the Centre Hospitalier Reddy Memorial. On request of W. Brzezinska, M.D. if there is recent pulmonary infiltrate it said "no recent pulmonary infiltrate shown".

    Document 23

Mr. Z. JAST's certificate for Immigration in relation to the x-ray dispute.

    Document 24

Internet-links to two publications, which might accelerate persecutions.

    Document 25-a,b

IMS final decision in my mother's case from Dec. 5 2000.

    Document 26

    Document 27
List of "civil" events. Relates to our will to contribute to the society.

                Lev GUNIN
                December 2 2000 Montreal




To Immigration's Canada Complaint Board
(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) November 30 2000
From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)

This is the complaint on actions and decisions, which my advisers and I found inadmissible, like attempts to cause damage to my mother's and my heath. Theoretically falsification and blatant manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which one do not have (it could be lethal).

I submit you 5 documents. The First is this one. Second is a complaint against refusal to allow all my family members medical examinations half a year ago. Third is my disagreement with the decision of Immigration Health Services from November 23, 2000. Fourth is a shortened description of events, which manifested abuse of power, ungrounded secrecy, misconduct and criminal manipulation of medical data. Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute. Sixth is a wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details. However, because of the length of the Sixth document its submission by fax could be found offensive, so, please, tell me where to send it by post or e-mail.

I would like to know:

A) Who made all mentioned in six documents unjust decisions (names, position, what their role in my file).

B) On what ground (law, paragraph, circumstances).

C) Who made a decision, based on a single x-ray: to consider me a potential TB carrier and submitted it not to Mr. Giannakis, M.D. but to the Royal Victoria Hospital, depriving me and doctor Giannakis of a minimal choice to choose where to turn for further evaluation. Is the MCI radiology unit a part of IMS (ImmMedSrv)?

D) If the x-ray film (made at MCI) could be obtained for copying. My legal advisers and me – we want to ask you to show it to us at 1010 St Antoine, Montreal. We want to check:

E) If a) there is any technical defect or underwear shadow, which was offensively interpreted as "TB" b) this x-ray matches my body constitution

c) an obviously normal result was blatantly interpreted as "abnormal".

We would like to be given a permission to take this film or its copy to medical specialists to determine it.

F) How all contradictions, deceptions, violations can be explained (each event).

G) Examples: a) Half a year ago IMS officials refused to submit us ruling and forms for medical examination for all family members assuring us that only my wife has to go through them. Now in contradiction with what was said before they ordered my younger daughter and me (now omitting my older daughter) to do examinations. B) Why my mother's file was illegally attached to mine. c) How could so many ungrounded medical tests be ruled for my mother, keeping her more then one year (!) in limbo, etc.

H) How all such decisions might be appealed?

I) Has my mother and me same IMS agents or agents of the same unit? Who are supervisors of all agents, attached to our files (including Immigration Medical Services - IMS).

J) How to reach them?

K) If Immigration's agents (IMS included) are subjects of Criminal Code - or they are completely uncontrolled and impunitive. .

L) If they are not (impunitive) what is the way to complain about

1. Deliberate damage of my (my family's) financial, social, and psychological situation.

2. Criminal manipulation of the medical data

M) How could I know if W. Brzezinska's M.D. rapport with a "concern" about my health presents not only in my mother's but in my file as well?

N) Why my file is proceeding not on Montreal – as normally – but in Ottawa?

I must warn you that I will contact police or RCMP in case of any further anonymous calls ("private call" indication) from Immigration and will disregard any letters, until they will not be signed and carry the name and phone number of the person who is responsible for the decision. All anonymous telephone calls, which accuse me of concealing a number of infectious diseases, must be stopped. Anonymous letters from hospitals on behalf of Immigration with same insinuations are unacceptable as well. I have also received a receipt for a blood test for syphilis, which I never did, from a Lab, where I never went. I was also called by two other laboratories, which pretend that I did tests for infectious diseases, and this is not true. All such provocation must be stopped immediately!

All 5 (or 6) documents must be evaluated to consider and answer my complaint. Please, answer all questions, which arise from the documents.

I ask you to respond to this complaint in writing. However, another solution is just to consider my case as "finished" with no further demands. Will appreciate your cooperation.


              November 30 2000

            Chronology in GUNINS' case

November 1994 – refugee claim

March 1997 – refugee claim rejected.

January - February 1998 – Federal Court closing the case on a ridiculous
ground of Immigration's "no minimal confidence" ruling.

January 2000 – positive decision in response to our humanitarian appeal.

March 2000 – an interview lead to the Certificat de selectione du Quebec
issuing by Quebec's Immigration

March 2000 – bureaucratic humiliation and blatant manipulation of medical
data by Federal Immigration starts to torpid the completion of the case

           Chronology in Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein's) case:

1994 – refugee claim + Wanda Brzezinska, M.D. makes a false report
(see Doc. 4b, 7a, 7b).

March 1997 – refugee claim rejected.

January 1998 – Federal Court closing our case on a ridiculous ground of Immigration's "no minimal confidence" ruling.

November 1998 – marriages a Canadian citizen

November 22 1999 - the marriage interview at Immigration.

Nov. 23 - Madame Helene ROY replaces the initiative negative decision, based on "medical concerns" (dr. Brzezinska's rapport), by a positive one.

January 2000 - Certificat de selectione du Quebec was issued for my mother.

January 2000, a ruling from IMS ordering my mother additional tests: strum creatinine (blood test) and echocardiogram.

June 30, 2000 – IMS ridiculous demand of a resume from "the last visit to cardiologist".

July 27 2000 – rapport of Dr. Gordon Creenstein (anatomy, not pathology) was submitted to Immigration.

September 2000 - another letter from IMS ordering another urine test and then a visit to an urologist.

September 19 2000 – an offensive letter from Immigration officer.

December 2000 – IMS final negative decision confirming the illegal prejudicial decision from Nov. 99.


To Immigration's Canada Complaint Board
(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237)

From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)


By this letter we ask Immigration's agent assigned to my file to make a special ruling to order medical examinations for all members of our family, not only for Alla GUNIN, my wife. As we know from our legal advisers, this procedure is required for all family members for the landed immigrant's status. If you insist that only my wife has to do the medical examination, please, send us a written warrant. We have a well-grounded suspicion that
somebody might use the delay in ordering the medical examination for all members of our family for artificial sabotage of issuing us the landed immigrant's status. We will appreciate your cooperation.


 in name
 of family GUNIN

       The 15 of May 2000



To Immigration's Complaints Board
(faxes: (780) 632-8101 (514) 283-8237) December 1 2000

From Lev GUNIN (514-499-1294)

I disagree with the Immigration Medical Services decision "ev 7001-850497Z" (with date mentioned: November 23, 2000) from Ottawa, received by me on November 29, 2000 (anonymous – no name or signature). The goal of this ruling is not to establish the medical truth but to put a hardship on my family (and me).

My arguments.

(See the decision's text - as it was red to me by dr. Giannakis – in Document N4: on the bottom)

1. The decision ruled that Mr. Giannakis's respond should be submitted before November 30, 2000. Why then the letter arrived only on November 29? Does it mean that the date in the letter - "November 23" - was incorrect?

Or – may be - the letter has not been sent in 2-3 days? Or – if it is known that a letter from Ottawa to Montreal goes 5-6 days – why then I was not given more time? I ask you to submit me an explanation what November 30 means and why not December 10 or January 15? I want to know how the agent justified that particular date. Was that small misconduct planned in advance?

2. A suggestion that somebody else went and did the x-ray instead of me was another serious assault. That suggestion was made in ignorance of the fact that on Clark Lab's official (original!) paper IMS's (Immigration Medical Service) officer could clearly see my name, date of birth, telephone number, name of the ordering physician, and the number of my medical card (which – everybody knows – has the holder's photo on it). Besides, it mentioned: "MILD ECTUS EXCAVATUM", a cosmetic defect, which I have since birth. Besides, it is known that the film itself has an image (a negative) of the whole ID data!

Then - this ungrounded abuse was based on nothing and went far beyond any medical or even legal matter.

3. The demand to send an original film from the November 14's x-ray in the light of two above disputed demands might be ungrounded. This x-ray film was already seen by 3 medical doctors: the radiologist at the Clark Lab, dr. Jast (who referred me and evaluated the film), and dr. Giannakis.

All three came to a conclusion that there is NOTHING abnormal, not a slightest possibility. Both dr. Jast and Giannakis also examined me. The official conclusion is NIL ACTIVE. Besides, it was informally evaluated by a chest specialist: with the same conclusion. What else the IMS's agent needs? I have a well-grounded concern that 1) he/ she will find a black spot even on the whitest paper – because he/ she is determined to; and 2) after he/ she will find "a black spot" this film will also vanish (but not the IMS's "evaluation").

Immigration pretended already too many times (dates, documents might be provided) that lost our applications, medical data, etc.

4. It was an abuse to mention that "After overview if necessary applicant may have to be referred to the chest specialist." It is a prejudgment and prejudice. "...if necessary", "may" are just a form. It was a very clear message that he/ she will not let me alone! Why to speak about next medical procedure before seeing the x-ray?

      Lev GUNIN Dec. 01 2000



From Lev GUNIN ( 514-499-1294)

Document 5


- A Copy -

(The letter was submitted on November 09 in respond to an anonymous letter from the Montreal Chest Institute received on November 6 2000; below you can find a modified version (November 12-14), which was submitted to the same destination on November 15).



From Lev GUNIN to anonymous person, author of the letter (the copy of the letter is enclosed).

Montreal Chest Institute

3666 St-Urbain
Montreal, QUEBEC H2X 2P4

Sir or Lady! Please, forward this letter to an appropriate Immigration department, which you mentioned on page 1 of your letter.

First of all, any suggestions that I could be infected by tuberculosis must be MEDICALLY and PROCEDURALLY supported (justified), and based not on pure insinuation. Otherwise they are ridiculous.

There are might be innumerous suggestions of what might happen with my flurograph and its evaluation. I had some of my own suggestions, but a medical doctor I spoke to – as well as my legal advisers – told me that the only answer of what happened is that Immigration might just make a false report on my x-ray (actually a flurograph, which is even less representative as a medical evidence, but let's call it x-ray). Besides, a x-ray could not determine whether or not any of an eventual abnormal shadow means tuberculosis, or simply any kind of pneumonia, bronchitis, or a combination (see medical books). Any conclusions based on only one x-ray are ridiculous, partial, and prejudicial. In modern time – when there are so many flu infections accompanied by pneumonic complications (side effects) – such conclusions are a complete nonsense. It is obvious that your decision to attach me to the Infectious Disease Unit (IDU) before you have a 100 percent proof of any tuberculosis infection and initiate an appropriate legal procedure was a drastic misconduct. The only admissible way to handle the situation was (before sending me to the Infectious Disease Unit) to

1) request a second opinion about existing x-ray

2) send me a letter for my physician for another x-ray.

On November 14 I did another x-ray. It revealed that there is no any suspicious shadow, no abnormalities – and (as my medical advisers told) could not be 2 weeks before (especially tuberculosis-like shadows). Was my x-ray photo (a negative) replaced by somebody else's or IMS (Immigration Med. Services) just falsified the reading of my x-rays, - I do not know.

That all is a subject of a criminal investigation.

Because I am depressed, I did not notice that the Montreal Chest Institute (MCI) belongs to Royal Victoria Hospital, an institution I had several formal misunderstandings with. Somebody from the hospital's administration used to submit me an offensive number of requests for donation to the hospital: even after I have sent a note that by then I was on welfare. Hospital's administration also did an attempt to extort money from me for services, which were covered by Medicare. In this hospital I heard several times that people like me are "illegal in Canada and should not be given medical care "for the cost of Canadians". Then I was treated by negligence at the emergency room, then – it was a medical misconduct over my CSST claim.

Dr. Evenson's M.D. (Royal Victoria) secretary played games with me, actually denying an appointment from May - till November 2000. A number of legal and medical violations used to take place there. And in all such minor incidents immigration matters or even Immigration itself were involved. One of immigration specialists advised me not to turn to Royal Victoria because that hospital is "enormously influenced by Immigration".

The fact that a page with a request for a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included into your letter - was another outraged abuse.

Another question is why I was sent particularly to the MCI, and not to another medical facility. Dr. Giannalis has told me, when sending me there, that "now this is a law" (to be tested in one of x-ray centres, contracted by Immigration, and not in a regular clinic). I doubt it. By now I did not find any confirmation of this law. My legal advisors, however, told me that such a law does not exist.

Eventually it is possible that doctor Giannakis had sent me for x-ray not to "La Cite" – as my mom and my wife, - or another medical institution, but to Montreal Chest Institute: because he received an order (not a request - but an order, which he could not disobey as an Immigration representative).

By this letter I declare that I am considering your way of handling the situation dangerously offensive and depriving me of my constitutional rights: because of the above mentioned as well as the next reasons:

FIRST, I will DISREGARD any anonymous letters like your present one until a letter from you would be signed, addressed from a real person with his/her clear name and telephone number.

SECOND, you have no legal rights to treat me as a contagious carrier until an undeniable medical proof is established.

THIRD, by sending me to the IDU you may expose me to contacts with the real infected carriers.

FOURTH, you are not police, Immigration, secret police or death squads

a) to act secretly-anonymously refusing to sign your letter,
b) to write me anything like "by Immigration law, you are requested (...)".

Since you are not immigration layers or Immigration's officials, you are forbidden to speak in the name of Immigration, and to judge, what Immigration law requires. Such a statement must be submitted only directly from Immigration. If you are part of Immigration (officially) – then my rights were violated when I wasn't informed about that before doing the x-ray at your unit. If you're a part of Immigration (Immigration Med. Services) – then there is a clear conflict of interests and an obvious violation of my constitutional rights.

FIFTH, my legal advisors, and me, we are confident that you have no legal rights to deprive me of choosing between medical institutions for medical tests or evaluation (it correspond to your letter, in which you wrote that I must appear at IDU unit at YOUR MCI). You can not bring me to do a test or an evaluation exclusively in your institution by a forceful order. This will violate my basic human rights. Even KGB had no official rights to oblige anybody, who was not an imprisoned suspect or convinced criminal to do a medical evaluation without some sort of choice.

SIXTH, I would ask Immigration to allow me do another x-ray before doing anything else.

SEVENTH, evaluating my case, some human rights activists think that somebody at Immigration is so angry about me that Immigration is eventually ready to do any damage to my health through blood, e-ray tests or sadistic bureaucratic humiliations.

EIGHTH, I think that the most realistic explanations of an eventual abnormality, which could be seen on the x-ray picture, were:


4) reading of a normal x-ray (with no abnormalities) was deliberately falsified by IMS

NINTH, before doing the e-ray I received a strange call from Immigration, through which I was accused of refusing a "medical treatment".

TENTH, your medical ethics should not allow you to send me to the IDU before making your own medical conclusions (decision) based not on Immigration's rapport but of your own evaluation of my x-ray test result.

ELEVENTH, my legal advisors have told me that I have rights to ask for a possibility to discuss my x-ray result with any of your medical institution specialists dedicated to such evaluations before going further. It is you (on behalf of Immigration or not – it is does not matter) who are sending me to Infectious Disease Unit. Because you are sending me to such a unit, you can not deny me such a discussion. I would like to see the x-ray original, which was made in your institution on November 1 2000 – and also show Document it to my medical advisors.

TWELVETH, I prefer not to go through further tests or evaluations in immigration matters (for medical purposes - it's different) at your institution.

       Yours  truly,
        Lev GUNIN

        November 2000 Montreal

- Document Number Nine -

RESUME of my visit to Montreal Chest Institute on December

2 2000


1) to receive an official result (medical resume-evaluation) of my x-ray test done on November 1 2000

2) find out where is the original film and try to obtain it for making a copy


November 23 2000. I have managed to find out who sent me the anonymous letter (described in Documents 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) from Montreal Chest Institute (MCI). It was M-me Lucy Gefroy (Jefroi or Joyfroid?). According to the same sources: she's never seen that x-ray. I left her my message on 849-5211 (ex 2166). She called me at 2.15 p.m. anonymously ("private call" indication) – and asked me what I want. She confessed that she is M-me Lucy only when I told her that recognized her voice comparing it to her answering machine message. That enough to tell us about her insincerity and guilt.

I spoke with her in French, but when I did not know some medical terminology in French, and used English terms, she pretended that does not speak or understand English at all. However, when I switched to French again, she started to speak bad English, which I could not understand. It was difficult to get along with her, but finally I convinced her to speak French again – and asked her a couple of questions.

Here they are:

- Did you see the x-ray?

- Yes, I did.

- What kind of a shadow did you see, mild? bright? what its form? On the right or left side?

- I can not tell you.

- Where is this x-ray film now?

- I can not tell you.

- Is it at MCI?

- Immigration took it from us, and, I think, it was lost.

- What do you mean – lost?

- Vanished somewhere at Immigration.

- Can I obtain the result?

- Listen, your case here is closed. You don't have to come here. Not any more. We disabled our previous letter's order. Bye.

She's disconnected.

RESULTS of the visit.

 At MCI's medical archive employers could not find any records about my x-ray in the computer. They told me that a mistake might occur – because if even I did the x-ray for Immigration, its data (result, date, etc.) - since November 1 - had to be entered into the registry.

 Before I could enter room number 28 a small blond man appeared and approached me as in espionage novels (how could he react so quickly? who warned him while I was descending from the second to the first floor?) "You will receive nothing here. And you will be prosecuted for refusing to see the doctor, - he shouted to me. - "I was told that my
x-ray has vanished, and came to check, and also to obtain the result".

He became almost pale – so visually he was frightened, as if he lost a million of dollars. He quickly disappeared behind a gray door and soon came out with an envelope (my name and photo on it) and with signs of a deep relief. "Here it is, - he told. – You must visit a doctor because you have tuberculosis".

- "Are you confident about TB you mentioned?" – "Yes, I am". – "I was told that my case here is cancelled – and I don't have to appear". – "Nobody could tell you that. You will be prosecuted for your refusal!" – "Your conclusions about the x-ray was a mistake, Sir, and the film also might reveal a technical defect or a shadow of underwear, which I did not remove. Take a look – and let me see". – "It is possible. But the law says that you must see a doctor anyway, if even this is our mistake". – "What law, what paragraph? And how it corresponds to my case?.. ... I see – you don't know. Then – I have a constitutional right to choose another institution, not yours, to pay such a visit". Then he started screaming on me: "You don't want to pay, ah? You don't want to donate to our hospital? You came to Canada and want to enjoy our good life without giving anything back? If you don't pay by your fucken money – you'll pay by your fucken ass!" – I tried to say: "This is not only because of money, this is because I can not trust you!" - but he kept screaming on me – and I left him. Before I left the hospital I could find out that there is no official result in my case. No paper, no evaluation. Only a checkpoint on the envelope, in category "4". What if somebody just made a wrong hand movement – and checked a wrong place?

 I did not go to MCI any more.

Later I discovered through other ways that the category 4 means "pulmonary noodles", which was completely inapplicable to me!

RESUME: Anyone can see that a drastic misconduct in my case (or in general), and hatred towards me (or towards all immigration-seekers in general?) could explain what's going on in that institution and what could happen around my x-ray.

REMARK: This is not a documentary story. To show the emotional impression I have accented some small details. However, it is precise in revealing what we are dealing with. Also words of Madam Lucy and Mister Doctor were cited with a precise accuracy.

      Yours truly,
      Lev GUNIN



(Protecteur des cytoienes)

(A Mme. Frances Hudon Szigeti - le copy)

1. English

2. French


Dear Sir! Lady!

I am an innocent person, who lived an honest, lawful and honorable life. I've always maintained my word and my professional, social and family duties.

Now I am an old person, I've lost my property, my younger son, and almost all my relatives. I have survived an escape from the German occupation, persecutions in the Stalin's era, and other persecutions, which I would like my judges, who turned down my refugee claim, to experience...

I should be left in peace, without pressure. I suffered enough in my life.

However, somebody in Immigration thinks, that my extremely tragic life should be adjusted by a final misery, a limbo situation – and again persecutions.

They decided to punish me for my refugee claim.

When my refugee claim was refused, I appealed for humanitarian reasons, and soon met a person, whom I was glad to call my husband. He's a rare, intelligent, delightful person, who did my life a bit brighter.

However, during a marriage interview, an immigration agent, assigned to my file, did everything to ruin my health and by vicious illegal tricks took away years of my life. She – not a medical doctor – intervened into pure medical matters, and decided not to recognize my marriage "because of medical concerns". A false report of immigration MD about my health was used. Later the initial "decision" was replaced by a doubtful counter-decision, and since then (more then 3 years!) I am kept in a limbo, targeted by humiliation and abuse. In spite of clear evidences that Immigration's "medical concerns"
were unjustified and of alternative medical opinions, they keeping me in a limbo, accompanied by forced "punitive" immigration procedures. Hundreds of people, who were in contact with my case, believed that my case is unusual, unfair and astonishing.

A usage of medical matters for persecutions is one of the most amoral things. The same dirty methods were used against my son, a human rights activist and author of few "unwelcome" books.

Some time ago I've turned to the Minister of Immigration. However, a response from the Minister was build on a persistent denial of my marital status, in many accents interpreting me as a humanitarian claimant, but not a wife of a Canadian citizen! Cynically a "ministerial permit" option was presented as a "solution of my problem". Because after 70 years old age (time) is a factor, I suggest that in next 5, 10 or 20 years of
waiting (no decision in my case) they could receive a proof that I am "sick" and even that I am mortal!

I think the reason, why it all happens to me, was expressed by deputy Mr. Cotler's (a famous Zionist) secretary. She told my son that claiming a refugee status from Israel was "against Canada" (because Israel = Canada?), and that a disagreement with Immigration means an "anti-Canadian position".

It is also unacceptable that all lawyers, to whom I've turned, refused to take my case: "a "mandamus" option + an Israel-related case is a bad case".

Because no other lawyer took my case, I'm turning to you, Sir or Lady, to enable my rights for a legal defense. Otherwise it'll be an ex-USSR's situation with no rights for legal defense.

Elisabetha GUNIN

You can see the details of my case on Internet at

1) [http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/Mother.txt]

(a copy of the letter to the Minister of Immigration)


Les gens, qui йtaient en rapport avec le cas de ma mиre, le considйraient comme une des plus terribles violations des droits de l'homme. Il est significatif que les mкmes mйthodes d'exploiter des problиmes mйdicaux pour des persйcutions politiques vicieuses et sauvages йtaient employйes par l'Immigration dans mon propre cas. Les forces, responsables des persйcutions politiques contre ma mиre, veulent maintenant poser la responsabilitй sur les йpaules du gouvernement du Quйbec. Selon mes sources d'information, l'Immigration Fйdйrale veut initier une revendication au gouvernement du Quйbec а dйcider du destin de ma mиre. Autrement dit, а mettre pression sur le gouvernement du Quйbec а ne pas accepter ma mиre. En rйalitй, c`est l'Immigration Fйdйrale et son dйpartement des Services Mйdicaux d'Immigration sont pleinement responsables des crimes si sйvиres comme la destruction consciente de la santй de ma mиre, la gardant dans un limbo, exploitant des problиmes mйdicaux pour des persйcutions politiques.

Vous pourriez dйcouvrir presque tous les derniers dйveloppements dans la lettre de ma mиre au Premier ministre du Canada, que nous entourons.

Tous dйtails fondamentaux du cas de ma mиre:

1) [http://www.total.net/~leog/Redressent/LevGunin/Mother.txt]

2) а comparer mon cas avec le cas de ma mиre:





- le complete "GUNINS" cas]

Salutations distinguйes,


Vous pouvez me contacter:

[Tel] [Address]

     FROM Elisabetha GUNIN (EPSTEIN)


1. 1991. Deportation of my son and his family from our native Belarus.

2. 1991. Warsaw. Here we were kidnapped by Israelis – and taken to Israel by force (instead of going to Germany – as we planned).

3. 1991 – 1994. Persecutions, batteries, discrimination in Israel.

4. 1994. Coming to Canada (Quebec): applying for a refugee status.

3. 1997. Refugee status denied. An intervention of Israeli embassy – and the Jewish organizations took place.

4. 1998. A primary decision of the Federal court in our case was abolished after an intervention of the Jewish organizations and (personally) Mr. Rosenberg.

5. 1998. My humanitarian appeal.

6. 1998. I was married a Canadian citizen.

7. 1999. My humanitarian appeal was cancelled by Immigration without my participation "because of my marriage".

8. 1999. Marriage interview: my marriage was not recognized "because of the medical concerns". However, this decision was later replaced by another – unclear – document, which made impossible to appeal to the Federal court.

9. 2000 – 2001. Immigration's "medical attack" against my son: medical data was falsified, attempts to treat my son from sickness he did not have.

10. 2000 – 2001. The same "medical attack" against me. I think that the real reasons behind it was my son's criticism of the human rights'
violations in Israel [http://www.total.net/~leog/Library/essays.htm] – and my former refugee claim against Israel. The usage of medical matters for political persecutions is the most tremendous outrage in the human rights field. I believe that Immigration's Medical Services and other divisions were systematically damaging my health and my social / mental state on purpose. I suggest that I personally – and the Quebec as a province, where it took place – should be compensated for the damage it caused.

11. Immigration's refusal to produce any decision in my case since the marriage interview in 1999. An open statement by Mr. Chiu, Immigration officer, that there will be no decision.

12. Minister's of Immigration office (where I've appealed) was avoiding to treat me as a wife of a Canadian citizen. They suggested that I should go on Ministerial Permit, which is impossible because of my financial situation, and in principle.

13. Mr. Cotler's (Federal deputy) secretary opinion that I "should be punish more" for my refugee claim against Israel.

14. Since 1994 I am still in a limbo. Help me!

P.S. In some letters from the Ministry of Immigration was mentioned indirectly that I was finally considered as "medically ineligible". However, I never received an official and direct decision. Labeling me as "medically ineligible" was a criminal misconduct, and included falsification and misinterpretation of the medical data, deception and administrative mischief. For more details

read Document 4.

Yours truly,

Elisabetha GUNIN

Next Document is a LIST of DOCUMENTS
(presented documents with brief comments)



Remark: not all documents listed here were submitted. However, it is

important to know what documents are available. If any of documents from

the list is needed, it could be sent at any time.

1-5: Letter from Mrs. E. Epstein (GUNIN) to the Minister of Immigration

5-a: Letter from Mrs. GUNIN's husband, Mr. I. Chmiel, to the Minister

6. Letter from Mrs. GUNIN to Mr. Chiu, Immigration Cansellor

6-a: Letter from Immigration with information about my file (spouse

of a Canadian citizen) transfer to Montreal

(November, 1998)

7-a, 7-b, 7-c, 7-d: Decisions of Madame Roy:

7-a – November 11 1999, copy - to W. Brzezinska, M.D.

Mrs. Roy decided after interview not to grant Mrs. Epstein (GUNIN)

(me) a landed immigrant status, not to allow me required by after-interview

stage medical exams because I have already "passed them in November 1994"

by MD Mrs. Brzezinska.

7-b – marked by the same date; modification of the document 7-a; still

no sign of recognition of the marriage; said that Mrs. Roy and IMS department

already made a preliminary decision based on exclusively Mrs. Brzezinska's

medical testimony, without giving me any chance to present an alternative

medical opinion (s)

7-c – marked by the same date but issued later: authorization to pass

post-interview medical tests

7-d – marked by the same date but issues later: an "accepted" decision

8. A letter from the Medical Insurance: part of proof of the hardships,

caused by inhuman approach to my case

8-b. Marriage Certificate

9-a, 9-b:

9-a: Illegal demand (in response to forwarded by me Immigration Canada's

demand) from Israeli consulate, which violates international norms

9-b: A certificate from the Consulate General of Israel in confirmation

that I have been voluntary submitted them my Israeli passport without demanding

another Israeli passport; it proves that I have no passport or a travel

document at the present moment. My son, and his family, and me – we asked

to cancel our Israeli citizenship.

10, 10-a, 10-b, 10-c, 10-d, 10-e: documents, which show that absolutely

medical tools were also used by Immigration against my son. His x-ray was

falsified, modified or replaced (etc.), and ungrounded diagnosis "tuberculosis"

was issued based on this single x-ray. However, other exams and another

x-ray (document # 23), made at an independent from Immigration laboratory,

completely excluded that.

11. A receipt for a blood test, which my son never done, was issued

to him in connection with immigration matters (other receipts for tests,

which he never done, used to arrive as well)

12, 13: dangerous threatening games around my son's medical exams for


14. Letter from Immigration from January 12 2000. In this letter was

written that the results of the medical exams made by Dr. Giannakis were

received in Immigration. However, IMS Immigration Department pretended

that required additional information (tests). This was because the results

of Dr. Giannakis's medical resume about my health contradicted Mrs. Brzezinska's


15. Letter from IMS from June 30 2000. The content of the letter is

similar to the previous letter (doc. 14)

15-b. Letter from IMS dated August 22 2000. The content of the letter

is similar to the two previous letters (documents 14 and 15).

16. Letter from Immigration officer to my immigration MD (Dr. Giannakis)

pretended that I refused to pass additional tests, which were demanded

by Immigration, when in reality I already passed them by then, and the

results were submitted

16-a. Letter from the same Immigration officer (see doc. 16) to me

pretended that I refused to pass additional tests, which were demanded

by Immigration, when in reality I already passed them by then, and the

results were submitted. Comparing to the text of the similar letter to

my immigration doctor (compare with the document 16) this letter was written

in harsh words with affectation, which is a proof of a psychological pressure


17. My response (dated September 20 2000) to the letter 16-a

18, 19, 20 – documents, which reveal IMS illegal methods to keep Mrs.

GUNIN's (my) son and his family in a limbo forever – as I am kept now (During

one year ruling and forms for medical exams were refused for my son's family

members (he was told: only his wife must do them). Then in contradiction

exams were ordered for his younger daughter and him (omitting his older

daughter). When the last medical exams should supposed to be finished,

the validity of his wife's exams should expire (Doc. X2, 19, 20).

Such illegal tricks could keep them in a limbo forever. My file was

illegally attached to his to put us in dependence of each other's situation

(Doc. X1, 4). The same Mrs. W. Brzezinska made false reports about my son

as well (tuberculosis, etc.)

21 – 25. Other document related to my son's case to show similarity

in our immigration cases

26. Letter from Immigration Counsellor Mr. Chiu dated December 04 2000,

which said that I was found a danger to the Canadian public health system

and that my application for permanent residence might be refused. The letter

was advising me to send additional alternative opinions before February

04 2001

26-b. Another letter (called by Mr. Chiu "amended") from Immigration

Counsellor Mr. Chiu dated February 26 2001, which was a copy of the previous

(doc. 26) letter and advised me to obtain other medical opinions as if

I never sent two alternative medical opinions to Immigration already by

January 2001. (My response to Mr. Chiu is marked as document 6.)

26-c and 26-d. Letters from two medical doctors with strong disagreement

with IMS' conclusions

26-e. Two post receipts in confirmation that the above mentioned two

letters (documents 26-c and 26-d) were submitted to IMS in January 2001.

(Also a header from the fax to Mr. Giannakis of the same two letters submission

might be presented on demand)

26-f. A certificate from the English course, which I am attending:

in confirmation that I live a socially active life

27. Call-in notice from Immigration Counsellor Mr. Chiu dated March

26 2001, which relates to my husband's and my disagreement with the tactics

of unnecessary calls to Immigration (see documents 1-5-a)

28. Letter from the Minister's of Immigration office. A response from

the Minister was build on a persistent denial of Mrs. GUNIN's marital status,

in many accents interpreting her as a humanitarian claimant, not a wife

of a Canadian citizen! Cynically a "ministerial permit" option was presented

as a "solution of her problem"

29. Termination of the humanitarian program

30 (a,b,c,e). Documents related to medical insurance extension hardship

for me

31. List of documents (the present document)



 From December to February, 2001 – 2002, next events happened.

In November and December, 2002, Immigration has submitted a new demand to find and submit them another alternative medical opinion. It was as if several medical letters (opinions) have never reached them! We have already obtained alternative opinions of Dr. Creelensten, Dr. Kesner  (cardiologists), Dr. Giannakis (Immigration's assigned wide-profile medical doctor), Dr. Jast (my mother's second family doctor), and Dr. Yvan Rohan (her main "family doctor"). All of them considered my mother's heart problems as minor and not demanding excessive medical care.  

I went with her to Dr. Hyman Reisler, who examined her - and did not find any major heart problem. However, when my mother gave him the echocardiogram' result, he became thoughtful. My mother motivated the reason of her visit as next: Immigration claims that she has a grave heart problem, and, because she is hypochondriac, she can not live in peace until she'll find out, what is truly with her. Dr. Reisler was the first MD, who began to doubt the result of the echocardiogram, which Immigration ordered and my mother did at the New Brunswick Medical Center. He told us that the echocardiogram looks very suspicious.

Besides the medical data, there were mistakes in the echocardiogram. My mother's address was incorrect, the name of the doctor, who was doing the echocardiogram, was incorrect, and the name of the MD, who sent my mother to do the test, was incorrect. A name of a non-existing Peter Rohan was written instead, when in reality my mother was referred by Dr. Giannakis, and even Dr. Yvon Rohan (with the same connotation in his name) wasn't by then her family doctor (so that the name "Rohan" appeared absolutely accidentally)!

However, we decided not to redo the echocardiogram yet: who knows, what it could show after this turmoil with Immigration, my mother's suffering, and her depression, caused by offensive Immigration's attitude.

No one can really understand what my mother was going through. All inconveniences, the hardship and offensive, intimidating behaviour of Immigration officials - was only a half of the problem.

One of the most difficult psychologically tasks - was the knowledge that an organization - a group of people - was constantly waiting for my mother's health deterioration. If somebody is constantly looking into your mouth while you eat – you then can not eat. If someone is permanently waiting for you to develop a disease, to become sick, you really begin feeling sick. I remember that this kind of a psychological torture was mentioned in one of Eastern medieval tractates, I just don't remember its title. It was considered as one of the most vicious tortures.

Quebec Ombudsman was already involved in my mother's case, and it already attracted attention of many lawyers and public figures. When Dr. Kostiuk, whose opinion we decided to obtain, issued my mother another echocardiogram, we decided to go through it to see what was wrong with my mother's heart. This new echocardiogram was done at Montreal General Hospital, and we were told that the decoding will take from one to two weeks. I was astonished: because at New Brunswick Medical Center we obtained it (they handed it over to us) right away, immediately after doing the procedure. Next day I've picked up the phone and called New Brunswick Med Center. I was lucky that the secretary has agreed to call the echocardiogram personnel.

Speaking by a tone of a mighty business person or somebody powerful, I've claimed that I'm intended to go through an echocardiogram test, but I need to know how long the decoding will last. They told me that it normally takes from 5 to 7 days to proceed the decoding. I pretended to be surprised - and claimed that one of my friends has this test done - and received the result immediately, waiting less then 10 minutes. However, it was around one year ago. They told me that one year ago or more, - it does not matter. It is impossible now, and it WAS impossible. Well, maybe in some cases it could take from 2 to 3 days, but IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to decode an echocardiogram having a result right away. So, I've understood that my mother's echocardiogram at New Brunswick Med Center WAS PREPARED in advance. Probably, on illegal Immigration's request.

Now, when I knew that Immigration have purposefully distorted results  of two medical tests - my fluorography (x-ray), and my mother's echocardiogram - I've understood an obvious danger, which any visit to any medical doctor or med. laboratory, or another med. facility, can pose. Now I was aware that the authorities in Canada, whether acting on their own or on the Zionist extremists' behalf - could theoretically kill a dissident through a medical tool.

Personal information, including the medical data, becomes more and more transparent for various governmental organizations, and not only. Banks, employers – and many others – were given an exclusive right to violate citizens' privacy, and – in the same time – their own (governmental and corporate) domain becomes more and more secret, and any information on you, accumulated by them – harder and harder to obtain.

I have tried many times to receive my mother's full immigration case (file), and have submitted a proper request from my mother's name. However, we were refused - with no explanations, why. Then we have turned to a public organization "Hirondelle", which takes care of some legal matters for people, who have no money to pay the lawyer. An employee of that body, Mrs. Lolita Kiselev, has submitted a proper request to Immigration asking to send my mother's complete immigration file. She was refused as well. Then the Quebec Ombudsman's lawyer, Madame Maitre Scighetti, has submitted the same request, authorised by my mom. She wasn't refused, but the Immigration was delaying the submission of the file. 2 months have past since her request - and the file was never sent.    

We then decided to hire an experienced lawyer, Maitre Doyon, and she has sent a similar request to Immigration. And again - Immigration was postponing the submission of my mother's file.

However, Madame Doyon was more persistent. From some indirect sources (she never told it herself) I found out that she has turned to some important people stressing her astonishment about Immigration's unwill to send an ordinary immigration file of an ordinary old age person. It is possible that some deputies were involved. More and more people were involved in this dispute little by little. And a possibility that it can be transferred to a higher level has arisen. We also could go to the Federal Court - with all related repercussions. Only then Immigration has submitted the file.

However, it wasn't complete. Everything related to the medical concerns was confiscated from the file. It meant that Maitre Doyon could not defend my mother: since the whole case was based on the medical issues.  

Only after another round of a severe struggle we managed to receive my mother's immigration file. However, even by then it wasn't complete. The most important (from my point of view) documents were still missing. First of all, a rapport of the medical exam done by MD Mrs. Wanda BRZEZINSKA (an MD assigned for Immigration) in November, 1994, was still missing. Doctor BRZEZINSKA has examined my mother for Immigration and on Immigration's behalf. It was a routine exam, issued by the existing regulation for all refugee claimants arriving to Canada. Then a suggestion that it was Doctor Brzezinska's initial rapport, which generated a medical ground for Immigration's mockery on my mom, could find its proof or denial. However, there were several indirect documentary leads to the missing Brzezinska's rapport, which might be insufficient for an eventual lawsuit against Mrs. Brzezinska, but were completely meaningful in term to conclude that she was responsible for a false medical claim that a) my mother had a kidney abnormality, and b) that my mother had a grave heart disease, which will obviously lead to a heart surgery. Reporting to Immigration about my mother's "illnesses", she told nothing to my mother or me, her son, and never sent my mother to a cardiologist or neurologist; she never sent my mother to undergo a cardiogram or an echocardiogram, never sent my mother for a strum creatinine blood test to check her kidney function, etc. By that Mrs. Brzezinska has purposely did a serious damage to my mother's health, social, administrative, financial, and psychological situation. She was deliberately avoiding sending my mother to medical specialists - because in favour of Immigration she was making Immigration's medical inadmissibility claim unexpected for us - and therefore - prevented us from taking any legal and medical steps. Besides, other medical opinions could disagree with Mrs. Brzezinska - and with Immigration's evaluation (diagnosis).

Brzezinska's report on my mother's health was evaluated by two immigration medical doctors in Ottawa, at Immigration Medical Services department.  

Here is what known from the file.

 Immigration File Number - 7001-836625

 CIC file number - 9518-3082-7317


 Epstein Elisabeta

 Date of Exam 1017 - 06 Dec. 1999

(I omit the diagnosis and formulas)


UNDER SUBPARAGRAPH 19 (1) (a) (li) of the Immigration Act

 26 Sept. 2000

 J. Saint-Germain, MD

 W. A. Waddell, FRCSC

On 05 / 13 / 2000 an Immigration officer in Montreal, Vivian Kirimkiroglou,

sends an e-mail to Ann Hislop in Ottawa, to find out about the reasons

behind the postponing of my mother's landing immigrant procedure by Ottawa.

He's writing that my mother "was assessed M5 in 1995, and as

of 29 - 12 - 99 registers that she has been


Anna Hislop responded that in spite that the applicant did "a new

medical in December 1999", they have requested additional

medical tests (based on their former approach towards the applicant).

No comments needed.....

Indirectly another person, Elenor Morgan, was involved in my mother's case.

It seems that it was she behind the whole affair; it was probably her, who pushed the trigger of my mother's persecutions. She was presented indirectly in a number of documents. Main of these documents are: doctor Giannakis' (whose role in my mother's case is still blurry: some documents of his reports about my mother's health situation are missed in the file; however, his initial medical rapport from December, 1999, was favourable to my mother) rapport to Mrs. Morgan (09 / 26 / 2000), to fax number 613-946-0948 (which is in Ottawa), and Mr. St-Germain's rapport to the same Elinor Morgan, to the same fax.

Another strange document in the file is a rapport of a consultant, who was probably invited by Immigration to judge in my mother's case. This medical consultant's rapport was based not on my mother's real exam (the consultant never examined my mother), but on the medical documentation
on my mom, provided by Immigration. There is only a non-readable signature; no name or academic rang of the consultant. So, he's fully anonymous (as the GESTAPO murderers). The consultation is dated by Aug. 4 2000 and marked as for EPSE 2553 2113

A radiologist, MD Francis M. Boston, at La Cite Medical Center at Leo Pariseau, has intervened in the process of the medical tests, and (it wasn't required by the "regalement") wrote a statement about my mother's "serious cardiac condition", based on the x-ray done at La Cite. This comment was a pure voluntarily initiative, which looks as conspiracy between Immigration - and this MD.

Another document is the Immigration Medical Services' in Ottawa conclusion, based on an exam of my mother, done by Wanda Brzezinska. This document says the following:



This 69 year old refugee claimant was noted on examination to have

cardiovascular and renal abnormalities.

The findings are such that a serious disorder which may be expected

to cause excessive demand cannot be excluded at this time as the

applicant has only been assessed under the medical provisions of

Section 19 (1) (a) (f) of the Act (public health and safety).

Due to the presence of these abnormalities, the applicant should be

informed to seen medical follow-up. A new medical is required if the

Immigration status changed.

 Entered in FOSS

 Feb 10 1995



S. Bertrand, MD

J. Beltran, MD, FRCPC"  


There are well-grounded suspicions that the both names were anonymous.

In the same time doctor Brzezinska never sent my mother to an cardiogram or a renal tests. If not from doctor Brzezinska, then how and where "Bertrand" and "Beltran" obtained the medical data and based their sinister "conclusion"?

However, an x-ray done at the Reddy Memorial Hospital for the same medical exam (Nov. 18 1994) - ordered by doctor Brzezinska, - said that "The cardiopericardial  silhouette within normal limits... - Dr. Armanious".

Therefore, in 1994 Immigration had nothing in particular to support  their claim about my mother's "medical inadmissibility". She had by then a chronic hypertension, and a moderate atherosclerosis.

She had no kidney abnormalities at all, and a specific heart augmentation was not a sign of a disease, but a non-pathological natural individual difference, which she had from birth. However, she had a cataract and glaucoma, but this could not become a bias for Immigration's medical assault. So, in 1994 she was relatively a healthy person for her age. Two things were needed to support her health: an honest  medical assistance and non-stressful life. These were two things Immigration decided to deprive my mother from: as they wanted to torpid her landed immigrant claim, they have
decided to achieve it by destroying her life and health....

Indeed, the "medical case" was invented by Immigration in 1994, when the law about medical inadmissibility was not yet in motion!

They needed it to backup their offence against our refugee claim!

They wanted to secure their position in case if my mother will marry a Canadian citizen, or receive a positive response to her humanitarian appeal. In violation of the law, a claim about my mother's medical inadmissibility was missing in the file. It wasn't among documents, which were in disposition of our lawyers Maitre Le Brune and Maitre Beauchemin. Both of the lawyers gave me a full access to the immigration file: and I was carefully looking over Immigration medical records. The reason was that Immigration claimed that my wife Alla, and me - we both had tuberculosis! We were denied an employment authorisation under a "medical excuse"; it was done to put more pressure on us - and topple our eventual future humanitarian case (which required an employment situation (to be more precise – was favourable to people who are employed). Dr. Wanda Brzezinska claimed that she was "defending" us from Immigration; only in 2000 I have found records pointed at her as an initiator of this matter (if to believe these records). That's why I was searching for my mother's immigration medical records. I felt that they might do something against my mother, my intuition was just crying about that. However, I found nothing - because the February 1995 S. Bertrand's and J. Beltran's insinuation was missing in the file!

In the same time doctor Brzezinska also said nothing about my mother's "heart and kidney abnormalities", while Immigration MS have non-doubtfully based this "diagnosis" on Brzezinska's "conclusions".

In violation of the law, in violation of my mother's human rights, they kept their medical insinuation in secret from us, and our lawyers!

However, the whole sequence of events shows that the Immigration and her medical doctors were deliberately destroying my mother's health, in other words, they were gradually killing her - to refuse her the landed immigrant status by any means!

First of all, doctor Brzezinska gave no medical treatment to my mother. At Immigration they wrote by big letters


but Wanda did not provide my mother by any treatment for exception of the blood pressure controlling pills. My mother was systematically asking Wanda Brzezinska to send her to a cardiologist (to find a proper treatment for her atherosclerosis) and neurologist (to see, what could be the best treatment for her hypertension and prevention of an eventual stroke (a risk, which any one with hypertension has). And Wanda was constantly denying her a reference to specialists. She was denying it because of two reasons: 1) a conclusion of a cardiologist or / and neurologist could confront doctor Brzezinska's and the medical doctors' in Ottawa medical insinuations, and

2) she and her superiors in Ottawa have decided to destroy my mother's health by any means....

If my mother was by then treated at least by aspirin, or by some other medication, was advised a proper diet, and a proper kind of exercises, etc. - was sent to a cardiologist  and neurologist - it could prevent some deterioration in her health in 1995 - 1999. Wanda has also denied my mother an anti-flu vaccine, which could prevent her exposure to viruses with all the consequences (complications) for my mother's health.

However, Wanda's real goal might be to destroy my mother's health as much as possible.

A sinister personality of my mother's cousin (her mother's brother's daughter), Sonia (Sony) K. (Sony's daughter Lucy was also involved) was also behind this sequence of tragic events. Sony was a "brain center" behind innumerous scam and cheating affairs. She was connected with many godfathers of Russian and international Mafia, and her brain was always playing a number of criminal, financial, and "political" combinations. A daughter of a big-scale combinator, vice-commissioner of the intendment material part of the Leningrad front, connected with Mafia, and a wife of another big-scale combinator, Leonid F., one of the most successful underground enterprisers in ex-USSR, who was always thinking about deals, combinations, and cheating. And
she hated us: my grandmother, her husband, my mother, and me.  

Wanda Brzezinska was not just her family doctor, but her close friend. And it was Sony and Lucy, who referred us to doctor Brzezinska. (Attempts to destroy our refugee case by Lucy and her friend - by then a translator for Maitre Le Brune, - were already described in other chapters of our immigration drama).

Another method to damage my mother's health was to keep her constantly under a stress. Madame Roy, Mr. Chiu, and other Immigration officers, who were assigned to my mother's file, systematically assaulted her, shouted on her, submitted aggressive, intimidating letters, committed unlawful, outraged acts to irritate us and to cause damage to my mother's health.

This all already was described in different chapters of our immigration drama.

Immigration's tactics was to waste time "infinity" – until my mother will develop any illness because of her old age. (Nobody lives more then 80 - 90 years). I believe that they  could sabotage my mother's landed immigration procedure for another 10 years, if we would not hire such a good lawyer as Maitre Doyon! Like vultures, like carnage creatures they were waiting for my mother's death. My mother could not be indifferent towards this cruel watch of Immigration officials, she always felt that they were monitoring time of her life, she always was under the pressure.

Methods and tricks, employed by Immigration against my mother, fully correspond and match methods, which they used against me: falsifying my x-ray result, sending me to a compulsory anti-tuberculosis treatment without any proof that this diagnosis corresponds to me, etc.

Soon after my mother did a new echocardiogram, and its result has confronted the result of the previous one, it became clear that Immigration somehow used a fake echocardiogram to assume a false result. After new conclusions of medical doctors, cardiologists - Dr. Kostiuk, Dr. Creelensten, Dr. Reisler, and Dr. Kesner, as well as new statements of Dr. Jast, Dr. Rohan and Dr. Giannakis (all contradicted the "conclusions" of Immigration), and after our new lawyer's, Madame Doyon, sharp declaration – an Immigration officer, Madame Cauchesne, called Mrs. Doyon. She told her that there is no need to go public (this is what Madame Doyon was planning) or to appeal to the Federal Court (another option) because Immigration's claim of my mother's medical inadmissibility was withdrawn now.

However, it was just a verbal declaration....

Me, and Maitre Doyon - we demanded a confirmation (in writing) that my mother's "medical case" is closed. Mrs. Doyon received such a document only in February, 2002, and warned me that now Immigration can stalk the proceeding of my mother's papers under various excuses for many months - until finally her landed immigrant papers would be issued. She sent the above mentioned letter to us, but we never received it.

However, we have received another letter from Immigration, saying that my mother's file have benn finalised...

Our final victory however did not mean that Immigration and the powerful people who stand behind it, just gave up, and now will undertake no steps to kill my mother and me. A number of strange events followed this new immigration development – as if they were waiting for this time.

In January, 2002, my mother's purse with all her documents and with 200 dollars inside was stolen in the bus number 165. My wife and my daughters were in the bus with my mother, and they all were absolutely sure that the purse was stolen by a small young man, who looked and behave as an Israeli. I see here a connection with the finalising of my mother's immigration case. In police, when we told that the eventual thief was looking as an Israeli, the policeman wrote "Arab" instead!   

Of course, my mother was distressed by this event; nothing like that ever happened to her. We had to appeal for a new social security number for her, a new medical card, etc.

In February my mother's health has suddenly worsen.

Her high blood pressure (hypertension) was sometimes out of control, reaching 180 or 190; her insomnia has deepened, and her legs became more painful because of the problem with the blood vessel system (circulation). In the same time she's lost contact with both doctor Jast and doctor Yvon Rohan, her family doctors. She felt like they stopped to respond to her medical complains and symptoms. She was expecting that Dr. Rohan should send her to a neurologist and cardiologist, but he told her to wait a bit - because he was already sending her to so many specialists in connection with her immigration case, and now he can not.

In January, 2002, strange e-mails began to arrive to me from Israel. Their context was always the same:



            Be well


            Fri, 31 Aug 2001 04:51:50 +0300


           Mon, 20 Jan 2000 12:21:30 +0400





            if social hardship does not warn you microbiology will be next


I've received around 6 of such e-mails, with confused dates (August, January, September, etc.)

In February Israeli most extremist right-wing party "Moledet" has criticised my essays on Israel, and the journalist of their official press organ - "Moledet" - wrote in his article on me that "if we  were MOSSAD, we would put attention towards Lev Gunin's activity long before". Something like this.

Computer viruses attacks on my computer from Israel became almost an everyday picture. My friends' e-mail boxes were also used to attack my computer: like this one -


<dir>            Re: более полный вариант повести


            Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:33:52 +0300


            "Faray Leonidov" <_faray@mail.ru>



                   Part 1.2





                                            WAV (audio/x-wav)




In the end of December my wife has became sick after a New Year party at her work. She has suffered two days from a strange asymptotic illness.

Then I've become sick. The virus has manifested itself only in sniffing, but it was tormenting and painful. Then I have developed a migraine, then - began to urinate every hour or a half.

Then pain in the kidney area appeared. There were other symptoms, which forced me to turn to a specialist.

I went to an urologist, at St-Luc hospital.

A urine test and a microbiological test were done.

However, nothing was found. It was amazing! Later I had pains in the kidney. By then I've already started to treat myself, and it helped. However, I didn't know, what it was. And this was frightening....

A bit later, January 21 2002, another strange event has happened. I've sprained my finger. I was just standing in my kitchen, when I felt a sudden pain, and understood that something went wrong with my finger. When I came to doctor Jast, he told me that this is like somebody has twisted my finger. I had pain in my finger 2 weeks, and till now I don't know, what happened.

Exactly when I had this sprain, a suspicious ad about post-traumatic services to treat bones and ligaments, came to me via e-mail.

In February strange red marks appeared on my mother's skin around her neck. They became extremely big and looked like chancres. She went to Dr. Jast and Dr. Rohan, but they did not arranged a consultation with a dermatologist or an allergologist. She also had tremendous pains in her eyes, and felt like her eyes are burning. She even went to emergency, but there was advised to visit her ophthalmologist. She went to two ophthalmologists, but we had an impression that they did not have a serious attitude to her complains.

Her eye drops have been changed giving no relief.

From September to December Simcha, my mother's husband, fell two times in the street, and was injured.

The second time he broke his nose. The nature of his injuries was like he did not fell but was beaten up. However, the way it looks may always mislead you. Since then he became more and more aggressive, and his aggressiveness often broke against my mother. He shouted on her, made aggressive gestures, even tumbled chairs.

In the same time another problem - with my mother's new social insurance number - took place. They had to submit her a new one in 3 weeks, but more then a month has passed, and they didn't. I began to call them, and received a respond that they can not tell me, why a new SIN wasn't sent yet, but I have to call Immigration - "because they know". I called Immigration on February 25, at 10.00, and spoke with an ordinary employer-operator. She told me that does not see in my mother's file that anything has changed in her situation, and that a mark of her inadmissibility is still there. Then another person, an aggressive male, took over. He started to shout on me and to accuse me. In an offensive tone he claimed that the landed immigrant papers will be never issued for my mother "until she's alive", and that we (my mother and me) are responsible for it.

My first intention was not to tell anything to my mother. Unfortunately, when she came to us on Sunday, Feb. 27, she began to provoke me to tell her. She accused me saying that I am not calling Immigration, ans so on.

This day I felt a strange pity to my mother, like if I'm seeing her the last time. I felt something: some fear, which I could not associate with anything in particular.

So, when I was providing my mother to the bus, I've told her about my conversation with Immigration. She became very worried; I don't remember her in such an irritated, distressed state. In the same moment the wind has turned her umbrella inside out, and she was very frightened. I was more worried, and wanted to accompany her to her home, but could not.

My neighbour and friend, Errol, has asked me to help him to fix his computer, and it was urgent. I have a lot of sympathy to him, and also I owe him a lot. In all cases of emergencies like illness, my computer problems, moving furniture, etc. - he was trouble-free - and always helped and offered his car to give us a lift in cases of any trouble. I also like to speak to him and enjoy his company. So, I've returned home and went to Errol's apartment.

By Errol I've quickly found out that the CD drive, which he bought, was detective. However, he did not trust completely my expertise, and we ran new and new tests one after another one.

My mother called my family, and told that she came home. I did not speak to her - because I was by Errol.

At night I've seen a nightmare, which involved a "science fiction movie" about persecution of a dissident (me?). He (or me?) was hiding within something that probably was a sort of a transportation station. Then he was hiding among strange cisterns and other things. However, t h e y  used a smart navigation device - and managed to kill him (me?). In the same moment a strange replacement occurred. The dissident was again alive, but his mother was ill (or dead), lying on the floor instead of him.

Then a telephone call has wakened me up. It was Errol, who asked me to go with him to the store to replace the CD drive. Because he was in a hurry, I had no time to call my mother. They gave us a computer, a mouse, a keyboard - everything, and told to test the drive. It was really defective. Then I found a professional and super good computer monitor for Errol , which he managed to buy for only 80 dollars. He was happy when we came home.

When I have entered my apartment, Marta told me that the grandmother has called and asked me to call her. I've immediately dialed my mother, and she told me that she has a paresis on her face. I took my daughters - and we left instantly.

We found out that on Sunday, when my mother has returned home after visiting us, Simcha made a scene. He shouted on my mother, threatened her, and demanded, why she was absent so long.... The same evening my mother felt unusual. When she was brushing and washing her teeth, she felt like her left eye is squeezing. She felt also like pricking.

However, she did not understand, what happens to her - and did not alarm.

At night she felt some dizziness, but it might be a kind of dizziness, which she often has "because of her insomnia". Only in the morning, when she looked at herself in the mirror, she noticed that one half of her face has been asymmetrically de-placed. However, she thought that this might be an inflammation of the facial nerve.

Even when we came, Simcha was aggressive, and tried to object our arrival saying "why did you have to come? What happened?" - and later said that there is no need to go to the hospital; we have to book an appointment with a family doctor. Well, he's not educated - and non-educated people have a tendency to think that they know everything better then all others, and to reject complicated for them schemas as "fantasies".

In last 2 months I heard from many anti-Zionist dissidents about accidents with their close relatives. One of them even told me (after listening to my story) that my mother became sick actually now, in the time of Israeli major offence against Palestinian people and against freedom-minded people around the globe, not occasionally..... He was also suspicious about the fact that my mother's illness coincided with this interview in Immigration, and happened just 2 weeks before it.

I've begged my mother not to go to the Jewish General Hospital. I was intended to transport her to the Montreal General Hospital. Unfortunately, she was stubborn in her decision to go to the Jewish General. What could I do?



From the very first minute Jewish hospital's medical staff was evidently insisting that my mother had a stroke. Immigration itself had to be indifferent now, after finalizing my mother's immigration case - but not people, who stood behind IMS's actions. During my mother's treatment at the Jewish General hospital it was so clear, so obvious - that left no doubts: Jewish General hospital was much closer to somebody, who initiated medical repression against me and my family, then Canadian Federal Immigration.        

Most of the symptoms, which my mother had, did not match the stroke; I was strongly insisting that this is not a stroke - and demanded a second opinion. I just did not know that my suggestion was called in English "bell's pulsy". My mother was treated from a stroke, she was diagnosed with a stroke, and her pain was considered as a "post-stroke" pain, and was treated correspondingly.

However, the Jewish General hospital had plans, which went beyond just moral support of inhuman IMS's actions. They did everything they could to prevent my mother from appearing at Immigration for receiving her landed immigrant's papers, and by this (or / and based on it) to raise a question of her "medical inadmissibility" again (or - at least - to provoke a situation, when Immigration could postpone this procedure for an infinity, and justify it). The whole story can be found on Internet as an essay "Jewish Hospital's GESTASPO Methods" (the same site as "Israeli Terrorism"). All Jewish General's medical doctors, including my mother's doctor in charge, Mrs. Janis Cohen, have insisted on diagnosis "stroke" in a very mean, vicious manner. Because of my verbal and written complains, in which I've explained that I disagree with their diagnosis, they had sent my mother to MRI test.

It was a frightening cooperation and coordination between somebody in Immigration (or someone who has pretended that was calling on behalf of Immigration) - and doctor Cohen, and the hospital's administration. Every word of doctor Cohen was a lie. For me - she represented people, who were behind the judgement of my mother's "inadmissibility", or - may be - even one of them.


My mother was suffering from tremendous pain in her left cheek. Mrs. Janis Cohen, who represented the Jewish General's staff's opinion, has insisted that this was a "post-stroke" pain. In my disagreement with her I have insisted that this was mostly a pain, coming from one of my mother's teeth. I have also suggested that whatever happened to my mom, was related to an infection in her mouth, and to inflammation of a nerve in connection with an oral infection. Promised by doctor Cohen consultation with a dentist was actually a deception. Doctor Cohen never filed a demand for such a consultation, and was lying to us, when said that did it. I have managed to organize such a consultation not through her, and it took place ONLY after ombudsman's intervention.

I believe that 2-3 days after my mother's arrival at the hospital doctor Cohen and other medical staff at the Jewish General already knew that my mother had no stroke. I believe that they were deliberately insisting on the wrong diagnosis because of the two reasons: 1) to punish me through making my mother suffering more, and 2) to cover up Immigration's medical misconduct.

By refusing my mother consultation with a dentist and by denying the real source of her pain, they have exposed her to tremendous, unbearable torments, treating her from pain by just Tylenol. One of the nurses, when she was duty, has always "forgotten" to bring her Tylenol, and my mother was suffering even more.

A dentist (when the consultation took place) could reduce her pain almost to "0" (comparing to the pain she suffered from before) in just 5 minutes.  


Telephone beside my mother's bed in the post stroke unit at the Jewish General was disconnected, when she just arrived. However, hospital's administration was sending bills for the telephone - as if my mother was using it.

People from administration came to see my mother, and they gave her to sign papers that she's using the phone - and wants to pay for it. It was obvious that my mother does not understand English, and does not know what she has signed. These people have acted as criminals! My mother has thought that she's signing a paper to do a test or another medical procedure. Even after my written declaration to hospital's material part's management, in which I demanded not to disturb my mother and not to force her signing any financial document, because she does not understand English properly, because she's suffering from tremendous pain - and became vulnerable and manipulative, - they kept coming to my mom with their forms and financial documents. In the same time, they were denying that they came to see my mom - as if my mother's signature could appear on their papers in a miraculous way! Even when I have identified a person (after my mother's description), who recently approached my mom, she was still denying that it was her, who has again disturbed my mother.

According to hospital's policy, each telephone must be connected, and the patient has right to make calls. Only to enable an outside caller to speak to the patient the last must pay for this. However, my mother's telephone was initially disconnected, and this was causing serious inconveniencies and troubles for all of us. When - after my loudly complaints - the telephone was connected one day in the morning, it was quickly disconnected the same night.

Hospital's telephone operator misinformed me about the telephone status - which indicated a wide-scale conspiracy among the hospital's staff in this matter.

There were many of other small incidents on administrative ground, which was a proof that we were really not welcomed at the Jewish hospital.


I have recommended my mother not to do an MRI test at the Jewish General hospital. I was afraid that this test poses a threat not only for my mother's health, but to my own health as well - because of the genetic relationship.

When doctor Cohen with another medical doctor came with a form, which my mother had to sign before being sent to the MRI test, she refused to sign it. However, doctor Cohen came next time, when my mother was alone (in spite of my verbal and written declarations, demanding not to approach my mother with something that she has to sign, without my presence), and my mother has signed it.

This time my mother understood, what paper she's signing, and has sign it - because by then was already in disagreement with me. I think that she was afraid of Zionists, their MDs, their hospital, and though that if she will do everything they demand, they would leave her alive. However, she was always hesitating, and, if they did not take advantage of her age, situation, and vulnerability, she would never sign anyway. I was categorically against it, and clearly explain my mother - why.

As was highly expected, they scanned not only my mother's brain but also her whole body. When the scan results were already available in the hospital's computer system, doctor Cohen lied to my wife that the readings of the scan are not yet ready. Later not just the results of the scan but even the record that my mother had this procedure was erased from hospital's computer system. At Radiology, at Information, at Emergency, at Medical Records etc. people could not see them through hospital's computers.

Doctor Cohen never responded to our demands to tell, what did the scan show.

Only on the day when my mother was released from the hospital, she told that the white brain essence is damaged, and that the cortex is suffering from a damage. However, there were just common words – because without any reference to the scan we know that in patients with hemiparesis normally the cortex is involved. No paper or summary of the MRI scan was provided for us.

According to my opinion, my mother's condition has suddenly became worse in next 24 hours after the MRI scan, and since then did not improve.

On Sunday, (March 17) doctor Cohen refused to speak to my wife and answer her questions about the MRI. So, she never told about MRI scan's results. A resume of MRI scan was never released by the Jewish General hospital.

When my mother came once to Saint Mary's emergency, and the Saint Mary's staff have submitted a request to the Jewish General about my mother's MRI result, it was denied by the Jewish General hospital.

5 medical doctors have submitted a request to the Jewish General hospital to release the result of my mother's MRI scan, but never obtained it. However, almost 1 year later I have managed to approach a medical doctor, who claimed that saw my mother's MRI scan resume, before it was erased from hospital's computer system. He said that it revealed an old hemorrhage in the brain, and nothing more. All details, which could be read as abnormalities were not life threatening, and there were no indications of a fresh insult (stroke).

The diagnosis "bells pulsy" is now officially presents in my mother's medical documents, supported by 7 medical doctors, including 2 neurologists. No medical doctor now thinks that my mother had a stroke.

A serious oral infection was found in my mom and olso a cyst on her gum, which was operated and removed.   

Red itchy marks on my mother's skin were tested by an allergologist - and was found out that they relate to moule allergic reaction, but my mother has no moule in her apartment.


Her conduct with us was outraged from her very first appearance. Her every word was a lie. She presented herself as "Mirian" (or "Miriam") Cohen - when in reality she's Janis Cohen. She has called herself a neurologist, when in reality she's not. She told that she booked an appointment with a dentist - when in reality she didn't. MRI scan was done on March 14, but she was mentioning it as if it was done on March 17 (to confuse us). When I have insisted that she should not approach my mother with a form for MRI scan allowance, she promised - in the presence of another MD, but did the opposite. She was abusing my mother, her husband, my wife, and me - trying to assault us, to provoke an overreaction, making racist remarks.

She openly expressed her detestable attitude towards people from the Slavic countries, like Russia, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. In her single racist remark she has mentioned only Russians, but her behaviour clearly demonstrated that she detest all people from the world of Slaves. She told the nurses (I found this out later) not to answer our questions, not to speak to us, to refuse us any information.

Once, in the presence of my stepfather and another patient, and her daughter, and in front of my mother (a post-stroke patient, for whom any stress is life-threatening) doctor Cohen has shouted at me and cried out that she's going to call police: with no gesture, or word, or action from my side.

She promised consultations with a dentist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist and endocrinologist, but doctor Cohen lied about sending these request. As I found out later – no requests were done: until I personally went to other departments of the hospital.

When she has appeared beside my mother's bed at the hospital, she did not respond to my "good morning" greeting, and has never responded later on to my "good day", or "good afternoon", or "good evening". When we met each other the very first time - she has avoided looking at me, to speak to me, to answer my questions. Her questions or affirmative phrases she directed only to my mother, looking always at her, as if I was not standing at the same room. She had to speak to my mother through me - because there was no other translator. However, she ignored me even if I was translating, never saying "tell your mother that..." or "ask your mother....". When I was asking her to repeat her question or specify it - she has repeated it to my mother, without looking at me. I tried to be friendly and polite, generating a positive approach (into myself) towards doctor Cohen. Gradually I was admitting with horror that it does not work. Maybe my interpretation of her gestures, looks, or intonation was incorrect, and she never stopped ignoring me, but I tried to convince myself (even later - when analysing (in writing) - what happened) that she has begun to put some attention at me after some of my efforts. However, if even my impression was correct, she did not become more friendly. Doctor Cohen was cold with me, she was knocking me down, abruptly cutting off my phrases. She posed a question to my mother, and then suddenly interrupted me while I was translating it to my mother in Russian or Yiddish - as if she knew Russian and Yiddish and was angry because of my incorrect translation. (And again - without looking at me or without any traces of personal recognition of my presence). She cut me off then more aggressively while I was translating to her my mother's responses. She refused to answer any question (given to her by my mom or by me) concerning medical evaluation of my mother's condition and the post-stroke complications' treatment. She has responded to just 1 question: when I asked her if the post-insult spastic hemiparesis in my mother could be treated. "It can not be said yet, - she told with a  kind of a malevolence. In the same time she said it in a humiliating manner as if she was miming-teasing me, laughing  at my semi-medical jargon. All the time she stressed my individual manner to speak - trying to abuse my English skills. It's rude and cruel to mock even at a foreign student's mistakes in English. It is much more rude and unacceptable to mock at a patient's relative if you're a medical doctor. I can not judge myself about how good is my English or how detectable is my Russian-Polish accent in it - but nobody and never before said that my English is bad. I have also participated in a number of activities, where knowledge of English (spoken or written) is essential, and have never failed.

By her very first appearance (by her behaviour) doctor Cohen has demonstrated clearly that she knows something about me, that she's accusing me and hates me. If she would not know, who I am, why should she behave with me like that? Somebody from the hospital's staff, a Polish origin, has told me that "doctor Cohen is our "small Zionist" (the word "small" was probably corresponding to doctor Cohen's very short height).  

Doctor Cohen has provided my mother with a commonly known post-stroke medication, without going into my mother's individual condition.

She refused to analyse, what reasons led to my mother's present medical state, or evaluate some unusual symptoms like red chancres on my mother's neck, yellow spots on my mother's back, etc. My mother's skin was burning, and she suffered from it hardly. When my mother complained that she's suffering from a tremendous pain in her eyes and left cheek (and dental areas), doctor Cohen ignored it claiming that these are usual post-stroke pains. (Later we found out that they were not stroke-related).

Another thing that has concerned me - strange manipulations with my mother's blood pressure measurements. If the nurse used to measure my mother's blood pressure as 178 x 80, in doctor Cohen's diary it appeared as 178 x 50. The law heart rate was used by doctor Cohen as an excuse to decrease the dosage of Haysar and Atenolol, which my mother was receiving. Because the dosage now was decreased against the dose that my mother was receiving usually at home, the picture was now distorted, and it became unclear, her high blood pressure has a post-insult or another nature.

I was shocked that the nurses have stopped to tell me, what medications my mother receives. Later I understood that they also started to avoid bringing her medications while I'm visiting her.

It is not necessary to mention all abuses, which doctor Cohen has directed at us. She practically refused to speak with me from the very first moment. If she "spoke with me" - then only through somebody else.

On Sunday, (March 17) doctor Cohen has refused to speak to my wife and answer her questions about how long my mother must stay in the hospital. However, after my wife began to insist, and a conflict situation has formed, she told my wife that my mother would be released from the hospital on March 19, at 10.00. All nurses, the whole medical staff knew about this decision. Doctor Cohen never told that it should be a release under some conditions.

On March 18 my mother's husband received a call from Immigration. A female voice was asking to speak to Elisabetha EPSTEIN (GUNIN). According to my mother's husband, he did not tell that my mother was in the hospital. He only told that "she's not home". About the same time (11.30) they called me. A woman asked me if my mother will appear at the interview at Immigration. "Because she's in the hospital now, we afraid that she can not come – and we'll delay the interview for 6 months, - she told. I said in response that only my mother can know if she will appear at the interview, and that they have no legal ground to cancel the interview.

On March 19 a dentist found out that my mother's pain at her cheek was not a post-stroke pain: as I suggested before…..

On the same day, March 19, around 10.00 my mother was completely dressed – and ready to go. However, doctor Cohen has ordered us to wait. She claimed that "not all papers are ready". Then she tried to involve another person (Nadege, who was asking my mother if she can put on the bandage on her left eye for night-time). We understood that doctor Cohen wants just to win time. Later doctor Cohen has changed an excuse to keep my mother longer at the hospital, and said that an endocrinologist must see my mother at 2 – because the level of cholesterol in my mother's blood is too high, she claimed. However, as we suspected, nobody came at 2 (and – as I think – did not have to come).

Then my mother went out asking me not to follow her (she was tired, and wanted to walk a bit). After several minutes I was also out of the room looking for her. I've found her standing near the desk, where she was asked to sign a paper that she went out from the hospital against the medical advise, and responsible for the consequences. I was near to stop my mother to sign this paper, but doctor Cohen then said that if my mother will not sign this paper – she will not be allowed to go out from the hospital, and will not be able to appear at the interview at Immigration. Doctor Cohen pretended that I told her about Immigration, but I didn't.

They wanted to force my mother to sign another paper saying that if she leaves now - she has to pay for all future medical services herself - until she returns to the Jewish General Hospital, but I said categorically that my mother is not going to sign this paper.

My mother was released without any document that she was in the hospital, without any medications, and even the prescription was given her after a brief fight. However, the dosage in the prescription was for some drugs incorrect, for others - skipped.

As soon as my mother found herself at home her pain have immediately decreased. However, comparing to the day of her admission to the hospital, her condition has been worsen. She could not stay at home in such a condition, and, after receiving the landed immigrant papers, made an appointment to a doctor, whom she has already visited before. He told me that without a formal paper from the Jewish General Hospital we can not do anything.

He said that my mother can not be treated, admitted to another hospital, have other tests - nothing!

On the 21-st of March, at 11.00, I went to the Admission Office of the Jewish General Hospital trying to obtain the official discharge from the hospital paper. I was refused with no explanation!

After taking my mother to the doctor, my daughter Marta went with an official request from this doctor to the Jewish General Hospital, and was told that they will submit an answer for this request in 10 days!

They knew pretty well that in 10 days my mother can die without medical help!


There were innumerous minor incidents at the hospital - like an incident with my mother's eye drops, and so on.

There was no doubt that this conflict with the Jewish General hospital in Montreal was Israeli medical terrorism-related.

I did not describe the situation outside hospital, when anonymous e-mail said that I am guilty of what happened with my mom; total strangers have started to speak with me at a bus station, demonstrating their knowledge of my mother's situation, and so on. This all was just another indirect indication of the terrorist connection.


In December 2002, my mother's husband, Mr. S. Chmiel, fell in the kitchen, and injured himself. The day when it happened he was categorically against calling an ambulance. However, one day after his condition has worsen, and we called an ambulance. When an ambulance came, I demanded not to take him to the Jewish General hospital, and asked, if they can bring him to Montreal General, Royal Victoria, or even to Saint Mary hospital. They called their supervisor, and were told that because less and less patients want to go to the Jewish General hospital, and its emergency is not overcrowded, they must bring Simcha only to the Jewish General.  

In the Jewish General they kept him the whole day: from 10.00 to 17.00 (Saturday, Dec. 7 2002), and then decided to send him home. He could not walk, he could not go to bathroom; they did not care. My mother, and me - we did not insist that they must keep him in the hospital. They only were concerned, how they should transport him home. They told us to take him home by taxi. However, it was obvious that he can not go into a cab. With an experienced medically caregiver he maybe could be taken to a taxi, but not with my help. I could not move him, and he was screaming wildly if I've only touched him. Then they had an idea to send him home by an ambulance. However, they could not manage it for an unknown to me reason. So, they've left him in the hospital for a while.

I have realised that next day we'll be left with Simcha (my mother, who's sick herself, and me), with a person, who can not walk. He also could not change his position in the bed. First of all, it was impossible for me to sit 24 hours with him, providing an intensive care. I am not too strong; and I don't think that I could move Simcha. Because we can not afford to buy a car, it takes us 1-2 hours to go to my mom. Even if I could give myself a try, we don't have any equipment for taking care of Simcha. My head was pouring from thinking about what to do.

IN THE HOSPITAL. On Sunday they didn't give him his pills, and his blood pressure was 240 x 130. They did not empty his urine can; when I came, it was full, and nobody has cared. They did not give him any breakfast. I went myself – and got it. When they took him to radiology, to do the x-ray, they've thrown him as commodity, not as somebody alive, and he told later that he suffered from pain, which he never had before. They have abused him so aggressively and so blatantly that we had no choices but to take him home. I don't think that it could happen in any other hospital. At least - not yet. Jewish facilities are untouchable. Jewish organizations, Jewish medical doctors, Jewish hospitals are doing what they want and abuse people how they want: because everybody is afraid to dispute their privileges and power. Because of the Israeli-Jewish terrorism.


Since January 2002, my own health was under an attack. As I've already described, in January 2002, I've received an uretral infection of an unknown type. I've complained to doctor Rohan and to doctor Jast about this infection, describing symptoms, and they sent me several times to do urine tests at Saint Mary hospital's laboratory. From March to December 2002, I had an infection 10 times, and took 4 courses of medications. 8 times (when I had an infection) I went to Saint Mary hospital's laboratory - and did urine tests. 4 of the tests results "were lost" in the laboratory. 4 have revealed no abnormalities. The same day, when once doctor Jast has checked my urine - and told that there is an infection, I did a test at Saint Mary's hospital, and it was "in norm". Hospital Saint Mary is located in the same "Jewish" area, where the Jewish General hospital is also located. I have started to suspect that my urine tests were perverted there. Each of all 3 times, when I've been coming to Saint Mary hospital's laboratory for a blood test, the same woman was always sitting in the first from the entrance armchair, with the content of her purse on the floor. Each time the same medical nurse was asking me the same stupid questions giving the woman in armchair time to collect her belongings and free her place. Each time I was invited to sit in this first armchair (of course, I did not agree – and went further) – by the same blood-collecting nurse. Isn't it was "a bit" suspicious? No wonder that I was forced to arrange a small experiment. 2 times I've taken referrals for urine tests from 2 different medical doctors, and did 2 tests at Saint Mary hospital - and at 2 other hospitals. Each time one urine test was done at Saint Mary hospital's laboratory - and another one - at another hospital: on the same day. As I've suspected, the results were astonishing. Tests, done at Saint Mary hospital's laboratory, were "in norm", when other tests have shown an infection!

Once I've appeared at one of Montreal hospital's emergencies. My urine was tested, and an infection was found. A unique specialist, who used to be by that time at the hospital, told me that I have a very rare infection. He prescribed me common medications, but told me that I must appear after 5 days at the emergency, where doctors will take care of my specific infection. However, when I came, nobody knew who I am and who sent me. I have also discovered that the record of my appearance at the emergency, and everything, which related to my visit, was erased from their database.

One very specific symptom - is that every time when I have this infection, I have simultaneously an ulcer in my mouth; I told this 2 MDs, but nobody cares to send me for a micro-culture testing. I receive no treatment, no intensive diagnostics.

This virus is slowly destroying my organism. I am sure that it disbalanced metabolism in my organism. An ageing process has suddenly erupted with a bizarre progressivity in me, destroying not only my look, but also the way I feel. My urine test result, which once was already received by doctor Rohan - before his vacations, - later has vanished from my file.

It is very possible that the Israeli terrorism stands behind all these strange events. It is very possible that Israeli terrorism has decided to punish me through medical tools. It is possible that they are preparing to kill me sooner or later. Hundreds of Israeli ultra-patriots and racists-extremists, thousands of Zionist activists, web sites and newspapers of Israeli right-wing parties have called me an enemy of Israel, and addressed me their damnation.

No doubt that Israel is able to destroy a single independent activist like me. However, I believe that a day will come, a day, when they'll be forced to pay the bills.


Was a new immigrant (Naum Tsipnis) murdered by an ambulance in Petach-Tikva that an Israeli might live? (See the 1-st chapter of this part ("Medical Terrorism").

We know at least 3 such horrible incidents, when new Russian-speaking immigrants were killed by ambulances at Petach-Tikva, Ashdod, and Rishon-Le-Zion. Their organs were donated to wealthy Israelis without a required legal procedure and without permission of victims' families.

From Arabs in Israel I heard about a number of similar incidents with Arabs, killed by ambulances near Haifa or in other parts of Israel, and taken to hospitals for stripping out of organs, which were donated to wealthy Israelis.

Here, in Canada, old patients from the middle class, and patients of all ages from poor families are so badly maltreated and humiliated in Jewish hospitals - that many non-Jews can easy believe rumours that organs of killed by Israelis Arab or Christian, or "Russian" victims are donated not only through hospitals in Israel, but also through Jewish hospitals outside Israel.

Israeli medical system is so cruel, and medicine and medical questions are so heavily exploited by Israeli government in political and racist purposes - that it gives materials about killings of people in Israel and by Israelis for donor organs a very credible base.

And also, if, after materials, provided by Lubomir Prytulak, we'll go back to Amnesty International's reports, we'll find there the same credibility (support) for Mr. Prytulak's analysis.

Justification of killing of people for transplant organs is a widespread opinion among wealthy Israelis. Living 3,5 years in Israel - I have often heard that to kill a poor person, "who's useless, lives on welfare, and brings no contribution into society", for transplants - is "very fair".

It is very sad that this opinion prevualates not only among wealthy secular Israelis, but also among rich ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel.

Organizations like Amnesty International or UN should send their people to Israel to speak with ordinary wealthy Israelis - to hear, what they think about killing people for donor organs.  


       Bernie Farber   Letter 03   13-May-2002   What else is scaring the stone-throwers?

       "Perhaps one of the visions that terrifies these boys is that
       of being strapped to an operating table and ending up like
       the Palestinian in this photograph." — Lubomyr Prytulak

                                                              13 May 2002

       Bernie Farber
       Executive Director, Ontario Branch
       Canadian Jewish Congress
       4600 Bathurst Street
       Toronto, ON    M2R 3V2

       Bernie Farber:

       Palestinian boys throw stones at Jewish
       tanks to overthrow Jewish oppression and
       to win back the land Jews robbed
       Palestinians of.

       One might imagine that upon being
       captured, these boys would receive
       treatment as good as that mandated by
       international conventions for prisoners of
       war, and perhaps better on account of
       several considerations:

            they are young,

            their weaponry falls short of lethal,

            they demonstrated heroism,

            they were fighting not to oppress,
            but to win emancipation from
            oppression; not to keep what they
            have stolen, but to win back what
            has been stolen from them.

       Photographs, however, do not show boys
       who recognise that their capture removes
       them from the danger of confrontation to a
       place of lawful and just and safe captivity,
       but rather show boys in a state of panic
       who have to be subdued by force.

       In my letter, What's scaring the
       stone-throwers?, of 08-Apr-2002, I asked
       Ezra Levant what he thought these boys
       were afraid of, and suggested that they
       might be afraid of having their hands
       broken, of being beaten, tortured, and
       even executed.

       To that list might be added the fear of being
       delivered to a Jewish organ-harvesting facility.

       Perhaps one of the visions that terrifies these boys
       is that of being strapped to an operating table and
       ending up like the Palestinian in this photograph.

       If you read my letter to Israel Asper, titled "They
       left their hearts in Tel Aviv", of 10-May-2002, you
       will be given reason to understand that such a fear
       would not be totally irrational.

       If you think that such a fear on the part of the
       captured Palestinian boys would be unfounded,
       perhaps you will be able to begin dismantling this
       fear by explaining what happened to the following
       25 Palestinian children that went missing:

              Lubomyr PRYTULAK (ukr.arch.org)




Israel Asper   Letter 01   10-May-2002   They left their hearts in Tel Aviv

                                                 "The family of Alastair
                                                 Sinclair, a Scottish
                                                 tourist who hanged
                                                 himself in an Israeli jail,
                                                 was forced to bring suit
                                                 for the return of missing
                                                 body parts." —
                                                 Jonathan Rosenblum

                                                                   10 May 2002

            Israel Asper
            Executive Chairman
            CanWest Global Communications Corp.
            3100 TD Centre, 201 Portage Avenue
            Winnipeg MB   R3B 3L7

            Israel Asper:

            Could Your Readers Have A Little Balance?

            In one of your newspapers, The Windsor Star of 09-Apr-2002, p. C10, I read that your father, Leon,
            was a violinist trained at the Odessa Conservatory and your mother, Cecilia, was a concert pianist.
            Your parents seem to have managed their accomplishments in Ukraine in the face of what writer Zev
            Singer would have us believe was an adverse environment: "Escaping the pogroms of their native
            Ukraine, Cecilia and Leon Asper came to Canada in the early 1920s."

            In order to avoid giving the impression that you are using your newspaper empire to keep alive the
            nurtured hatreds and hyperbolized grievances of your ancestors, I wonder if you could not introduce
            some balance to your coverage of Ukrainian-Jewish relations?

            Was A Ukrainian Murdered That A Jew Might Live?

            For example, a story that is both more recent and more urgent than that of your parents escaping
            Ukrainian "pogroms," and perhaps more credible as well, and one which I don't think you have
            permitted your newspaper empire to allude to as yet, is the following:

                         UKRAINIAN ECHO   07 January 2002     Page 22

                         A view of the press in


                         "Returned from foreign labor ... without his heart."  Underneath such a
                         headline, this newspaper relates that, reduced to despair by extreme
                         material straits, a 39-year-old Khmelnytsky resident took a job in
                         Israel.  However, the terrible news shortly arrived that he had died
                         there of poisoning by a tainted alcoholic beverage (even though all
                         domestic sources insist that he never drank!).  The body of the
                         unfortunate worker was returned to Ukraine for burial.  However,
                         medical experts discovered that he was missing ... his heart!  At the
                         moment, this dreadfully-inhuman affair is being investigated with the
                         help of Interpol....  (Ukrinform, 23 November).

            Maybe Ukrainians Are Just Creating An Urban Legend?

            There are those who seem ready to disbelieve all reports of organ robbery, and who thus would likely
            consider the above story of organ robbery, perhaps preceded by murder as well, as an "urban
            legend," as at
                 The Folklorist thefolklorist.com/horror/organtheft_turkey.htm

                 Nancy Scheper-Hughes sunsite.berkeley.edu/biotech/organswatch/pages/theftoflife2.html

            However, acknowledging that some organ-robbery stories are likely to be urban legends nevertheless
            leaves open several possibilities:

                 quite simply, that other organ-robbery stories are true;

                 that anyone interested in discrediting the true stories might do so by broadly disseminating
                 false ones;

                 that one way of creating an urban legend is to label a true story an "urban legend."

            I touch below on several reasons for thinking that the above story of a Jewish organ robbery of a
            Ukrainian may be true.

            Was a Scotsman Murdered That A Jew Might Live?

            The highly similar fate of Scottish tourist Alastair Sinclair does seem credible:

               Moreover, [Jerusalem District Court Judge Ruth] Orr was well within her rights to be skeptical of
               the pathological findings of [government pathologist Dr. Yehuda] Hiss, who has long been the
               subject of controversy as director of Israel Institute for Forensic Medicine, at Abu Kabir.  Last
               November, a local Tel Aviv paper Ha'ir ran a 12-page expose of Abu Kabir and revealed how the
               national lab allows medical students to practice on bodies sent there for autopsies, and transfers
               body parts for transplants without permission from the family of the deceased.

               The family of Alastair Sinclair, a Scottish tourist who hanged himself in an Israeli jail, was forced to
               bring suit for the return of missing body parts.

               University of Glasgow pathologists who did an autopsy at the request of Sinclair's family, found
               that it had been returned without a heart (which they suspect was used for a transplant) and
               without the crucial bone needed to confirm the claim that he died from hanging.

               Jonathan Rosenblum, Presumed Guilty, Dei'ah veDibur, 07-Feb-2001, originally published in the Jerusalem Post,
               currently available at www.shemayisrael.com/chareidi/archives5761/beshalach/features.htm

            And because it appears plausible that Alastair Sinclair did not hang himself but was murdered, and
            because it also appears plausible that the motive for the murder was the harvesting of Alastair
            Sinclair's heart, the similarity to the Ukrainian story invites us to upgrade the plausibility of the latter
            at the same time — which is to say, invites us to upgrade the Ukrainian story from possible urban
            legend to possible murder followed by organ harvesting.

            Three Palestinian Teenagers Murdered By Born-to-Kill Jews,
            Then Stripped Of Organs

           With respect to the accompanying photograph,
           one might ask what it would signify about
           Canadian or American police or military personnel
           if they boasted that they were "Born to Kill,"
           especially personnel sent into Black or Chicano or
           Arab or Oriental neighborhoods?  And what it
           would signify about the government if it allowed
           them to inscribe this boast on their uniforms?  I
           assume, also, that as these Jews are openly
           proud of being Born-to-Kill, that you will find no
           fault in my calling them Born-to-Kill Jews?

           With respect to the block quote below, you will
           not fail to notice that the sinister name of Abu
           Kabir (the location of the Israeli Institute for
           Forensic Medicine mentioned just above) comes
           to our attention once again in a story of
           Palestinian teenagers being the targets of Jewish
           murder and organ robbery, published incidentally
           on 09-Jan-2002, just two days after the
           Ukrainian story above:

               Israel Kills Palestinian Boys, Steals Organs For

               Teheran Times.com

               AL-KHALIL (IRNA) — The Zionist state has tacitly admitted that doctors at the Israeli forensic
               institute at Abu Kabir had extracted the vital organs of three Palestinian teenage children killed by
               the Israeli Army nearly ten days ago.

               Zionist Minister of Health Nessim Dahhan said in response to a question by Arab member of the
               Zionist Parliament 'Knesset', Ahmed Teibi, on Tuesday that he couldn't deny that organs of
               Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli forces were taken out for transplants or
               scientific research.

               "I couldn't say for sure that something like that (taking out the organs) didn't happen."

               Teibi said he had received credible evidence proving that Israeli doctors at the forensic institute
               extracted such vital organs as the heart, kidneys, and liver from the bodies of Palestinian youths
               and children killed by the Israeli Army in Gaza and the West Bank.

               The Israeli authorities normally detain the bodies of martyred Palestinians for a few days without
               any explanation.

               The Israeli Army on December 30 killed three Palestinian boys, aged 14-15 near Khan Younis in
               unclear circumstances.

               The army issued conflicting reports on the killing, while Palestinian sources charged that Israeli
               troops murdered the three unarmed boys in cold blood.

               The bodies of the three boys were handed over to the Palestinians for burial on 6 January.

               However, shortly before burial, Palestinian medical authorities examined the bodies and found out
               that the main vital organs were missing from the bodies.

               The Israeli media have nearly completely ignored the affair.


               Reproduced on the Jeff Rense web site at www.rense.com/general19/israelkills.htm

            Photographs Need To Be Explained

            Below are two photographs out of several available that lend credibility to the above charges —
            supposedly Palestinians whose organs have been harvested by Jews.  If the lengthy central incision
            has some explanation other than organ harvesting, then negative speculation could be discouraged
            by re-publishing the photographs along with that alternative explanation.  For example, perhaps such
            an incision results from a standard autopsy, in which case it should be explained why an autopsy was
            performed in a case where the victim had undergone such massive damage that the cause of death
            could not have been in doubt, as in the second photograph below:


            With regard to the above photographs, one might request from the two sides that the quality of
            debate be upgraded.  From the accusers, one would like to see names, dates, locations, and
            particulars attached to each photograph, which at present are lacking.  And as the photographs are
            on public display at the link immediately above, it behooves the accused to publish some defense, as
            a posture of nolo contendere encourages the conclusion that no defense is available.

            An Organ Robbery in Beersheba

            The conjecture of Jews harvesting Palestinian organs is further strengthened by the report of an
            organ robbery below.  Although the nationality of the victim in this case is unspecified, reference to
            an "anonymous" traffic victim calls to mind the hypothesis that if a deceased person in
            Jewish-controlled territory in the Middle East cannot be identified, then that person is more likely to
            be Palestinian than Jewish; and the same if the family of the victim cannot be identified:

               Interestingly, the Israeli Anatomy and Pathology Law (1953) allows for "using part of a corpse
               when it is needed to save the life of a person" without any consent.  This law has very rarely been
               used and on one celebrated occasion may have brought more damage than benefit.  On June 19,
               1993, a heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys were harvested from an anonymous traffic accident victim
               in Beersheba and transplanted in five patients in Israel.  After all attempts to identify the family
               failed, the hospital staff harvested the organs without consent.  This person was not carrying a
               donor card.  The story was described on the front pages of the daily newspapers as a case of
               "organ robbery," and public response was so unfavorable that no similar attempts have been made

               Ethical Issues in Organ Transplantation in Israel by Gershon B. Grunfeld, Ph.D., Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine,
               Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, P.O.B. 9649, 31096 Haifa, ISRAEL, on University of Tsukuba web site at

            Seven-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Murdered By Born-To-Kill Jews,
            Then Stripped Of Organs

            That Jews allocated expensive resources to save "Israeli-Arab teenagers" is
            one detail that does not ring true below, and if true in this one instance, might
            have been implemented so as to justify and strengthen the precedent of
            harvesting Palestinian organs, but with the intention of channeling later supply
            to Jews — a hypothesis that could be evaluated by an examination of the
            number of organs that Israel has been allocating to Jews and Arabs
            respectively, should such data ever be released.  A question called to mind
            by the discussion of the influence of Jewish religion on organ transplant policy
            at the bottom of the present letter is whether in the entire history of Israel, a
            Jewish organ has ever been transplanted into a non-Jew?

           Furthermore, the above claim of a Ukrainian victim of Jewish organ-harvesting
           is considerably reinforced by the admission below that Gastarbeiter (foreign
           worker) donors constitute nearly half of all donors, with the claim that family
           permission for organ harvesting is obtained (in all cases, apparently) being a
           second detail that does not quite ring true.  Certainly permission being granted
           "by telephone" carries an air of informality, and places an obstacle in the path
           of any investigator attempting to verify that family permission had in fact been
           given. Finally, it must be kept in mind that the bulk of Jewish transplants are
           conducted outside Israel, as will be documented in the next section; the small
           numbers cited in the box quote immediately below fail to convey the volume
           of activity:

           During the first ten months of the year, 26 donors contributed to 91 recipients.  
           The donors included traffic-accident fatalities, operating-room deaths, and
           seven-year-old Ali Jawarish of Bethlehem, accidentally shot by IDF soldiers
           during riots outside Rachel's Tomb.  He was pronounced brain-dead on
           Nov. 15; his organs were transplanted into three Israeli-Arab teenagers the
           next day.  Nearly half the donors during the first six months of 1997 were
           gastarbeiter whose families overseas gave their consent by telephone —
           sometimes in return for Health Ministry funding to fly the corpse home.

               Organ Transplants and Donations, ISRAEL YEARBOOK and ALMANAC,
               1998 www.iyba.co.il/98/organs.htm

            That deaths among Gastarbeiter are so commonplace, and Gastarbeiter family permission to harvest
            organs is so dependable, that Gastarbeiter constitute nearly half of all organ donors is a claim that
            cries out for investigation — the suspicion being aroused that Jews murder Gastarbeiter in order to
            harvest their organs, and fall short of Western standards as to what constitutes obtaining family
            permission as well.  For organs that may be worth millions of dollars, offering families only the
            compensation of flying what remains of a Gastarbeiter body back home sounds like a minor injustice
            added to a major one.

            Israel Is A World Leader In Illegal Organ Trafficking, The
            Surviving-Donar Variety Being Best Documented

            As one cannot always rob, one sometimes is reduced to purchasing:

               Israel has recently become something of a pariah in the transplant world.  Without a strong culture
               of organ donation and under the pressure of angry transplant candidates, the Ministry of Health
               has refused to crack down on the country's multi-million dollar business in transplant tourism that
               arranges junkets from dialysis clinics in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to medical centres in Europe and the
               United States.

               "Why should we Israelis be made to travel to third world clinics to get the kidneys we need to
               survive from the bodies of peasants, soldiers, or guest workers who may be in worse physical
               shape than ourselves?" a 71-year-old "kidney buyer" from Tel Aviv asked me rhetorically.  "Organs
               should be seen as a human, not as a national resource."  It was good to see "Avirham," an elderly
               gentleman, alive and happy with his revitalizing 22-year-old "peasant" kidney.  And his living
               donor?  "A peasant, without anything!" he replied.  "Do you have any idea what $1,000, let alone
               $5,000 means in the life of a peasant?"

               For most bio-ethicists, the "slippery slope" in transplant medicine begins with the emergence of a
               black market in organs and tissue sales.  For the anthropologist, it emerges much earlier: the first
               time a frail and ailing human looks at another living person and realizes that inside that other body
               is something that can prolong his or her life.  The desire is articulated: "I want that; I need that
               even more than you."  In terms of transplants, the kidney has emerged as the ultimate fetish,
               promising to satisfy the most basic of human desires — that for life, vitality and ?lan.

               The sale of human organs and tissues requires that certain disadvantaged individuals and
               populations have been reduced to the role of "suppliers."  It is a scenario in which bodies are
               dismembered, transported, processed and sold in the interests of a more socially advantaged
               population of organ and tissue receivers.  I use the word "fetish" advisedly to conjure up the
               displaced magical energy that is invested in the strangely animate kidney.  Avirham, who flew from
               Jerusalem to Georgia for his kidney, explained why he would never tolerate a donation from a
               corpse: "That kidney is practically dead.  It was probably pinned down under the wheels of a car
               for several hours...  I was able to see my donor.  He was young, healthy, strong.  Just what I was
               hoping for."

               Nancy Scheper-Hughes, The Organ of Last Resort, UNESCO, The Courier, July/August 2001

            Investigative journalism in Turkey uncovers Jewish plundering of Turkish organs:

               Ugur D?ndar, Haluk Sahin, and M. Ali ?nel of Kanal D's ARENA, H?rriyet Production, Turkey

               "The International Transplant Mafia," broadcast in two installments in 1997, exposed a human
               organ black-market network linking Turkey, the Czech Republic, and Israel.  An Istanbul man,
               struggling to raise two young children, had agreed to sell one of his kidneys for $8,000 U.S. dollars
               but later contacted Arena, Turkey's lead investigative TV program, fearing that more than a kidney
               might be lost.  An Arena reporter with a hidden camera, posing as the donor's friend, accompanied
               him over the next several days to meetings with organ brokers and a Turkish surgeon.  The
               operation was aborted at the last minute, when the Arena crew entered the hospital, cameras rolling.  
               The surgeon was denounced by the country's medical board and was later tried, but Arena
               discovered another syndicate operating several months later in another city.  This time posing as the
               donor, an Arena reporter met with an organ broker and agreed to sell his kidney for $5,000.  A trip
               to the Czech Republic for the operation fell apart after Arena alerted police.  The man confessed he
               was paid to arrange kidney transplants by his boss in Israel, where Arena reporters later
               unsuccessfully searched for the syndicate boss.  Instead, they found the president of an association
               of patients waiting for kidney transplants, who said 50 Israelis had been saved in the last year by
               Turkish kidneys.

               1998 International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Award Finalists www.icij.org/about/finalists.html

            Excerpts below from Michael Finkel writing in the New York Times

                 outline the experiences of Israeli dialysis patient and Organ
                 Buyer Moshe Tati,

                 offer generalizations on some Drawbacks of Selling Off
                 One's Body Piecemeal, and

                 describe the tribulations of 44-year-old Organ Seller
                 Mehmet Piskin whose kidney went to an Israeli purchaser
                 — Mehmet thought for $30,000, but he was able to collect
                 only $10,000.

            The three headings below were not in the original:

                                        Organ Buyer Moshe Tati

               Moshe was 43 years old, and he was dying, and not one of his family members was a suitable
               match for a kidney donation.  So he called the broker.

               Moshe lives in Israel, which happens to be one of the more active nations in the international
               organ-trafficking market.  The market, which is completely illegal, is so complex and well organized
               that a single transaction often crosses three continents: a broker from Los Angeles, say, matches
               an Italian with kidney failure to a seller in Jordan, for surgery in Istanbul.  [...]

               The sale of human organs, whether from a living person or a cadaver, is against the law in virtually
               every country (Iran is perhaps the only exception) and has been condemned by all of the world's
               medical associations.  [...]

               Yet in Israel and a handful of other nations, including India, Turkey, China, Russia and Iraq, organ
               sales are conducted with only a scant nod toward secrecy.  In Israel, there is even tacit
               government acceptance of the practice — the national health-insurance program covers part, and
               sometimes all, of the cost of brokered transplants.  [...]

               Paying for an organ has become so routine in Israel that there have been instances in which a
               patient has elected not to accept the offer of a kidney donation from a well-matched relative.
               "Why risk harm to a family member?" one patient told me.  Instead, these patients have decided
               that purchasing a kidney from someone they've never met — in almost all cases someone who is
               impoverished and living in a foreign land — is a far more palatable option.

               I can get you a kidney immediately," said the broker whom Moshe Tati called.  "All I need is the
               money."  Then he quoted a price: $145,000, cash, paid in advance.  [...]

               Desire for a living donor is another reason why dialysis patients often prefer to purchase a kidney
               and circumvent national programs, where legally transplanted organs are almost always from
               cadavers.  An Israeli kidney buyer named Avriham, who used the same broker as Moshe Tati and
               traveled to Eastern Europe, described this notion in his own terms: "Why should I wait years just
               to have a kidney from someone who was in a car accident, pinned in his car for hours, then in
               miserable condition in the I.C.U. for days, and only then, after all that trauma, have part of him put
               inside me?  That organ is not going to be any good!  Or, worse, I could get the organ of an elderly
               person, a person who died of a stroke or an aneurysm — that kidney is all used up!  It's better to
               take a kidney from a healthy young man who can also benefit from the money.  Where I went,
               families were so poor they didn't even have bread to eat.  The money I gave was a gift equal to
               the gift I received.  I insisted on seeing my donor.  He was young and very healthy, very strong.
               It was perfect, just what I was hoping for.  A dream kidney."  [...]

               When Moshe's plane landed in Istanbul, there was no need to clear customs, no one asking for
               passports.  "Everything was already taken care of," Moshe says.  "The organization was like
               clockwork."  Moshe and the other three patients were driven to a hospital — An old hospital,"
               Moshe says, "not modern, but very clean" — and their family and friends were taken to a hotel.

               "As I was being prepared for surgery," Moshe says, "I saw the man who was giving me his kidney.
               I just glimpsed him briefly.  He was in an operating room across from me.  We never spoke; when I
               saw him, he was already asleep, at the beginning of his surgery.  [...]

                          Drawbacks of Selling Off One's Body Piecemeal

               Scheper-Hughes remains unconvinced that selling a kidney is actually a low-risk activity.  She says
               she feels that the chief tenet of the Hippocratic Oath — do no harm — is being violated.  "In these
               deals you are certainly harming someone else," she says.  "You are harming the sellers."  The
               argument that the slight harm to the sellers is more than offset by the lifesaving potential on the
               other end of the transaction is also troubling to Scheper-Hughes.  "I call this 'increasing the net
               good,'" she says.  "Is this really the kind of world we want to live in — one based on utilitarian
               ethics in which net gain to one relatively privileged population allows them to claim property rights
               over the bodies of the disadvantaged?"

               Further, she points out, every study demonstrating that kidney donation does not compromise
               health has been conducted in a wealthy nation.  "It is not exactly clear that poor people can really
               live safely with one kidney," she says.  People who sell their kidneys, she adds, usually live in
               abject conditions and face greater-than-average threats to their health, including poor diets,
               low-quality drinking water and increased risk of infectious disease, all of which can easily
               compromise the remaining kidney.

               The actual kidney-removal surgery may also not be as gentle as advertised.  Even Michael
               Friedlaender admits that removal surgery is a more painful procedure than transplantation.  After a
               surgeon has carved through skin, fat and several layers of muscle, getting at a kidney sometimes
               necessitates the partial extraction of the 12th rib.  Short-term complications have been
               documented in nearly one in five kidney-donation surgeries.  [...]

               There is further concern about the notion that sellers are making an autonomous choice.
               Lawrence Cohen, an associate professor of medical anthropology at Berkeley and the other founder
               of Organs Watch, has done much of his fieldwork in India.  He recently studied 30 kidney sellers in
               the city of Chennai.  Twenty-seven of them were women.  Some of their husbands, Cohen learned,
               made it clear that if the men had to do heavy labor, it was only fair that the women contribute to
               the family income by selling a kidney.  Cohen observed that in none of the cases did selling an
               organ significantly improve the family's fortunes in the long run.  "If only I had three kidneys," one
               of the women told Cohen, "then I could sell two and things might be better."

               "Nobody seems concerned about the sellers," Scheper-Hughes says.  "The buyers are supported by
               doctors, but no one represents the sellers.  Nobody solicits their opinions.  In this market, they
               have become an invisible population.  Someone needs to listen to them.  What do they have to
               say?"  [...]

                                      Organ Seller Mehmet Piskin

               The surgery lasted a little less than three hours.  "When I woke up I had severe pain in my right
               side," Mehmet recalls.  "I told the doctor about the pain and he gave me a shot.  [...]

               Mehmet, meanwhile, has never regained his health.  It has been four years since the operation.
               "I'm not the same person," he says.  "I swell up like a pregnant woman.  I can't sleep.  I have not
               been able to work; my health has not allowed it.  [...]  The people of this village, they look down
               on me because of what I've done.  I feel helpless."

               An American surgeon, after being told of Mehmet's symptoms, suggested that Mehmet might suffer
               either from nerve-entrapment syndrome — in which a nerve was mistakenly caught in one of his
               internal sutures — or a type of hernia that can result if one of the layers of abdominal muscle the
               surgeon sliced through did not heal properly.  Mehmet has not gone to see a doctor about his
               pain.  He can't.  All of the money from the operation is gone.  Mehmet's wife is the family's sole
               wage earner.  [...]

               "Everything is worse now than before," Sebnem says.  "Mehmet was a healthy person, and now he
               is like this.  Nothing is right.  [...]  We've basically been reduced to begging."

               Michael Finkel, This Little Kidney Went to Market, New York Times Magazine, 27-May-2001

            The BBC report below includes description of young Moldovan engineer Sergei Timms who had a
            kidney stolen in Turkey, apparently for Jewish use, in gruesome, urban-legend style.  Additional detail
            concerning this same incident is available at www.lifeissues.net/related/organ/news/010801-06.html
            which ends with Sergei's philosophical resignation: "What can I say to the Israeli who got my kidney?"
            Sergei said.  "Even though they got it through deceit, what is done is done.  Let him be healthy, but
            let it be on his conscience."


               Reporter: Sue Lloyd Roberts (BBC)

               LEAD STORY
               EPISODE 5
               SERIES 11 - 01-Aug-2001

               The Moldovan village of Minghia has the dubious distinction of being the world's best source of
               human kidneys.  At least 14 young men from the village have sold one of their kidneys in an
               extensive trade across three countries.  In an extraordinary investigation the BBC's Sue Lloyd
               Roberts even discovers one case of a young engineer who had his kidney stolen.  Lured to Istanbul
               on the promise of work, he was told the job had evaporated but he could earn his return fare by
               selling blood.  When he woke from the anaesthetic he had a major scar and an empty feeling in his
               left side.  He was told he could either accept the $3000 for his kidney (the going rate for Moldovan
               kidneys) or find his own way out of the predicament.

                                  "I was furious, it was a fait accompli" Sergei Timms

               In Turkey, Sue discovers that the surgeon responsible for the illegal trade is well known to the
               authorities, having been repeatedly exposed on Turkish TV, but seems to be continuing his trade
               with impunity.  Most of the recipients of the kidneys are Israelis because of the very low level of
               [organ] donations there.  From the health authorities in Israel we learn that the practice is now so
               widespread that insurance companies, subsidised by the Government, are funding these illegal
               transplants.  It's a shocking indictment of the ways supply and demand can distort the law and
               ethics.  For poor Moldovan villagers $3,000 may be their only chance of a reasonable future, for
               Israelis on dialysis $60,000 is a cheap price to get back their lives.  Meanwhile fortunes are being
               made by agents, middlemen and surgeons feeding this demand.  The organ trade is illegal in all
               three countries but the police and health authorities are either unwilling or unable to combat the
               pressures of these disturbing market realities.

               Australia Broadcasting Corporation Online, 01-Aug-2001 www.abc.net.au/foreign/2001/ep5-11.htm

            The excerpts below give some idea of the volume of the trade, and reveal that live donors may give
            up not only a kidney, but also corneas and patches of skin:

               HEALTH: Israeli Link In Estonian 'Human Kidneys
               For Sale' Scam

               By Andrei Ivanov

               MOSCOW, Feb 20 (IPS) — The commercial trade in human body parts is no longer confined
               to the poorer developing countries, it seems — Eastern and Central Europe is now
               becoming a source of cheap human kidneys and other organs for the booming transplant

               Investigations are continuing in Tallinn following revelations in January that two Israeli doctors
               performed kidney transplants on six Israeli nationals in Tallinn using kidneys donated from natives of
               Romania, Moldova and Russia.

               The surgery was organised in Estonia because transplantation of organs is legally prohibited in
               Israel without a special permission of the health minister unless the donor is a relative of the
               patient.  The Israeli surgeons said the donors had given their kidneys voluntarily and free of

               However Estonian police have launched criminal proceedings against the surgeons, the patients
               and the donors on the grounds that they concealed the aim of their visit in their visa applications.

               Andrus Maesalu, head doctor at Tallinn's Central Hospital where the operations were carried out,
               says they were performed in Estonia because the hospital service is cheaper.  He said the Israelis
               had told doctors at the hospital the donors were relatives of the recipients.

               However, the same newspaper quoted one of the donors, a 37-year- old resident of Kingissepp,
               Russia, as saying he was not a relative of any of the recipients.  [...]

               According to Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper, however, each kidney operation cost the patient 150,000
               dollars.  Chaim Efraima, an adviser with the Priaso sponsorship company which organised the kidney
               transplant operations, says his company charged 160,000 dollars for each operation.  [...]

               Israeli Public Health Ministry statistics show that number of Israelis waiting for kidneys is
               increasing, while the number of kidney transplant operations has remained relatively small.

               In 1995 only 21 percent of patients needing a kidney received one and this fell to 15 percent in
               1996.  At present there are 900 persons on the list of patients waiting for a kidney transplant
               operation in Israel and the list is growing longer every day.  [...]

               The prices for organs taken from live patients run about 4,425 dollars for a cornea, 55 dollars for a
               patch of skin, and 1,000-2,000 dollars for a kidney, according to researchers into the trade.

               Inter Press Service www.oneworld.org/ips2/feb98/transplants.html

            The Relation Between Organ Trafficking And Child Trafficking

            Although documentation that children are trafficked for their organs does not appear to be currently
            available on the Internet, suspicions have been raised in the case of Brazil, and alarm from the
            direction of Romania.

            As for the suspicions concerning Brazil:

               In all, the organ stealing rumor has its basis in poor peoples' perceptions, grounded in a social and
               bio-medical reality, that their bodies and those of their children might be worth more dead than
               alive to the rich and the powerful.  They can all too easily imagine that their bodies, and the
               bodies of their young children, may be eyed longingly by those with money.  As they envision it,
               organ exchange proceeds from the bodies of the young, the poor and the beautiful to the bodies of
               the old, the rich, and the ugly, and from the poor in the South to the rich in the North: Americans,
               Germans, Italians, Japanese and Israelis in particular.  [...]

               Finally, the child and organ stealing rumor reflects unscrupulous practices of international
               adoption.  In the shantytowns of Brazil I encountered several cases of coerced adoption and (in
               1990 alone) two cases of child stealing by wealthy "patrons."  Each year nearly 1,500 children
               leave Brazil, legally, to live with adoptive parents in Europe, the United States, and Israel.  But if
               one adds the clandestine traffic in babies that relies on false documents and bureaucratic
               corruption in Brazil and abroad, exploiting the ignorance and the powerlessness of poor women, the
               number of children leaving Brazil has been estimated at 3,000 a year, or roughly 50 babies a week.

               The lively market in "spare babies" for international adoption is often confused with the lively
               market in "spare parts" for international transplant surgery.  As poor people in shantytowns see it,
               the ring of organ exchange proceeds from the bodies of the young, the poor, and the beautiful to
               the bodies of the old, the rich, and the ugly, and from poor nations in the South to rich nations in
               the North.  In the midst of the black market for organs and babies, poor people can hardly be
               blamed for thinking that their babies are wanted as much dead and for their organs as for their
               lives.  [...]

               Between 1985-1990 about 2,000 children have entered Israel from Brazil in a questionable manner.

               Nancy Scheper-Hughes sunsite.berkeley.edu/biotech/organswatch/pages/theftoflife2.html (footnote numbers

            And as for the alarm from the direction of Romania:

               Romania probes Israeli adoption agency link in
               organ trafficking

               By Ran Reznick

               Romanian authorities are looking into possible links between Israeli adoption agencies and an illegal
               global conspiracy to sell organs for transplants.

               The Romanian Embassy in Israel has asked for, and received from the Labor and Social Affairs
               Ministry, a list of all children born in Romania who have been brought to Israel for adoption in
               recent years.  The Romanian officials are trying to ascertain if all such children arrived in Israel
               with all organs in their bodies.  [...]

               Responding to complaints and rumors, Romanian authorities have taken the highly unusual step in
               the past year of withholding authorization for the adoption of 16 Romanian babies destined for
               Israeli parents.  This delay has been enforced although the Israeli couples have paid $20,000 each
               to adopt the infants, and have already become acquainted with the babies in the foster homes and
               institutions where they are being held.  Romanian authorities insist they will not give the go ahead
               for the adoptions until inquiries about possible wrong-doing are completed.

               Ha'aretz, 12-Dec-2001 www.haaretz.co.il/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=105107&sw=Romania

            The summary below concerns Israeli child trafficking mainly during the years 1948-1954, and thus at
            a time when organ transplantation was not yet feasible, so that this particular batch of stolen
            children cannot be suspected of having been trafficked so that their organs could be transplanted.

            These trafficked children of earlier years are relevant to our present discussion, however, in disclosing
            a culture of child trafficking existing alongside the culture of organ trafficking that we have been
            discussing at length above.  The two coexisting together within one culture must lead to the
            hypothesis that they may sometimes overlap, which is to say must lead to the hypothesis that a
            culture that traffics both children and organs is only one step removed from becoming a culture that
            traffics children for their organs.

               Although the issue of the missing Yemenite and other Jewish children is well known in Israel, I
               understand that it is virtually unknown abroad.

               This issue involves thousands of children who were taken, sometimes forcably, from their biological
               parents while in hospitals or childcare homes, then sold both in Israel and abroad for substantial
               sums (that varied from case to case), or given out for adoption, while their parents were told that
               the children had died.  In most cases, when the parents asked about the cause of death or
               requested a death certificate or other documentation confirming the death of their children, they
               were ignored and their requests went unanswered.

               They never saw a body.  In most cases, not even a burial spot was seen.  In a few cases,
               however, graves were shown to the families.  Some of those graves, later on, were dug up by
               parents who did not believe that their beloved, healthy child truly died overnight.  The graves were
               found empty.

               These activities were carried out by doctors, nurses, social workers and other members of the
               Israeli Establishment at that time.  I have heard many "moral" justifications given for taking these
               children from their parents.  I do not believe any are legitimate.  It seems to me that the real
               reason for the kidnapping of the children was money.  People in positions of power at the time that
               the State of Israel was established profited from the abduction and sale of children from poor
               immigrant families.

               This practice continued on at least into the early 1960s.  Some say that it still continues, although
               on a much smaller scale.

               One common misconception is that these abuses were practiced against Yemenite Jews alone.
               While researching this issue I have concluded that the victims also included immigrant Jews from
               Tunis, Spain, Morocco, Lybia, Iraq, Iran, and Belgium, to name a few countries.  In most cases, the
               immigrants came from Middle Eastern countries.

               The number of kidnapped children has been estimated at around 2,400 by the official investigating
               committee.  When Rabbi Uzi Meshullam was still collecting evidence, he gathered the names of
               4,500 children.  I believe that the real number is much larger than that.  I have found that many
               families never reported the disappearance of a child.  I estimate that approximately 10,000 children
               were kidnapped and sold, and I would not be surprised if the real number is higher.

               Yechiel A. Mann, Research Associate of Israel Resource News Agency, The Case of the Missing Children: Discovering the
               Fate of Thousands of Jewish Children Who Disappeared in Israel Between 1948 and 1954, Israel Resource Review,
               02-Jun-1998 israelbehindthenews.com/Archives/Jun-02.shtml

            The story told by Yona Hovera below presents heart-rending detail of a single one of the thousands
            of baby kidnappings, and brings to mind that a corollary of learning to exploit the out-group as
            subhumans is that the the habits of exploitation will, sooner or later, be discovered being applied to
            the in-group as well:

               "One day, I arrived to nurse my daughter and they told me: 'You can't nurse her today.  She has
               pneumonia'.  I was very surprised, since the child was completely healthy, but they said she needs
               to be sent to the Pardes Hannah Hospital, for three days.  I told them I will go consult my husband
               and will be right back.  We lived about five meters away from the baby ward.  Three minutes later,
               I arrived, with my husband, but they told us: 'They already took her'.  Three days later, a man
               arrived, announcing that Masha Hovera had died.  My husband asked that they bury her.  They
               told him: 'You are her father?  She has died.  Sign here'.  He said: 'I'm not signing.  I want to see a
               body and bury it'.  They told him: 'They buried her yesterday, along with another five children'.  My
               husband was in shock.  He asked: 'Are we in Israel or in Germany'?  He asked and begged to see
               the grave, and they did not let him.  He said: 'I am not signing, nor mourning'.  Every day, I would
               go to the manager's office, and beg that they show me where my daughter was buried.  A few
               days later, the manager told me: 'Go, there is a room downstairs, they will give you your child, but
               do not touch her.  She will be given to you, wrapped up, and you return her to the grave'.  I went,
               and saw a strange package, that didn't look like a dead child to me.  I felt I was being fooled.  I
               said to myself, I'll open it, maybe it's a dead cat.  I removed a rag, and another rag, until I reached
               the last one, and found nothing.  Only rags.  I started to cry: 'Why did you give me rags?', the
               manager told me: 'We wanted to calm you down, we didn't know you were so smart'...."

               To this very day, they do not know of their child's fate.

               Yechiel A. Mann, Research Associate of Israel Resource News Agency, The Case of the Missing Children: Discovering the
               Fate of Thousands of Jewish Children Who Disappeared in Israel Between 1948 and 1954, Israel Resource Review,
               02-Jun-1998 israelbehindthenews.com/Archives/mann2.htm

            A question which the above narrative calls to mind is that if the complaints of Jewish parents who
            have had their baby stolen can be met with such callous disregard, then with what regard might we
            expect the complaints of Palestinian parents to be met in a similar situation?

            Among the valuable pieces of information cited by Yechiel A. Mann is that Dr. Yehuda Hiss, implicated
            higher above in organ trafficking at the Institute for Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir (also written
            Abu-Kbir), appeared to contribute to a cover-up of the Israeli child trafficking scandal.  Although the
            organs of children in 1948-1954 could not have been harvested for transplanting, there nevertheless
            is talk of medical experiments on children at possibly this same institute, and talk of bodies not being
            released or made available for examination, and other gruesome details:

               [Ami] Chovav was interviewed concerning the allegations that were current then, that medical
               experiments were conducted on Yemenite children hospitalized during the 1950s.  [...]

               One of the reasons claimed by Chovav that a body was never seen and a grave site was not
               specified in many of the cases is, to quote, "...  The child that died would be sent to the institute
               of pathology.  Many were sent.  It was for a humanitarian cause, for advancing medical research.
               I do not see anything wrong with that at all."  When he was asked about permission from the
               family to do such a thing, he answered "In many of the cases, they did not know who the child
               belonged to, or where it came from.  When there was a family, they didn't want to show it the

               "Once the autopsy was completed, the body would be completely dismembered.  Were they
               supposed to show that to a religious parent?  The refrigeration compartment would eventually fill
               up, and then they called the Chevera Kadisha to come and bury all the body parts."  He added,
               regarding the pathological institute not telling the parents anything, "I asked them.  They said it
               wasn't their job, it was the hospital's job.  But the hospital did not always know who the child
               belonged to...."

               One example of a reason for this that was given by Chovav: "In one case, the children were taken
               in the ambulance in cardboard boxes, since they weren't going to put babies on stretchers.  On
               that specific trip, they put notes with the children's names on top of the boxes.  The wind blew all
               the notes away.  That is how the children were brought to the hospital."

               Yechiel A. Mann, Research Associate of Israel Resource News Agency, The Case of the Missing Children: Discovering the
               Fate of Thousands of Jewish Children Who Disappeared in Israel Between 1948 and 1954, Israel Resource Review,
               02-Jun-1998 israelbehindthenews.com/Archives/mann2.htm

            Jewish Fundamentalists Give A Green Light To Murder For Organ

            The passage quoted below discloses

               1.that religious opposition may be the chief
                 reason that Israeli Jews have a low rate of
                 organ donation, and

               2.that some Jewish thinking condones murder of
                 non-Jews for any of several purposes, among
                 which is the harvesting of non-Jewish organs
                 for use by Jews.

            In view of the information in the present letter, and
            particularly in the quotation below, it may be
            wondered what inhibitions the Jewish soldiers
            pictured here might feel about delivering the
            Palestinians that they seize to an organ-harvesting
            facility, or what finder fees they may be paid for
            doing so.

            Also of interest would be to see photographs of the people sacrificed for their organs juxtaposed with
            photographs of those who receive those same organs.

               In 1994 Rabbi [Yehoshua] Sheinberger [...] met with senior physicians from the Israel Transplants
               Association and discussed with them the Jewish religious prohibition on organ donations.  In Israel
               Haredi Jews refuse organ transplants from their and/or their relatives' corpses.  On this issue the
               Haredi position influences many people for superstitious as well as religious reasons.  Organ
               transplants in Israel are thus difficult to arrange.  Surgeons frequently request Haredi rabbis to
               appeal to their followers to agree to organ transplants from corpses of their relatives in order to
               save lives.  The surgeons' argument is based upon the Jewish religious law giving priority to saving
               Jewish lives.  In this discussion Rabbi Sheinberger put the condition that only a Haredi rabbi could
               authorize such transplants.  He explained: "Jewish religious law states that it is forbidden to
               transplant Jewish organs into either non-Jews or Jews who are not pious.  It is obvious that it is
               prohibited under any circumstances to transplant Jewish organs into Arabs, all of whom hate
               Jews."  Rabbi Sheinberger, when asked for his definition of a Jew who is not pious, replied that a
               rabbi must determine the status of every Jew.  Sheinberger's request caused a huge commotion
               and was rejected.

               Many non-Haredi rabbis allow an organ of a non-Jew to be transplanted into a body of a Jew in
               order to save the life of the Jew.  They, however, oppose the transplant of an organ from a Jew
               into the body of a non-Jew.  Some important rabbis go much further in discussing and ruling about
               differences between Jews and non-Jews on medical matters.  Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, an
               influential member of the Habad movement and the head of a yeshiva near Nablus [...] opined in an
               April 26, 1996 Jewish Week article, reproduced in Haaretz that same day: "If every single cell in a
               Jewish body entails divinity, and is thus part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God.
               Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA."  Rabbi Ginsburgh drew two conclusions from
               this statement: "If a Jew needs a liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-Jew to save him?
               The Torah would probably permit that.  Jewish life has an infinite value.  There is something more
               holy and unique about Jewish life than about non-Jewish life."  It is noteworthy that Rabbi
               Ginsburgh is one of the authors of a book lauding Baruch Goldstein, the Patriarch's Cave murderer.
               In that book Ginsburgh contributed a chapter in which he wrote that a Jew's killing non-Jews does
               not constitute murder according to the Jewish religion and that killing of innocent Arabs for reasons
               of revenge is a Jewish virtue.  No influential Israeli rabbi has publicly opposed Ginsburgh's
               statements; most Israeli politicians have remained silent; some Israeli politicians have openly
               supported him.

               Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, Pluto Press, London and Sterling Virginia, 1999,
               pp. 42-43 (blue emphasis added).

            Four Things You Might Consider Doing

            (1)  Balance your coverage of Ukrainian-Jewish relations

            Your relying on the folk legends of your ancestors to renew accusations of Ukrainian "pogroms" in the
            newspapers under your control, while at the same time ignoring stories such as that of the Ukrainian
            guest worker who died under mysterious circumstances and was discovered to be missing his heart,
            paints a distorted picture of the nature of Ukrainian-Jewish relations.

            A truer picture is that Ukrainians have historically played a role toward Jews similar to the one
            Palestinians are playing today, which is to say that Ukrainians have been exploited and oppressed and
            dispossessed, and have occasionally staged rebellions in an attempt to regain their freedom,
            rebellions which your ancestors chose to label "pogroms," and rebellions resembling those in the
            Middle East today which you prefer to label "terrorism."

            Reduced coverage in your newspapers of Ukrainian "pogroms" and increased coverage of Jewish organ
            trafficking would serve to project a more accurate impression of both historical and contemporary

            (2)  Warn guest workers, tourists, and expectant mothers

            You might consider using your newspaper empire to warn Gastarbeiter in Israel that they stand in
            danger of losing their lives, the more so if they are young and healthy.

            Similarly, you might caution a young and healthy and non-Jewish tourist, especially one travelling
            alone, that organ-hungry Israel is capable of asking him to follow in the footsteps of Scottish tourist
            Alastair Sinclair, and you might caution such a tourist more particularly to avoid venturing alone on a
            tour of an organ-harvesting facility such as the one at Abu Kabir.

            In the case both of Gastarbeiter and tourists, your newspapers could recommend that the movie
            Coma be viewed in the course of weighing the decision to come to Israel in the first place.

            Pregnant women also might be warned that giving birth in Israel could be followed by reports that
            their apparently-healthy baby had died, along with a failure to produce a body.

            (3) Help the United States break free of its repetition compulsion

            The United States repeatedly makes the mistake of creating institutions that are inherently evil, that
            grow strong, and that then need to be destroyed, the regimes of Saddam Hussein, and of the
            Taliban, offering current examples.  Israel has today emerged as by far the biggest, and by far the
            most dangerous, product of this same mistake.

            Today's Israel was created largely by the United States.  It was evil from its inception and has since
            degenerated into barbarism.  Its misbehavior is destabilizing not just the Middle East but the whole
            world.  And yet the United States cannot at this point implement its habitual remedy of bombing it
            into rubble because Israel has acquired hundreds of nuclear weapons and because Jews exercise
            strong influence over the press and over the American government.

            Thus, you might consider helping the United States to acknowledge its recurring mistake, and to
            recognize that the first step in correcting the current manifestation is to divest Israel of its nuclear

            (4) Re-activate Jewish mechanisms of self-correction

            Israel's regression into barbarism and savagery was made possible, or rather was rendered inevitable,
            by the de-activation of mechanisms of self-correction within Jewish culture.  Jewish influence over
            the press, and the use of this influence to inhibit criticism of Jews, is the leading instance of such a
            de-activation of a mechanism of self-correction.

            A current example of self-correction activated in the service of non-Jews is the evident Catholic
            effort to correct its sinning clergy, but with no comparable self-correction evident among Jews, even
            when the Jewish clergy stands in much greater need of correction, as I documented in my letter to
            Ezra Levant, titled Good Priests, Bad Rabbis, of 15-Apr-2002.

            Anyone who views the Catholic clergy being pilloried for its sins, even when some of these sins are
            feebly documented, while the Jewish clergy is granted comparative impunity for its more egregious
            and better documented sins — anyone who views this differential treatment, I say — as a victory for
            Jews is mistaken, for in fact it is a stunning Jewish defeat because impunity is a cancer and a curse.
            It is, then, particularly the work of media lords like yourself that serves to drag the Jewish people

            From this point of view, the greatest service that you or anybody can perform for the Jewish people
            is to hold them not to a lower standard than the rest of mankind, but to the same standard; is to
            give them not the curse of immunity from criticism, but the blessing of criticism as severe as that
            given to others; is to give them not the disease of impunity for their crimes, but the health of full

            What the Jewish people need in order to be saved, in other words, is less of the sort of writing that
            you publish in your newspapers, and more of the sort that I publish on the Internet.  As this
            perspective is increasingly adopted, posterity will come to ask who has injured Jews most, and who
            has assisted them most, and according to this criterion will mark your work as having served to
            undermine Judaism, and will mark my work as having served to reinforce it.

            As it is possible that in your reading of the present letter, the accusation of anti-Semitism will have
            intruded itself into your thoughts, I ask you to remember that in an impartial evaluation of our
            respective effects upon the Jewish people, it is likely to be concluded that it is you — together with
            the Born-to-Kill members of Jewish intelligence and police and armed forces units that your
            newspapers defend — who weaken the Jewish people, and thus that it is you who play the role of

            Lubomyr Prytulak


AI-index: MDE 15/143/2002     04/11/2002

                                      Israel and the Occupied Territories
                     Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus

"I have been in urban environments where house to house fighting has happened: Rwanda, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, and a city struck by a massive earthquake: Mexico city. The devastation seen in Jenin camp had the worst elements of both situations. Houses not just bulldozed or dynamited but reduced almost to dust by the repeated and deliberate coming and goings of bulldozers and tanks. Houses pierced from wall to wall by tank or helicopter gun ships. Houses cut down the middle as if by giant scissors. Inside, an eerie vision of dining or bedrooms almost intact. No signs whatsoever that that bedroom or dining room or indeed the house had been used by fighters. Gratuitous, wanton, unnecessary destruction. Children's prams, toys, beds everywhere. Where were those children? I do not know, but I do know where the survivors will be in the future."
                    [Javier Zuniga Amnesty International's Director of Regional Strategy who entered Jenin refugee camp on 17 April 2002]

Demolition of houses and property

"There is total devastation, no whole standing house, as though someone has bulldozed a whole community. If anyone was in a house
they could not have survived..... There is nothing but rubble and people walking around looking dazed. There is a smell of death under
the rubble."

These are the words of an Amnesty International delegate who entered Jenin refugee camp minutes after the IDF lifted the blockade on 17 April
2002. IDF forces that entered Jenin and Nablus brought tanks or bulldozers through roads, often stripping off the front of houses. In Hawashin
and neighbouring areas of Jenin refugee camp 169 houses with 374 apartment units were bulldozed, mostly after the fighting had ceased. As a
result more than 4,000 people were left homeless.

In both Jenin and in Nablus there were instances when the IDF bulldozed houses while residents were still inside. IDF soldiers either gave
inadequate warnings or no warnings before houses were demolished and subsequently failed to take measures to rescue those trapped in the
rubble and prevented others from searching for them. Amnesty International documented three such incidents leading to the deaths of 10 people.
Six others on the hospital lists of those killed in Jenin were recorded as being crushed by rubble.

The full report is available online at:

            AI-index: MDE 15/143/2002     04/11/2002
            Israel and the Occupied Territories
      Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus

               Amnesty International's Conclusions

                    Demolition of houses and property

                    According to UNRWA, 2,629 Palestinian homes, housing 13,145 refugees, sustained serious damage during the
                    period 29 March-23 April 2002. These figures do not include the scores of destroyed or damaged homes of
                    Palestinians who were not registered as refugees with UNRWA during this period, nor the homes demolished later in
                    the year. Amnesty International delegates, including a military adviser, witnessed the effects of the demolition of
                    Palestinian homes, especially in Jenin, in the vast majority of cases without apparent military necessity. IDF forces
                    who entered Jenin and Nablus brought tanks or bulldozers through narrow roads stripping off the fronts of houses;
                    sometimes the house front was stripped off even in wider roads. In Hawashin and neighbouring areas of Jenin refugee
                    camp 169 houses with 374 apartment units, were bulldozed mostly after the fighting had ceased. Amnesty
                    International delegates who witnessed the devastated site on 17 April, when the IDF blockade of the town was at last
                    lifted came to the conclusion that there was no absolute military necessity in this destruction.

                    In both Jenin and in Nablus, there were instances when the IDF bulldozed houses while residents were still inside. The
                    IDF either gave inadequate warnings or no warnings before houses were demolished, and subsequently not only failed
                    to take measures to rescue those trapped in the rubble but even prevented others from searching for them. Amnesty
                    International documented three incidents leading to the deaths of 10 people between the ages of four and 85; six
                    others on the hospital lists of those killed in Jenin are recorded as a result of being crushed by rubble.

                    During military operations, commercial, religious, cultural, and civic buildings, were also destroyed without absolute
                    military necessity. Nablus suffered particularly severely from such destruction not only of its commercial buildings but
                    also of religious and cultural buildings dating back several centuries.

                    Amnesty International has also documented incidents where personal property inside apartments or homes occupied
                    by the IDF was intentionally damaged and sometimes looted. In September the Israeli Government announced that it
                    had prosecuted 18 soldiers for looting. The numerous incidents of vandalism and looting by a number of IDF units in
                    various towns raises concern that some of these actions, which violate international humanitarian law, may have been
                    sanctioned or condoned by the Israeli authorities or IDF commanders.

                    Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits collective punishment, such as the demolition of houses, stating
                    that: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective
                    penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." This same article also prohibits
                    pillage and reprisals against protected persons and their property. Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states
                    that: "Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to
                    private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited,
                    except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations." In November 2001 the
                    Committee against Torture, in its conclusions after its review of Israel's report, stated that Israel's policy of closures
                    and its demolitions of Palestinian homes "may, in certain instances, amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
                    or punishment" in breach of Article 16 of the United Nations Convention against Torture.

                    Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention lists "extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by
                    military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly" as a grave breach of the Convention. It is therefore a war

          Amnesty International On-line. http://www.amnesty.org

         AI-Index    MDE 15/154/2002     04/11/2002


  Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defence Force war crimes must be investigated

Jerusalem -- at the launch of a report into the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in Jenin and Nablus in March and April 2002, Amnesty International said today that there is clear evidence that some of the acts committed by the IDF during Operation Defensive Shield were war crimes.

The report, Israel and the Occupied Territories: Shielded from Scrutiny - IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus, documents serious human
rights violations by Israeli forces -- unlawful killings; torture and ill-treatment of prisoners; wanton destruction of hundreds of homes sometimes
with the residents still inside; the blocking of ambulances and denial of humanitarian assistance; and the use of Palestinian civilians as "human
shields". Following meetings with the IDF in May to discuss IDF actions and strategies, Amnesty International submitted most of the individual
cases included in the report to the IDF for comment but, despite promises to answer on the cases, no response has yet been received.

Israel has the right to take measures to prevent unlawful violence, but in doing so they must not violate international law. In Jenin and Nablus, the
IDF blocked access for days to ambulances, humanitarian aid and the outside world while the dead and wounded lay in streets or houses. In
Jenin a whole residential quarter of the refugee camp was demolished leaving 4,000 people homeless.

"Up to now the Israeli authorities have failed in their responsibility to bring to justice the perpetrators of serious human rights violations. War
crimes are among the most serious crimes under international law, and represent offences against humanity as a whole. Bringing the perpetrators
of these crimes to justice is therefore the concern and the responsibility of the international community. All states who are parties to the Geneva
Conventions must search for those alleged to have committed grave breaches of the Conventions and bring them to justice," said Amnesty

"There will be no peace or security in the region until human rights are respected. All attempts to end human rights violations and install a system
of international protection in Israel and the Occupied Territories, in particular by introducing monitors with a clear human rights mandate, have
been undermined by the refusal of the government of Israel. This refusal has been supported by the USA."

"It is imperative that the international community stop being an ineffective witness of the grave violations that take place in Israel and the Occupied
Territories. Meaningful, urgent and appropriate action is long overdue," Amnesty International concluded.

Israel and the Occupied Territories Shielded from Scrutiny : IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus details the following violations:

The use of Palestinians for military operations or as "human shields"

"We entered my neighbour's house. The soldiers began to drill a hole in the wall. I went with three soldiers and the dog through the
wall. The soldier kept the gun positioned at my head. This happened about six or seven times. In each case, when we passed from
building to building the soldiers always kept me in front of them. At the last place I pulled the door back and just as I was walking out I
heard shooting. The soldiers pulled me back from the alley and began to return fire. I was one metre behind them".

In both Jenin and Nablus, the IDF systematically compelled Palestinians to take part in military operations or to act as "human shields". Women
as well as men were used in this way. Typically, the IDF would hold a Palestinian for several days and compel them to search property in the
camp, thus putting them at serious risk of injury.

Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention

" They started to beat us on the body and chest with rifle butts.....We were all gathered there in our underwear. It was cold. When we
asked for blankets, we were beaten. We were not given any water."

In Jenin, men who had been rounded up and separated from women, children and men aged over 55 were stripped to their underwear,
blindfolded and handcuffed. Many said they were beaten. One detainee died as a result of beatings.

In Nablus a similar pattern of torture and ill-treatment of people detained in mass round-ups was recorded. Immediately after arrest, detainees
were taken to Shomron temporary detention centre. Those interviewed said that beatings took place during and after the arrests. The centre was
overcrowded and detainees were given insufficient water, little food and were sometimes denied access to toilet facilities.

Blocking medical and humanitarian relief

'Atiya Hassan Abu Irmaila, 44 , was shot in the head by the IDF while in his home on 5 April. Desperate attempts by his family to call
an ambulance failed. The family was even unable to leave their home to tell relatives that he had died. 'Atiya Hassan Abu Irmaila's
body remained in the house for seven days.

Suna Hafez Sabreh, 35, was shot and seriously injured on 7 April while closing the door to her house. The family called an ambulance,
but it failed to reach them, on at least one occasion because it had come under fire. An ambulance finally arrived two days later, after
Suna Hafez Sabreh's condition had seriously deteriorated. She has since had five operations.

In both Jenin and Nablus, the IDF denied medical and humanitarian relief organizations access to the affected areas even after the fighting had

The IDF blocked medical aid for days; in addition they shot at ambulances or fired warning shots around them. Ambulance drivers were harassed
or arrested. Meanwhile, the wounded lay for hours untended or were treated in homes, and the dead remained in the street or in houses for days.
In several cases, people reportedly died in circumstances where lack of access to medical care may have caused or hastened their death.

Demolition of houses and property

"There is total devastation, no whole standing house, as though someone has bulldozed a whole community. If anyone was in a house
they could not have survived..... There is nothing but rubble and people walking around looking dazed. There is a smell of death under
the rubble."

These are the words of an Amnesty International delegate who entered Jenin refugee camp minutes after the IDF lifted the blockade on 17 April
2002. IDF forces that entered Jenin and Nablus brought tanks or bulldozers through roads, often stripping off the front of houses. In Hawashin
and neighbouring areas of Jenin refugee camp 169 houses with 374 apartment units were bulldozed, mostly after the fighting had ceased. As a
result more than 4,000 people were left homeless.

In both Jenin and in Nablus there were instances when the IDF bulldozed houses while residents were still inside. IDF soldiers either gave
inadequate warnings or no warnings before houses were demolished and subsequently failed to take measures to rescue those trapped in the
rubble and prevented others from searching for them. Amnesty International documented three such incidents leading to the deaths of 10 people.
Six others on the hospital lists of those killed in Jenin were recorded as being crushed by rubble.

The full report is available online at:
The executive summary is available at:
Public Document
For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566
Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW. web: http://www.amnesty.org
For latest human rights news view http://news.amnesty.org


Amnesty International On-line. http://www.amnesty.org

ai-index    MDE 15/154/2002     04/11/2002


  Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli Defence Force war crimes must be investigated

Jerusalem -- at the launch of a report into the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in Jenin and Nablus in March and April 2002, Amnesty International said today that there is clear evidence that some of the acts committed by the IDF during Operation Defensive Shield were war crimes.

The report, Israel and the Occupied Territories: Shielded from Scrutiny - IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus, documents serious human
rights violations by Israeli forces -- unlawful killings; torture and ill-treatment of prisoners; wanton destruction of hundreds of homes sometimes
with the residents still inside; the blocking of ambulances and denial of humanitarian assistance; and the use of Palestinian civilians as "human
shields". Following meetings with the IDF in May to discuss IDF actions and strategies, Amnesty International submitted most of the individual
cases included in the report to the IDF for comment but, despite promises to answer on the cases, no response has yet been received.

Israel has the right to take measures to prevent unlawful violence, but in doing so they must not violate international law. In Jenin and Nablus, the
IDF blocked access for days to ambulances, humanitarian aid and the outside world while the dead and wounded lay in streets or houses. In
Jenin a whole residential quarter of the refugee camp was demolished leaving 4,000 people homeless.

"Up to now the Israeli authorities have failed in their responsibility to bring to justice the perpetrators of serious human rights violations. War
crimes are among the most serious crimes under international law, and represent offences against humanity as a whole. Bringing the perpetrators
of these crimes to justice is therefore the concern and the responsibility of the international community. All states who are parties to the Geneva
Conventions must search for those alleged to have committed grave breaches of the Conventions and bring them to justice," said Amnesty

"There will be no peace or security in the region until human rights are respected. All attempts to end human rights violations and install a system
of international protection in Israel and the Occupied Territories, in particular by introducing monitors with a clear human rights mandate, have
been undermined by the refusal of the government of Israel. This refusal has been supported by the USA."

"It is imperative that the international community stop being an ineffective witness of the grave violations that take place in Israel and the Occupied
Territories. Meaningful, urgent and appropriate action is long overdue," Amnesty International concluded.

Israel and the Occupied Territories Shielded from Scrutiny : IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus details the following violations:

Unlawful killings
"My family was at home on Friday 5 April. It was about 3 or 3.15 in the afternoon. We heard the knocking and calling for us to open
the door. My sister 'Afaf said 'Just a moment'. She said this right away.... When she reached the door, she had just put her hand out to
touch the handle of the door and it exploded. The door exploded in on her and the right side of her face was blown off.... I think she
must have died instantly. We started shouting. The soldiers were just outside that door. The IDF began to shoot at the walls as if to try
and scare us. We yelled at them to get an ambulance but they did not answer us."

"I looked and saw one of the large bulldozers coming from the west side bulldozing the al-Shu'bi family house and I saw the house tilt
over. Without even thinking, I yelled to the soldier in the bulldozer, 'Let the residents leave the house.' At this point the soldier came out
of the bulldozer, took his weapon and started to fire in my direction." Ten members of the Shu'bi family were buried under their house in
Nablus for six days, only two survived.

These cases are just two of many documented by Amnesty International in Jenin and Nablus where people were killed or injured in
circumstances suggesting that they were unlawfully killed. Palestinians not involved in fighting were killed as a result of disproportionate use of
force and the failure of the IDF to take adequate measures to protect those not involved in the fighting.

In Jenin refugee camp and Jenin city, more than half of the 54 Palestinians who died as a result of the incursion between 3 and 17 April, appear
not to have been involved in fighting. Among those killed were seven women, four children and six men aged over 55. Six had been crushed in
houses. In Nablus, at least 80 Palestinians were killed by the IDF between 29 March and 22 April. Among the victims were seven women and
nine children.

None of these killings has been impartially and thoroughly investigated, even where there have been strong reasons to believe they were unlawful.
This failure on the part of the Israeli authorities has helped created a climate where some members of the IDF, aware that no action will be taken
against them, continue to carry out unlawful killings.

The use of Palestinians for military operations or as "human shields"

"We entered my neighbour's house. The soldiers began to drill a hole in the wall. I went with three soldiers and the dog through the
wall. The soldier kept the gun positioned at my head. This happened about six or seven times. In each case, when we passed from
building to building the soldiers always kept me in front of them. At the last place I pulled the door back and just as I was walking out I
heard shooting. The soldiers pulled me back from the alley and began to return fire. I was one metre behind them".

In both Jenin and Nablus, the IDF systematically compelled Palestinians to take part in military operations or to act as "human shields". Women
as well as men were used in this way. Typically, the IDF would hold a Palestinian for several days and compel them to search property in the
camp, thus putting them at serious risk of injury.

Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention

" They started to beat us on the body and chest with rifle butts.....We were all gathered there in our underwear. It was cold. When we
asked for blankets, we were beaten. We were not given any water."

In Jenin, men who had been rounded up and separated from women, children and men aged over 55 were stripped to their underwear,
blindfolded and handcuffed. Many said they were beaten. One detainee died as a result of beatings.

In Nablus a similar pattern of torture and ill-treatment of people detained in mass round-ups was recorded. Immediately after arrest, detainees
were taken to Shomron temporary detention centre. Those interviewed said that beatings took place during and after the arrests. The centre was
overcrowded and detainees were given insufficient water, little food and were sometimes denied access to toilet facilities.

Blocking medical and humanitarian relief

'Atiya Hassan Abu Irmaila, 44 , was shot in the head by the IDF while in his home on 5 April. Desperate attempts by his family to call
an ambulance failed. The family was even unable to leave their home to tell relatives that he had died. 'Atiya Hassan Abu Irmaila's
body remained in the house for seven days.

Suna Hafez Sabreh, 35, was shot and seriously injured on 7 April while closing the door to her house. The family called an ambulance,
but it failed to reach them, on at least one occasion because it had come under fire. An ambulance finally arrived two days later, after
Suna Hafez Sabreh's condition had seriously deteriorated. She has since had five operations.

In both Jenin and Nablus, the IDF denied medical and humanitarian relief organizations access to the affected areas even after the fighting had

The IDF blocked medical aid for days; in addition they shot at ambulances or fired warning shots around them. Ambulance drivers were harassed
or arrested. Meanwhile, the wounded lay for hours untended or were treated in homes, and the dead remained in the street or in houses for days.
In several cases, people reportedly died in circumstances where lack of access to medical care may have caused or hastened their death.

Demolition of houses and property

"There is total devastation, no whole standing house, as though someone has bulldozed a whole community. If anyone was in a house
they could not have survived..... There is nothing but rubble and people walking around looking dazed. There is a smell of death under
the rubble."

These are the words of an Amnesty International delegate who entered Jenin refugee camp minutes after the IDF lifted the blockade on 17 April
2002. IDF forces that entered Jenin and Nablus brought tanks or bulldozers through roads, often stripping off the front of houses. In Hawashin
and neighbouring areas of Jenin refugee camp 169 houses with 374 apartment units were bulldozed, mostly after the fighting had ceased. As a
result more than 4,000 people were left homeless.

In both Jenin and in Nablus there were instances when the IDF bulldozed houses while residents were still inside. IDF soldiers either gave
inadequate warnings or no warnings before houses were demolished and subsequently failed to take measures to rescue those trapped in the
rubble and prevented others from searching for them. Amnesty International documented three such incidents leading to the deaths of 10 people.
Six others on the hospital lists of those killed in Jenin were recorded as being crushed by rubble.

The full report is available online at:
The executive summary is available at:

Public Document



                    The IDF systematically compelled Palestinians to take part in military operations. Several Palestinians interviewed
                    by Amnesty International in relation to other subjects said that they had been compelled to take part in military
                    operations and as "human shields". These practices violate international humanitarian law. Although the IDF
                    announced through the State Attorney on 24 May 2002 that it would not use civilians in military operations, Amnesty
                    International has continued to receive reports of cases in which Palestinians were used by members of the IDF during
                    military operations, including as "human shields" (see, for example, the description of the case resulting in the killing
                    of Fares al-Sa'adi above).

                    The large number of cases of Palestinians used as "human shields" in IDF military operations reveal a clear pattern.
                    Typically the IDF would compel an adult male(6) in their military operation to search property in each area of the
                    refugee camp. A Palestinian would be held by the IDF for a certain period, sometimes for days. These Palestinians
                    were placed at serious risk, in some cases resulting in injury, as the following case illustrates.

                    Faisal Abu Sariya

                    Faisal Abu Sariya, a 42-year-old teacher, told Amnesty International delegates that he was forced to accompany the
                    IDF on military operations for two days and during this period was used as a "human shield". During the time he was
                    in the custody of IDF soldiers, he reports being subjected to beatings and other ill-treatment. During the time he acted
                    as a "human shield" he sustained a gunshot wound to the knee but was not given adequate medical care and was
                    unable to seek treatment until three days later.

                    On 4 April 2002, the second day of the incursion, Faisal Abu Sariya was at home with his family in Jenin refugee
                    camp. At approximately 4am there was knocking at the door. A 15-year-old neighbour had been told by IDF soldiers to
                    enter Faisal Abu Sariya's home and to instruct the family to go to one room. The soldiers then searched and occupied
                    the house that day and evening. Faisal Abu Sariya said that during this time he was taken into a side room and
                    beaten. He told Amnesty International delegates:

                              "An officer, whom I came to know as Eitan, told me to call another soldier [a derogatory term]. I refused.
                              He then told me that 'This was an order', but I kept refusing. They then began to beat me with their
                              boots and their fists on my shoulders and on my legs. After this they went to the television and pushed
                              it on the floor."

                    On the morning of 5 April, Faisal Abu Sariya was taken by IDF soldiers from his home:

                              "The officer, Eitan, said to me: 'Come with us'. I asked him 'Why should I go with you? I am not wanted'.
                              He told me to come with him just for 10 minutes, just to a neighbour's house. I told him that if I go my
                              children will start crying. He again told me to come just for 10 minutes and then said, 'I would prefer not
                              to use force'. After this, I went with them. When we were leaving the house the officer looked left and
                              right and then grabbed me by the collar and put me in front of him as we exited and went towards the
                              neighbour's house. There was no firing at the time, but Eitan crouched down just below me and began
                              firing to the left while the other soldiers moved towards the neighbour's house.

                              "We entered the neighbour's house. There was no one there. About 15 soldiers were with us at that
                              time. I was told to stay in one room. I was then taken from this house and told to go to another house
                              alone, and to knock on the door. I did this but no one answered. They told me to come back. I saw that
                              they had a type of metal box that they were carrying and they brought it to the door. I then heard an
                              explosion. I was then told to go back to the house and to go in and if there were any people in the house
                              to tell them to go to one room. When I went back, I found another door. Again, I knocked but no one
                              replied. The soldiers exploded this door. At this time, they sent in a dog and then told me to go in and if
                              I was to find any closed doors, to open them. The soldiers then came in after me.

                              "It was now about 3.30pm, I told the soldiers that I wanted to go home and one of them replied that I
                              could go back when they found someone else to replace me. The soldiers were searching the house
                              and then we went to the bottom floor of the house where they put a hole in the wall between this house
                              and the next. I was taken by the soldiers and told to go through the hole first. There were about six to
                              seven soldiers that followed behind me. From there, I was taken to another house. Again, the soldiers
                              searched the house; there was no one home. When leaving this house, Eitan grabbed me by the neck
                              and put his machine gun against my right hip. I walked about 20 metres like this. I was then taken to
                              another house of a neighbour, Ibrahim Fraihat, whom I know. When we entered, there were already
                              soldiers there. I was placed with Ibrahim in one room. We stayed there for the night"

                    During this period and the day that followed, Faisal Abu Sariya continued to ask the soldiers to release him. In each
                    case, the soldiers would tell him that his release would be secured when they found someone else to replace him. He
                    said that during this period he or another detainee would be placed in front of soldiers during house-to-house searches.
                    On three separate occasions he stated that a soldier placed his gun near or on his body and in one case, he was
                    made to stand in front of a soldier when he opened fire. At approximately 5pm on 6 April Faisal Abu Sariya was
                    instructed to cross a small road and to knock on a door of a building opposite as the soldiers could see some wires
                    running from the building. While he was crossing the road, an IDF unit that was positioned on a nearby roof opened
                    fire, wounding Faisal Abu Sariya seriously in the leg. He made his way back to the IDF unit he was with who gave him
                    some initial first aid, but did not arrange for him to be taken to a hospital. Instead, the soldiers had some Palestinian
                    youths carry him. They were unable to reach the hospital and so they left him in a home in the al-Damaj district of the
                    camp. It was not until 9 April, when the IDF told residents in this area to evacuate their homes, that he was able to
                    receive medical treatment.


            AI-index: MDE 15/143/2002     04/11/2002
            Israel and the Occupied Territories
            Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus

             Amnesty International's Conclusions

                    Unlawful killings

                    Amnesty International has documented cases in Jenin and Nablus where people were killed or injured in
                    circumstances suggesting that they were unlawfully and deliberately targeted, or were killed as a result of
                    disproportionate use of force or gross negligence in protecting those not or no longer involved in the fighting.

                    In several cases the IDF caused the deaths of Palestinians by demolishing homes while residents were still inside.
                    IDF soldiers frequently failed to give adequate warnings before demolishing houses, refused to allow family and
                    neighbours to warn residents, failed to offer help themselves or to call rescue units or ambulances and sometimes
                    shot at those who tried to help. The failure to properly investigate killings in disputed circumstances and those clearly
                    unlawful have created a climate where members of the IDF believe that they may carry out such violations of the right
                    to life with impunity.

                    Unlawful killings violate the "right to life" laid down in Article 6 of the ICCPR. Amnesty International considers that
                    some of these abuses of the right to life would amount to "wilful killings" and "wilfully causing great suffering or serious
                    injury to body or health" within the meaning of Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention dealing with grave
                    breaches of the Convention; "grave breaches" of the Geneva Convention are war crimes.

          Amnesty International On-line. http://www.amnesty.org

         AI-Index    MDE 15/154/2002     04/11/2002


Unlawful killings
"My family was at home on Friday 5 April. It was about 3 or 3.15 in the afternoon. We heard the knocking and calling for us to open
the door. My sister 'Afaf said 'Just a moment'. She said this right away.... When she reached the door, she had just put her hand out to
touch the handle of the door and it exploded. The door exploded in on her and the right side of her face was blown off.... I think she
must have died instantly. We started shouting. The soldiers were just outside that door. The IDF began to shoot at the walls as if to try
and scare us. We yelled at them to get an ambulance but they did not answer us."

"I looked and saw one of the large bulldozers coming from the west side bulldozing the al-Shu'bi family house and I saw the house tilt
over. Without even thinking, I yelled to the soldier in the bulldozer, 'Let the residents leave the house.' At this point the soldier came out
of the bulldozer, took his weapon and started to fire in my direction." Ten members of the Shu'bi family were buried under their house in
Nablus for six days, only two survived.

These cases are just two of many documented by Amnesty International in Jenin and Nablus where people were killed or injured in
circumstances suggesting that they were unlawfully killed. Palestinians not involved in fighting were killed as a result of disproportionate use of
force and the failure of the IDF to take adequate measures to protect those not involved in the fighting.

In Jenin refugee camp and Jenin city, more than half of the 54 Palestinians who died as a result of the incursion between 3 and 17 April, appear
not to have been involved in fighting. Among those killed were seven women, four children and six men aged over 55. Six had been crushed in
houses. In Nablus, at least 80 Palestinians were killed by the IDF between 29 March and 22 April. Among the victims were seven women and
nine children.

None of these killings has been impartially and thoroughly investigated, even where there have been strong reasons to believe they were unlawful.
This failure on the part of the Israeli authorities has helped created a climate where some members of the IDF, aware that no action will be taken
against them, continue to carry out unlawful killings.

                            AI-index: MDE 15/143/2002     04/11/2002
                                      Israel and the Occupied Territories
                     Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus
                           (an extract)

                    According to hospital lists reviewed by Amnesty International there were 54 Palestinian deaths between 3 and 17 April
                    2002 in both Jenin refugee camp and Jenin city as a result of the incursion and subsequent fighting. This figure
                    includes seven women, four children and six men over the age of 55. Six had been crushed by houses. The body of
                    one person known to have died by being crushed in his house has not been recovered.(5)

                    The records of Palestinians killed in the incursion and admitted to Jenin City Hospital reflect the impact of the IDF
                    blockade round the hospital between 5 and 15 April. Five bodies were brought to the hospital, which is just at the edge
                    of the refugee camp, on 3 April, the first day of the IDF incursion into the camp. One body was brought in on 4 April.
                    After that the hospital and the camp were under tight siege and although the hospital stands at the entrance to the
                    camp, not a single corpse was brought into the hospital from 5 until 15 April, the day after a petition filed by two
                    human rights organizations, Adalah and LAW, before the Israeli High Court resulted in the State agreeing to allow the
                    ICRC access to the refugee camp. Most bodies of those fighters or those not involved in fighting killed between 5 and
                    15 April remained where they lay; a few were taken from streets to homes, a few were buried by their families in yards
                    or back gardens, and four were taken to the al-Razi Hospital. Amnesty International delegates who entered the refugee
                    camp on the departure of the IDF on 17 April found ruins smelling of death, with parts of human bodies sticking out of
                    the rubble of destroyed houses.

                    The list of the wounded brought to Jenin City Hospital shows that on 3 and 4 April, 24 wounded Palestinians were
                    admitted to the hospital. In the 10 days between 5 and 15 April only 10 wounded Palestinians, who had succeeded in
                    crossing the IDF cordon, managed to enter the hospital. The admission lists of the al-Shifa Hospital tell the same
                    story; between 4 and 10 April only one person, a child, was apparently admitted to the hospital. On 10 and 11 April a
                    total of nine wounded people were admitted. After that there were no admissions of wounded Palestinians until the IDF
                    started to withdraw from the camp on 16-17 April.

                    During the fighting Palestinian residents and Palestinian and foreign journalists and others outside the camp saw
                    hundreds of missiles being fired into the houses of the camp from Apache helicopters flying sortie after sortie. The
                    sight of the firepower being thrown at Jenin refugee camp led those who witnessed the air raids, including military
                    experts and the media, to believe that scores, at least, of Palestinians had been killed. The tight cordon round the
                    refugee camp and the main hospital from 4-17 April meant that the outside world had no means of knowing what was
                    going on inside the refugee camp; a few journalists were able to slip into the area at risk to their lives after 13 April, but
                    only saw a small portion of the camp, including some dead bodies before leaving. Those within the camp reachable by
                    telephone were confined to their homes and could not tell what was happening. It was in these circumstances that
                    stories of a "massacre" spread. Even the IDF leadership appeared unclear as to how many Palestinians had died:
                    General Ron Kitrey said on 12 April that hundreds had died in Jenin before correcting himself a few hours later saying
                    that hundreds had died or been wounded.

                    When Amnesty International delegates went to Jenin Hospital on 17 April they found only "walking wounded" - those
                    who had managed to make their own way through the IDF cordon. Doctors and diplomatic or other military experts
                    who visited the scene, aware that in armed combat there is usually a ratio of three or four seriously wounded people to
                    one dead person, wondered where were the heavily wounded. Stories of bodies buried in secret places or carried away
                    in refrigerated vans spread. After the IDF temporarily withdrew from Jenin refugee camp on 17 April, UNRWA set up
                    teams to use the census lists to account for all the Palestinians (some 14,000) believed to be resident of the camp on
                    3 April 2002. Within five weeks all but one of the residents was accounted for.

                    The following cases of unlawful killings were amongst those documented during the course of Amnesty Internationals
                    research in Jenin. Amnesty International submitted all of these cases to the IDF for clarification and comment in June
                    and July 2002 but has received no answer. In none of these cases does it appear that the Israeli authorities initiated
                    proper investigations. Amnesty International is concerned that the failure to investigate cases of unlawful killings gives
                    members of the IDF a carte blanche to continue.

Mundher Muhammad Amin al-Hajj

                    On 3 April, the first day of the incursion, 21-year-old Mundher al-Hajj, reportedly a member of a Palestinian armed
                    group, was shot and injured. Staff at the al-Razi hospital told Amnesty International that they made three attempts to
                    rescue Mundher al-Hajj carrying white flags but each time they were fired upon by the IDF. Hospital staff were able to
                    reach him approximately two hours after he was first reported in need of medical help. By that time he was dead.

'Afaf 'Ali Hassan al-Desuqi

                    During the military operations in Jenin refugee camp, as elsewhere, the IDF has frequently used explosives to open
                    doors of homes and buildings, sometimes without waiting to allow residents to open them, resulting in the death or
                    injury of a number of women and men. On 5 April 'Afaf al-Desuqi, 59, was killed when an explosive was used on the
                    door of her home as she went to open it. She had been called to open the door by her neighbour, Ismahan Abu Murad,
                    who was used as a "human shield" by the IDF to lead the way to the house. Ismahan Abu Murad confirmed the
                    account given by 'Afaf's sister, 'Aisha 'Ali Hassan al-Desuqi.

Jamal al-Sabbagh

                    On 6 April 2002, 33-year-old Jamal al-Sabbagh was shot by the IDF after he had been taken into their custody.
                    According to a witness, at the time Jamal al-Sabbagh was shot, he was unarmed and had posed no threat to the
                    soldiers who had detained him.

                    The day before Jamal al-Sabbagh's killing, a missile had destroyed his house. On 6 April Jamal al-Sabbagh, along
                    with other men aged between 16 and 45 years from the camp, were instructed by an IDF loudspeaker to come into the
                    streets. This occurred at approximately 6pm.

                    At this time, 16-year-old Muzaffar Jamal Zubaidi, from the Hawashin district of the camp, was at home. He heard the
                    loudspeaker instructing men in the district to go out into the street but he was alone and afraid. Soldiers were moving
                    around on foot and in tanks. He told Amnesty International delegates that he waited beside his house and was looking
                    to see if he recognised anyone going out into the street. When he saw his neighbour, Jamal al-Sabbagh, he left his
                    house to walk with him. It was getting dark by this time. He said that soldiers had each man strip to their underwear
                    and provide their details, including name and ID number. Jamal al-Sabbagh was carrying a sack with him and he
                    explained that the soldiers allowed him to carry his medicine, as he was diabetic, and to keep his clothes on. The
                    soldiers had instructed the men to walk to a square near the health clinic. Muzaffar Zubaidi and Jamal al-Sabbagh
                    walked there together.

Abd al-Karim Yusuf Sa'adi and Wadah Fathi Shalabi

                    On 6 April 2002, 27-year-old 'Abd al-Karim Sa'adi and 37-year-old Wadah Shalabi were shot dead by the IDF in an
                    alleyway close to the Sa'adi home. The two men were neighbours who lived near the entrance to the Jenin refugee
                    camp. At the time of their killing, the two men were with Wadah Shalabis father, Fathi Shalabi, who managed to
                    escape uninjured.

Ali Na'el Salim Muqasqas

                    Professor Derrick Pounder conducted an autopsy on the body of a 52-year-old man, later identified as 'Ali Na'el Salim
                    Muqasqas, in Jenin City Hospital on 17 April 2002. The autopsy disclosed a single fatal gunshot wound to the right
                    chest and heart which would have caused rapid death.

Jamal Fayed

                    It is clear that people were not always given sufficient time to evacuate homes before the IDF began bulldozing them.
                    In one such case, Jamal Fayed, a 38-year-old man, was killed when the bulldozing of his home caused a wall of his
                    house to collapse on him.

                    Jamal Fayed's mother, Fathiya Muhammad Sulayman Shalabi, told Amnesty International delegates that her son was
                    disabled from birth. He was unable to move on his own accord and he could not speak. The family's home is in the
                    Jurrat al-Dahab area of the camp, close to the Hawashin district. She described heavy fighting in and around her area
                    on 10 April, roughly one week after the first incursion to the camp. She said that on the following day, a missile hit
                    their house and the upper floors of the house had begun to burn. When they tried to leave the house, her aunt Fawziya
                    Muhammad was hurt. The family then climbed out through a side window but was unable to carry Jamal Fayed with
                    them. When they left the house, they informed the IDF, who had taken up position in a house nearby, that Jamal
                    Fayed was in the house and they should hold their fire. An IDF medic was there and treated Fawziya Muhammad's
                    wound. The family then sought shelter in an uncle's house where they remained for the evening.

                    The following day, Jamal's mother and sister went back to their home to check on Jamal. At that point Jamal was alive
                    and had not been injured.

Ahmad and Jamil Yusuf Ghazawi

                    On 21 June 2002, two months after Operation Defensive Shield, during the first days of Operation Determined Path
                    and the IDF reoccupation of the West Bank, the IDF shot from a tank at Dr Samer al-Ahmad, and killed two brothers,
                    six-year-old Ahmad and 12-year-old Jamil Yusuf Ghazawi, seriously wounding their brother, Tareq, and Dr al-Ahmad.

                    Following an IDF announcement that the curfew was lifted, six-year-old Ahmad Ghazawi took a shekel from his father
                    to buy candy. He went with his brothers Jamil, aged 12, and Tareq, aged 11. The area where the family lives is a
                    residential area on the edge of Jenin city, in Area C (under full Israeli control). Part of the incident was caught on video
                    by a neighbour on a rooftop. The film showed Dr Samer al-Ahmad's car and seven children (aged between six and 12)
                    four of them riding about on bicycles. There was no sound of firing, but suddenly there was a red flash and a blast.
                    Ahmad was dead with one leg severed and the other almost severed, Jamil was covered in cuts and blood and Tareq
                    lay near an electricity pole with a hole in his side and stomach.

                    Dr Samer al-Ahmad, aged 40, a veterinary doctor and Director of the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees for the
                    Jenin district, said that after the IDF announced the lifting the curfew from 10am to 2pm, he went by car to his office to
                    collect faxes and then went to a local shop, where he was told that the army was about and he should go home. The
                    shop was 200 metres from his home. As he drove into the main road he saw a tank moving down the road which fired
                    at him, wounding him through the back windscreen. He quickly turned off the road down the first side-street where he
                    saw a group of children playing, some on bicycles. The tank shot again, a tank round which apparently fragmented off
                    the wall.

Fares Hassan al-Sa'adi

                    On the evening of 21 June 2002, the IDF blew up an unoccupied house in the old city area of Jenin. The explosion also
                    demolished an adjacent house, which contained eight family members, all of whom were trapped in the rubble. Two
                    were seriously injured and one 12-year-old child, Fares, died. According to the family and neighbours no warning was
                    given to the family before the explosion, despite protests from a neighbour who had been used during this military
                    operation to check the adjacent house. Amnesty International interviewed neighbours, as well as family members.
                    Their accounts of the incident are consistent. The IDF has claimed the targeted property was used to store munitions.
                    Regardless of whether this was the case, the responsibility remains for those members of the IDF involved in the
                    operations to secure the safety of the civilian population in the immediate area.

                      AI-index: MDE 15/143/2002     04/11/2002
                      Israel and the Occupied Territories
                    Shielded from scrutiny: IDF violations in Jenin and Nablus

             Amnesty International's Conclusions

                    Torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention

                    In the towns and refugee camps occupied by the Israeli army the IDF ill-treated and sometimes reportedly tortured
                    Palestinians detained in mass roundups of males aged 15-55. Amnesty International interviewed many Palestinians
                    from Jenin who had been released from detention while they were still in Rumaneh, a village near Jenin, prevented from
                    returning to their homes. Amnesty International delegates also interviewed former Palestinian detainees arrested
                    during Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin and Nablus, who described the cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
                    punishment to which they had routinely been subjected. Most were humiliated and many were insulted. Many
                    described treatment amounting to torture, mostly in the form of random beatings with rifle butts.

                    Article 7 of the ICCPR prohibits torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; this article is
                    non-derogable. Israel has also ratified the Convention against Torture which states that "No exceptional circumstances
                    whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political in stability or any other public emergency, may
                    be invoked as a justification of torture" (Article 2(b)) and requires investigations into every allegation of torture or
                    ill-treatment (Article 12).

                    Under Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention "torture or inhuman treatment… unlawful confinement of a
                    protected person," and "wilfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed in the
                    present Convention" are all grave breaches of the Convention and therefore war crimes.

                    The use of Palestinians for military operations or as "human shields"

                    In both Jenin and Nablus, as many testimonies show, there was a pattern of forcing Palestinians to participate in
                    military operations or to act as "human shields". Women as well as men were used in this way.

                    The use of Palestinians as "human shields" and to conduct military operations was the subject of a petition in the
                    Israeli High Court in May 2002. Seven human rights organizations submitted a petition seeking to prevent the IDF from
                    using Palestinian civilians as "human shields". The State response was to indicate that the army had issued a ban on
                    all forces from using "human shields" (although it did not admit or deny that such a practice, known by the IDF as the
                    "neighbour procedure", was employed) and that it was to begin an internal investigation on the issues raised in the
                    petition. In light of the State response, the Court decided not to issue an injunction but requested that the State
                    submit a written copy of its orders.(27) This had not yet been done. Meanwhile, the practice of compelling
                    Palestinians to act as a "human shield" in military operations has continued. In August a Palestinian used as a
                    "human shield" by the IDF was killed in crossfire and the High Court of Justice issued an interim injunction against
                    this procedure; nevertheless, it still continues.(28)

                    Article 51 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the Occupying Power from compelling protected persons to
                    assist in military operations. Article 28 prohibits the use of protected persons as "human shields". Article 147 lists
                    "wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health" as a "grave breach". It is therefore also a war crime.

                    Keeping the world away: the failure of international action

                    The Israeli State has the primary obligation to respect articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention. In addition, under
                    Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention all states which are High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions
                    have an obligation to "respect and ensure respect" of the Convention.

                    The international community, governments, organizations and individuals, have taken a keen interest in the situation in
                    the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The relationship of the conflict to the deteriorating human rights situation has led
                    to a growing understanding that there can be no peace or security for the region until human rights are respected. The
                    failure to bring change has not been through a failure of awareness or even of will of most members of the international
                    community. In the United Nations, the European Union, the League of Arab States and in other intergovernmental
                    organizations, statements have been made and resolutions passed. Delegations have been sent to the area and
                    peace plans projected. But all attempts to end human rights violations and install a system of international protection
                    in Israel and the Occupied Territories, in particular by introducing monitors with a clear human rights mandate, have
                    been undermined by the refusal of the government of Israel, frequently supported by the United States, which as a
                    permanent member of the UN Security Council, is able to exercise its support for Israel by vetoing a Security Council

                    During April 2002, as Operation Defensive Shield continued, concern swiftly mounted on what was happening in areas
                    the IDF had closed to the outside world, such as Jenin and Nablus. There was unprecedented international pressure
                    on the Israeli government, including debates leading to resolutions and action in national parliaments throughout the
                    world, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; in United Nations bodies,
                    including the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights as well as scores of
                    diplomatic interventions and visits of governmental and parliamentary delegations to Israel.

                    However, the willingness of the international community under the auspices of the United Nations to act to ensure
                    protection of human rights, including the human rights of Israeli civilians targeted by Palestinian armed groups, were
                    consistently blocked by the Israeli government.

                    Only two days after the invasion of Jenin and Nablus, the UN Commission on Human Rights, meeting in Geneva on 5
                    April, requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to head a visiting mission to travel immediately and
                    return expeditiously to submit its findings and recommendations to the current session of the Commission. The
                    mission was set up on 8 April. However, on 19 April the Israeli Foreign Ministry informed the mission that the Israeli
                    Government would not facilitate their visit. At the request of the Commission on Human Rights the High Commissioner
                    for Human Rights issued a report on 24 April 2002 calling for full applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention, for both
                    sides to end the violence and for accountability on all sides:

                              "Failure to investigate widespread allegations of serious human rights violations and to seek
                              accountability risks undermining the integrity of the human rights system."(29)

                    The European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, and Josep
                    Pique, Foreign Minister of Spain, holding the European Union's Presidency at the time, visited Israel on 4 April. They
                    were not allowed to meet President Arafat. On 10 April the European Parliament called for the immediate suspension
                    of the EU-Israel Association Agreement. At the Euro-Mediterranean ministerial summit in Valencia on 22-24 April the
                    human rights situation in the Occupied Territories dominated the agenda; Javier Solana again visited Israel and the
                    Occupied Territories on 25 April holding meetings with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and, after some difficulty, was
                    allowed to meet President Yasser Arafat, then confined to his headquarters in Ramallah.

                    The UN Security Council under Resolutions 1397 and 1402 in March and Resolution 1403 in April, expressed concern
                    at the deterioration of the situation and called for a meaningful ceasefire. On 10 April the "Quartet", made up of
                    representatives of the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia, issued a public statement
                    urging Israel to implement Resolutions 1402 and 1403. US Secretary of State Colin Powell spent six days in Israel,
                    from 11 to 17 April, in an attempt at mediation.

                    As a result of increasing disquiet over the situation in Jenin and the devastation of demolished houses which greeted
                    the first observers from the international community able to enter Jenin refugee camp after 15 April, the UN responded
                    to calls for an international investigation which came from many groups, including Amnesty International. An
                    agreement to send a fact-finding team to "develop accurate information" regarding events in Jenin was agreed between
                    the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, and Israel's Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and welcomed by a unanimous
                    vote in Security Council resolution 1405 (2002) of 19 April 2002. The resolution also stressed the need for all to ensure
                    the safety of civilians and to respect universally accepted norms of international humanitarian law. The Fact-finding
                    team was composed of three eminent independent experts, (Martti Ahtisaari, former Prime Minister of Finland, Sadako
                    Ogata, former UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and Cornelio Sommaruga, former President of the ICRC), and
                    included military, police, legal, and medical advisers, including forensic expertise. After initially agreeing to the UN
                    Fact-finding team, the Israeli Government raised a series of objections relating to the membership and mandate of the
                    team. The Israeli Government then withdrew its cooperation and blocked its access to Israel. The team was disbanded
                    by the UN Secretary General on 3 May.

                    On 7 May 2002, the UN General Assembly requested the UN Secretary-General "to present a report, drawing on the
                    available resources and information, on the recent events that took place in Jenin and other Palestinian cities".(30)
                    This report was written without a visit to Jenin or other Palestinian cities. It was based solely on submissions from
                    member states, observer missions and non- governmental organizations, as well as documents already in the public
                    domain. Israel did not respond to a request by the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs to provide
                    information for the report. The report, made public in July 2002, reaffirms Israel's obligations under the Geneva
                    Conventions - and the Palestinian Authority's obligation under customary international law - to respect human rights.
                    Factually, many of its conclusions are in line with those of Amnesty International and other human rights
                    organizations. The report raises Israel's imposition of round the clock curfews, "restrictions on and sometimes
                    completely barring, the movement of international personnel, including at times humanitarian and medical personnel"
                    and stresses the "severe hardships" suffered by the civilian population (Para. 24). The report mentions numerous
                    reports of the IDF use of Palestinians to accompany them on house searches, detentions and ill-treatment of
                    Palestinians, vandalism by the IDF and "the widespread destruction of Palestinian and private property". It also states
                    accusations that Palestinian armed groups breached international humanitarian law by basing themselves in a densely
                    populated area and by the use of children to transport and possibly lay booby traps.

                    The Secretary General's report on events in Jenin and other Palestinian cities can not be a substitute for a full,
                    independent, impartial and thorough investigation or inquiry. Amnesty International is conscious that there is still an
                    overriding need for such an investigation of the events of Operation Defensive Shield. A full international Commission of
                    Inquiry with access to testimonies from individuals and records of both sides could thoroughly investigate each killing,
                    using forensic, legal and military expertise, to determine whether the killing was lawful or unlawful; it could investigate
                    the circumstances of the demolition and damage of each Palestinian home and building to determine the "absolute
                    military necessity" of its demolition; it could fully investigate the treatment of Palestinian detainees after arrest; the
                    extent of the use of "human shields" and the facts about the denial of medical and humanitarian aid. It could also fully
                    examine alleged breaches of international humanitarian law by Palestinian armed groups, and by the Palestinian
                    Authority during Operation Defensive Shield. A Commission of Inquiry could make clear recommendations with the
                    force of its investigations behind them.

                    War crimes and crimes against humanity are among the most serious crimes under international law, and represent
                    offences against humanity as a whole and are prohibited in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The
                    international community cannot therefore remain as ineffective witnesses of the grave violations which continue to take
                    place in Israel and the Occupied Territories.


The best source for this problem is a huge work (900 pages) "GULAG of Palestine". However, it available only in Russian.


In one of John Bryant-related essays, we can read:

"--Motto of the Mossad
``The [government] must put the most modern medical means in the service of this knowledge.... Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children.... The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune.''
-- Adolf Hitler"

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

--Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum."

Bloodshed and atrocities became a modern sacrifice for their new gods: one or another idea-fixe. However, this wild carnage, these bloody habits of Israelis have already left behind Hitler and Koenig's imagination.


People would argue that some of the crimes, described above, were committed not by Israel, but by Canadian hospitals and by the Federal Ministry of Immigration in Canada. First of all, we have already provided some clear evidence that all such crimes were committed by Israeli and Jewish extremists' people in Immigration and in other places, as well as because of the enormous Jewish-Israeli influence IN and OVER all Canadian institutions. There is also another point. Canada becomes more and more like Israel; Israeli moral standards, habits, views, ideology, intolerance, tyranny are enforced in Canada with an "iron hand". Israel wants to strip Canadians from their rights and freedoms, from their own political traditions, from their free will. Jewish newspapers like "Canadian Jewish News", Jewish media magnate Asper's editorials, Canadian Jewish Congress are lobbying anti-democratic, anti-privacy, Mossad-KGB-GESTAPO-like rules and laws by their saw-tones voices. Toronto's "National Post's" Jewish extremists' advocate and Zionist journalist Mrs. Stein, and a famous Zionist, Mr. Jil Troy are lobbying "law enforcement", "anti-terrorist legislation" and war on Iraq, repressive methods against dissidents. Jewish organizations and Jewish elite are using all their power for transferring Canada into a police state. And the very fact that - in spite of all this bizarre pressure from Jewish extremists and from United States - Canada is still a very modest politically, and relatively free country, reflects the level of Canadian oppression to Israeli-Jewish extremists' terrorism and global hegemony.

Others will probably compare situation with Palestinians with situation in Chechnia.

There is a very big principle difference between these two conflicts.

Palestinian territories were captured by the same sadistic Israeli regime, which presently rules from Jerusalem, BEFORE the "Jewish State" was even declared. Jewish terrorists - extremists-Zionists – have captured Arab territories by war on Arabs, and "liberated" them from the "Arab presence" by atrocities and massacres, which have removed any distance between Jewish Zionists – and nazis. We must understand that some Arab population was left there not because Jewish bandits (Israelis) just voluntarily stopped atrocities, but because of a mighty public outcry – worldwide, - which forced Israelis to stop killings. Israeli policy towards Palestinians is a total genocide. They were ready to kill millions of Arabs "to clean "aretz Israel" from them", and to continue keeping a small number of others as slaved and transplant organs donors – if they could just ignore Europe's opinion.

Chechnia got into the present Russian regime's hands from the previous regimes, together with all Chechen-related problems. Russian Empire and then – Soviet Empire have never planned to kill ALL Chechens. Even during the brutal Stalin's deportation most of the Chechens could survive.

Palestinian territories' status is "occupied territories", they are an occupied land, without any other status. Israelis actually have build the biggest concentration camp in human history, surrounded Palestinian territories by walls and army-controlled border, placing military checkpoints all over this concentration camp. Generations of Palestinians have no citizenship, no passports, no rights. The situation of Palestinians is an illustration, what the Jews (I mean – Israeli regime and Jewish financial elite, as well as organizations like Bnei Brith or Jewish Congresses in Canada and USA) will do with all of us – Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, Jewish orthodox, who don't recognize the state of Israel, when they will capture the whole world (and they are now closer to this then ever before).

Chechens – on the other hand – were citizens of USSR, and then – of Russia, and they could travel to Moscow and other regions of the country without specific restrictions. Till now they have passports and – formally – rights of the citizens of Russia.

There is no war between Israeli – and Palestinians. Palestinian Intifadah (upraise) against Israeli occupants is a small mutiny of disarmed prisoners against the prison's administration. Teenagers, throwing stones – this is the "war" from the Palestinian side. And the rare terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians are acts of total despair and agony, committed by the brutally terrorized by Israelis people.

In Chechnia there is a real war, and Chechen guerillas are a well-armed and well-trained army.

Until we will not be able to understand that Israeli expansion (and Israeli terrorism) are products of an alienated to ours, degraded Eastern culture – we will not be able to oppress the aggressor.


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